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Hawkwind - No longer includes Unmixed Silver Machine

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:18
by James Blast
Seems there are quite a few fans, so I thought we should take it here.

V' Wind are the only band I've seen 5 times - in the 70s ;D

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:31
by EvilBastard
Orkwind? Isn't that wot 'appens when certain characters from Tolkein 'ave beans for tea?

And they do flippin' kick live. I've never seen a gig anything stronger than Amsterdam's Favourite Export, but judging from the behaviour of some of my fellow concert go-ers...well, let's just say that they look like they might be friends with EMWK... :lol:

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:31
by mh
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:
Like you read mah mind!

Never seen them, wouldn't bother these days to be honest.

Anyway, to kickstart something, here's my top 5:

1) Warrior on the Edge of Time
2) In Search of Space
3) Space Ritual
4) Hall of the Mountain Grill
5) Doremi Fasol Latido

Garage prog indeed!

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:40
by EvilBastard
Top Tracks:

1. Warrior on the Edge of Time
2. Quark Strangeness & Charm
3. Silver Machine
4. Psychedelic Warlords (disappear in smoke)
5. Damage of Life
6. Lost Johnny
7. Secret Agent
8. Mask of the Morning
9. Urban Guerilla
10. Angels of Death

What do you think to some of the solo projects - Captured Rotation and Strange Trips & Pipe Dreams?

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:41
by James Blast

and mine:
1) Space Ritual
2) Doremi Fasol Latido
3) Hall of the Mountain Grill
4) Warrior on the Edge of Time
5) XIn Search of Space

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:43
by Dark
I only know Silver Machine and Motorhead.

Dig that crazy fiddle. 8)

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:44
by Izzy HaveMercy
EvilBastard wrote:well, let's just say that they look like they might be friends with EMWK... :lol:

You mean you don't see 'em around that often anymore? :|


Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 22:57
by weebleswobble
Pish Fur Fuds.............NEXT!

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 23:14
by jande
Saw them play as a three piece last year in Blackburn, they sounded not to bad.

favourite songs in no particular order
Hassan I Sabha
Days Of The Underground
Flying Doctor
Needle Gun
Urban Guerilla
Organ Accumulator
High Rise
Death Trap
Choose Your Masques
Angels Of Death
25 Years
Seven By Seven
Valium 10
Who's Gonna Win The War
(Only) The Dead Dreams Of A Cold War Kid

looks like I may have hit the magic 70 minutes may as well burn to cd :)

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 23:16
by James Blast
Third Stike!


I sentence you to an eternity on a bus going to Cranhill on a rainy Sunday in 1970 - For Ever! :twisted:

Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 23:24
by Izzy HaveMercy
James Blast wrote:I sentence you to an eternity on a bus going to Cranhill on a rainy Sunday in 1970 - For Ever! :twisted:
This stretch of time, as mentioned by James, is also better known as One-Hawkwind-LP or OHLP.


Posted: 09 Aug 2006, 23:26
by Grison
I first heard about them in the late 70´s, when Motörhead was becoming popular, "must check out that other band that Lemmy used to play with"
First albums bought was "warriors", and then Live ´79.

Some favourite albums:
Space Ritual
In search of space
Warrior on the edge of time
Well, all United Artists albums are favourites,

the rest:
Live ´79 (and the double cd of later years)
Choose your Masques
Chronicle of the black sword

After Xenon codex they became dull IMO, and i lost interest in them after Palace springs.

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 00:28
by jay
For all those out there who've never heard Hawkwind, just listen to Space is Deep turned up to 11...and groove on down to the celestial deathscape

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 00:31
by jay
Grison wrote:I first heard about them in the late 70´s, when Motörhead was becoming popular, "must check out that other band that Lemmy used to play with"
First albums bought was "warriors", and then Live ´79.

