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13 Years

Posted: 15 Aug 2006, 23:41
by mh
It's roundabout now, 13 years ago, that Under The Gun, the last new Sisters release, came out.

And in the merry spirit of using Von's own words against him:
Dear Doktor wrote:We'll try to ignore everything you put out in the last thirteen years.
That would be nothing, then.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 00:00
by Hexenstübchen
In some more enlightened civilizations, thirteen is a very prophetic number.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 07:18
by lachert
me think, that there was a "shot rev. 2" after "under the gun"... :eek: :innocent:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 09:36
by pearson
don't forget "we are the same,susanne"(released in march 2003)!!!

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 09:40
by Obviousman
pearson wrote:don't forget "we are the same,susanne"(released in march 2003)!!!


Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 09:44
by markfiend
Official live mp3 download doesn't really count as a "release" though does it?

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 12:35
by robertzombie
"Real bands make records

now... who was it that said that?

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 15:29
by Ramone
markfiend wrote:Official live mp3 download doesn't really count as a "release" though does it?
Kinda says it all really! You do less than nothing for over a decade, you expect your hardcore followers to stand by you as your media popularity and musical career nose dives and how do you repay them for years of loyality - by releasing an Mp3 ! To me that is a smack in the face for every soul who has bought a Sisters of Mercy record and since then helped keep the name alive by doing such things as writing on forums, buying t-shirts, attending the concerts and spending hours constructing web -sites.

From 1982 til 1990 the Sisters of Mercy had one of the most passionate followings I've ever seen. Their concerts where like rallies back in the '80's . The atmosphere at Sisters gigs was something I've never witnessed since. Maybe the Mishun coame close during World Crusade in 1986, but alot of that was on the back of the Sisters demise, but then again, without the Sisters we'd of had no Mish.

No recorded release since 1990 is a disgrace. How can an artist dry up so quickly, does this prove he had no real input into the Sisters music at all near the end? Once the band broke up in 1985 he has struggled to recapture that esscence and mystique the Sisters once had.

Floodland was met with a mixed response from die hard Sisters fans, many deconstructed the album and said it was poor and lack lustre, others saw the album through tinted glasses and would of said it was a classic even it had been full of nursery rhymes!

Most artists rise above the current trends and plough their own groove, much like the Sisters did in the early days. But since then, music has passed him by. The NIN industrial phase came and went, the electronic Depeche Mode phase all went by . Where were the Sisters when you needed them most? What was he doing during this time, certainly not writing any ground breaking music or for that matter writing /producing for some one else. When Vision Thing was released it was seen as the building block to something new..a nn exciting direction that we could salivate over. Tracks such as ;Ribbons, More, When You don't see me..all fine tunes all waiting to be built upon..but since then..nothing.

In my humble opinion, the man has lost it. Even his loyal fans claim the 'new' stuff is weak and predictable. And for a man who has famously said he doesn't want to 'rest on his laurels' I'm afraid that the time may soon come that this is all he will have left to peddle to his audience. The past.

If what I hear is true, once again the Nephilim will steal the thunder from under the nose of Eldritch and he will be left lost and alone. A sad end to one who meant so much and offered such hope musically to a generation .

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 15:50
by Syberberg
I think the word you're looking for there ramone is "stagnated".

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 15:55
by Ramone
Syberberg wrote:I think the word you're looking for there ramone is "stagnated".
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: We speak your name Syberberg.

Stagnated is such a harsh word, yet a very precise one for this thread.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 16:22
by markfiend
It's a fücker of a case of writer's block.

What are there, ten songs written since Under The Gun? (Which is itself of course a re-working of a song by someone else)

And one of those is an instrumental.

Not exactly banging them out is he? :|

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 16:32
by Obviousman
Didn't someone once say he lost his creativity when he stopped drugs :?:

Hard to imagine you lost all inspiration after a 12.5 year carrier in music, perhaps he's just not pleased with what comes out and only makes new stuff because the guitarists keep nagging about it? :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 16:42
by Ramone
markfiend wrote:It's a fücker of a case of writer's block.

What are there, ten songs written since Under The Gun? (Which is itself of course a re-working of a song by someone else)

And one of those is an instrumental.

Not exactly banging them out is he? :|
The almost equates to ONE song a year..if me, Fiend, Syberberg,Quiff and Obvious formed a band ten years ago..learnt to play, rehearsed and recorded ..we'd of done more in musical terms in those ten years than he has done in a decade!! Cos I think, with our musical genius, even we could of knocked out more than one song a year between us!They may of been crap, but it would of been more than he's done in the meantime.