Some favourite albums:
Space Ritual
In search of space
Warrior on the edge of time
Well, all United Artists albums are favourites,

the rest:
Live ´79 (and the double cd of later years)
Choose your Masques
Chronicle of the black sword

After Xenon codex they became dull IMO, and i lost interest in them after Palace springs.
Don't forget The Rocking Vicars

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 00:36
by jay
For all those craving that crazy early 70's throb....check out what Copey usually hits the spot

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 00:46
by jay
Essential tracks (no particular order)

Space is Deep(cos it drops a key and makes my brain fly)
Brainstorm(cos if it wasn't for this song Johnny Rotten wouldn't exsist)
Hassan I Sabbah
Kadu Flyer
Quark, Stangeness and Charm
Orgone Accumulator(freaky mellotron action)
Master of the Universe(THE riff)
The Watcher (for Lemmys vocal performance alone)
Urban Guerrilla(for the unintentional timing of it's release)
Heads (Necromancing lives forever...well of course)
Kiss of the Velvet Whip(cos it sounds like poor Notting Hill hippies trying to sound like the Velevet Undergound...of course)
Golden Void(cos it rips your head off when on the correct medication)
The Demented Man(for the seagulls)
PSI Power
Watching the Grass Grow
(Only) The Dead Dreams of the Cold War Kid
Psychedelic Warlords (Disappear in Smoke)
Lord of Light(cos I thought they were singing about elephants(not elements) over a seriously groovy Lemmy bass hoe down
Over the Top (for Bob Calverts truly bonkers performance)


Over the Top:
"This is a very heavy microphone stand.
Aha, no queen could banish this I tell you that.
This is a real man's microphone stand
'ere Dave. 'Ere, where d'you get these stands from?
They're really heavy. So are you.
Well we're gonna do something really heavy in a minute.
Like, err.., fall off the stage on top of you,
With about two hundredweight of iron in my hand.
You're a very tiny person, aren't you?
Eh? You're all very tiny down there.
You know, when I'm up here, I feel so big and mighty,
I feel like I'm the Master …Of the …Universe.
You made me feel like that,
And now, It's almost true.
Just wait and see, What we do.
Alright, cut the gypsy music.
A band of gypsys"....

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 09:40
by Obviousman
Another ace band the Great Blast introduced me to indeed :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 10:30
by markfiend
I found a torrent a while ago with the following on mp3:

In Search Of Space
Doremi Fasol Latido
Space Ritual
Hall of the Mountain Grill
Warrior on the Edge of Time
Astounding sounds, Amazing music
Quark, Strangeness and Charm


Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 10:46
by jay
markfiend wrote:I found a torrent a while ago with the following on mp3:

In Search Of Space
Doremi Fasol Latido
Space Ritual
Hall of the Mountain Grill
Warrior on the Edge of Time
Astounding sounds, Amazing music
Quark, Strangeness and Charm

Yeah just download them cos Dave Brock does not need the money. He has a nice big swimming pool and the bastard has never had to work in an office EVER

Does he look like he needs our money?

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 11:35
by markfiend
Point taken. :oops:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 11:42
by Dark
If it makes you feel any better, I didn't buy either track.

Though I did consider going to see them a year or two ago on my birthday, in London, on the basis of Silver Machine alone.

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 13:35
by spot778

Seen 'em twice !

I wish they wore some type of Mobius inspired headgear but they rocked all the same.

in no paritcular order

Space Ritual (F'ing ACE)
Warrior on The Edge of Time
In Search Of Space
Live 1999 (taped in 70's though Chicago show)
Hall Of The Mountain Grill
Live Cronicles (well bits of it anyway)

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 13:53
by mh
jay wrote:Urban Guerrilla(for the unintentional timing of it's release)
And for being ahead of Search And Destroy (musically) by a coupla years.

Yay the 'Wind! :notworthy:

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 14:45
by James Blast
jay wrote:
Grison wrote:must check out that other band that Lemmy used to play with
Don't forget The Rocking Vicars
and Sam Gopal's Dream

Posted: 10 Aug 2006, 14:51
by jay
James Blast wrote:
jay wrote:
Grison wrote:must check out that other band that Lemmy used to play with
Don't forget The Rocking Vicars
and Sam Gopal's Dream
and Opal Butterfly