Hey Ho Let's go!!

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 16:51
by hallucienate
Obviousman wrote:Didn't someone once say he lost his creativity when he stopped drugs :?:
When did he stop taking drugs? :eek:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 16:53
by pearson
10 songs? sure?

"s h i t loads"(GPS5) :von:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 17:00
by Obviousman
hallucienate wrote:
Obviousman wrote:Didn't someone once say he lost his creativity when he stopped drugs :?:
When did he stop taking drugs? :eek:
I don't have a clue, I just remember reading that :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 17:31
by Ramone
Let's face it girls and boys, we're flogging a dead horse here, there's no gold in dem der hills, there's no sunshine after the rain, no reason for the existance of Big Brother Celebrity Get me the hell out here I'm a survivor island, The Sisters as a franchise is long dead - We know it, he knows it - even the one eyed cat down the road from me knows it. And we've know in for many years now.

He has nothing in the tank - yet still has no shame in charging his 'fans' over twenty quid to help him pay off his mortgage every now and then. For shame.

I have a cunning plan, let's ditch the Sisters forum idea ! Let's start a ..wait for it.. your gonna like this..Rosetta Stone reformation forum..all in favour say 'aye' !! No one? Me too. Back to flogging that dead horse then.. Victoria Smythe-Ponsonby hand me that riding crop would you, there's a dear. Now stand well back this may draw blood!


Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 17:47
by lachert
think pink. at last we've got ssv. go figure :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 18:20
by aims
markfiend wrote:It's a fücker of a case of writer's block.

What are there, ten songs written since Under The Gun? (Which is itself of course a re-working of a song by someone else)

And one of those is an instrumental.

Not exactly banging them out is he? :|
There are allegedly some less bombastic ones in the sidelines that weren't suitable for playing live. So that'll make it about 12 :lol:

But if I can write and record 20 songs (3 instrumental), have several riffs left over and record/produce a few albums worth of material for other people in the space of a year, you'd think he might be able to do something more in 10.

Y'know, if he hadn't shot himself in both feet several times with dumdums by striking :urff:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 18:46
by Syberberg
Ramone wrote::notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: We speak your name Syberberg.

Stagnated is such a harsh word, yet a very precise one for this thread.
:lol: I'm Northern, so I speak as I find.
Ramone wrote:if me, Fiend, Syberberg,Quiff and Obvious formed a band ten years ago..learnt to play, rehearsed and recorded
Now there's an idea...:innocent:

What's really galling is that if it hadn't been for The Sisters I'd never have put pen to paper nor picked up a guitar, bass or keyboard in the first place to get the music and words out of my head and Out There for other people to listen to. I've never been that bothered if anyone else actually likes what I do...if they do, they do and if they don't, they don't.

When I left the Uni Refectory in Leeds this year, I was left with a very empty feeling. Despite the new guitarists, nothing had changed since I last saw The Sisters at Bristol on the Smoke and Mirrors tour. I had a ticket for Manchester and the chance to go to Bristol as well and for the first time ever my reaction was "What's the point?". ':('

Hmmmm...after you with that there riding crop ramone.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 19:11
by Dark
Ramone wrote:Let's start a ..wait for it.. your gonna like this..Rosetta Stone reformation forum..all in favour say 'aye' !!
Aye. Get them back, get us more Adrenalines.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 20:04
by smiscandlon
Dark wrote:
Ramone wrote:Let's start a ..wait for it.. your gonna like this..Rosetta Stone reformation forum..all in favour say 'aye' !!
Aye. Get them back, get us more Adrenalines.
And make them apologise for The Tyranny Of Inaction.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 20:09
by aims

Someone had to, I guess :lol:

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 20:44
by mh
I have this theory.

Von may be something of a lazy (and possibly passive-agressive) git. When he has a record deal, he expects the company to do all of the work, and the band (being himself) to do zip. So when he had a deal, he basically sat on his arse (literally or metaphorically) and treated us like shite. Lazy gigs in 85, zero band work during the Floodland period, terminal whingeing during the VT period. Then when it goes pear-shaped, he rather conveniently blames someone else for it and splits the band (which didn't happen post Floodland, cos there was no band to split).

When he doesn't have a record deal, however, he gets off his ass and does stuff. Nobody to blame if it goes wrong, so that's the motivation he needs.

Posted: 16 Aug 2006, 22:50
by pearson
We don't release studio albums more often ... Andrew E.