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1981 - 2006 a history in tickets.....

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 19:53
by Armageddon

Posted: 20 Aug 2006, 22:08
by James Blast

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 18:27
by jenzi-benzi
with Von's signature on the Paris Ticket!

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 19:24
by Ozpat
Copies of tickets? :roll:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 20:17
by jenzi-benzi
Ozpat wrote:Copies of tickets? :roll:
yes, quite strange. always kept my tickets for my memories, but "foreign" tickets :lol: . not my case.

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:14
by SomeKindOfStranger
if anyone is interested, I am happy to sell photos of my sisters LPs. :wink:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:16
by Obviousman
SomeKindOfStranger wrote:if anyone is interested, I am happy to sell photos of my sisters LPs. :wink:
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:26
by sabine
jenzi-benzi wrote:yes,
with Von's signature on the Paris Ticket!
The scan of the ticket for Paris is actually DocP's on doctoravalanche's site. :roll:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:28
by James Blast
I'll show my arse in Burton's window if anyone's interested...
no, thought not :urff: ;D :lol:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:31
by Obviousman
sabine wrote:
jenzi-benzi wrote:yes,
with Von's signature on the Paris Ticket!
The scan of the ticket for Paris is actually DocP's on doctoravalanche's site. :roll:
What a bloody rip off :eek: :evil:

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 21:41
by James Blast
sabine wrote:The scan of the ticket for Paris is actually DocP's on doctoravalanche's site. :roll:
poor show and thanks for the heads up Sabine

Posted: 21 Aug 2006, 23:44
by Ozpat
sabine wrote:
jenzi-benzi wrote:yes,
with Von's signature on the Paris Ticket!
The scan of the ticket for Paris is actually DocP's on doctoravalanche's site. :roll:
Yes indeed! :roll: :evil:

He had it signed in Cologne...

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 00:08
by Hexenstübchen
Where I get angry is that the seller doesn't state that they are scans or originals. And therefore covers themselves against any complaints. Hmm ....... some poor soul who pays €25 for a Sisters boot (free on your weeding section) will buy it. That's not good. :evil:

I trade on ebay and elsewhere and I am always totally honest. If it's a silver CDr, it's a silver CDr. If it's a silver CDr with cover artwork, it's a silver CDr etc etc. If it's a labelled CDr with cover artwork then etc etc. I want my 100% feedback. :D

The seller is also showing the same thing on

Auch so, being sold by a German so no need to comment on the font and grammar and/or punctuation. But look at their previous ebay selling success. :lol:

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 10:38
by Armageddon
I don´t understand !
On ebay there is a clear notice, that these
are copies from tickets. It´s just a history in tickets... ( a fanzine) and not the tickets.
The one from Paris is taken from the net (and special these is show for
example of 4 from 52 pages) , others
are from my originals and from friends. And I think there are lots of rare
ones before 1985, that most of you havn´t seen, beacuse they are too
I just want to show you all, as above said, the history - or does somebody think, when there
is a bootleg guide for sale like "A Fragment" , that
all the vinyls would be sold in originals ???
Better is to read the complete text slowly and
think about it !
This book is from a fan - not from a moneymaker !!

Armageddon (Thomas from Germany)

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 10:45
by Armageddon
if anyone is interested, I am happy to sell photos of my sisters LPs.

Funny idea - but what do you want to say us with
these ? The Sisters LP´s are all well know and shown in several bottleg guides like "A fragment"
where i helped years ago ! But nowwhere is
a ticket guide with over 180 tickets availabel.

If you have anything to say, you could also
contact me directly !!

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 10:58
by Badlander
Armageddon wrote: This book is from a fan - not from a moneymaker !!
Then why don't you do a shiny brand new website instead of some, erm, crappy amateur book ? It would be free and it would be available to everybody. :innocent:
If you have anything to say, you could also contact me directly !!
Sure, if only I had the slightest interest in your book. :roll:
Seriously, this is a Sisters discussion forum. So are we allowed to discuss Sisters-related stuff, just like this item, or are we not ?

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 11:27
by Armageddon
Yes, you are right - and because of this I did my answers !
About the homepage - maybe a good idea - will work for you all
on it ....!

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 20:18
by Hexenstübchen
All credit to Armageddon, his description on ebay has now been amended to read 'copies' (in both English and German text). 8)

And there's an interesting discussion on the PD forum between Armageddon and a PD mod (where perhaps Armageddon can express himself better) regarding the "usefullness" of what he's selling and ultimately, money in his back pocket. :|

As I said in my last post, lots of mute (moot?) points.

I do feel that what Armageddon is trying to do has some merit but chaneled and presented in the wrong direction.

Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 21:54
by Ozpat
Badlander wrote:
Armageddon wrote: This book is from a fan - not from a moneymaker !!
Then why don't you do a shiny brand new website instead of some, erm, crappy amateur book ? It would be free and it would be available to everybody. :innocent:
I'm a fan who collects Sisters stuff and it is not for sale. I trade.
Putting stuff on e-bay is for commercial purposes. If you like it so much and want to share it; put it in the weeding section.


Posted: 22 Aug 2006, 22:02
by James Blast
simple solution:
Armageddon just upload your stuff to the HL Gallery, game over.
We will love you and welcome your sharing.
You shall be spoken of, in reverent tones as that 'nice bloke who shared his ticket collection'.

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 01:14
by Drenchrom
Jesus people give the guy a break. Surely some of you people spend far too long sat in front of a computer as it is. Read a book, or at least look at some pictures.

I'm sure that plenty of people on this list have things that they have no intention of sharing with everyone else, at least Thomas has done something interesting with the tickets he has. If i'd known about it i'd have sent him scans of all my tickets.

p.s I've got half a dozen (black & white) good shots from the Off The Streets show of Eldo with Utah Saints to post as and when. If you're interested, along with the scans for the Last Magacian gatefold 7".

matt.. (bemused by the hostile reaction to a book of tickets, don't forget English isn't the guys 1st language)

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 01:36
by weebleswobble
Drenchrom wrote:Jesus people give the guy a break. Surely some of you people spend far too long sat in front of a computer as it is. Read a book, or at least look at some pictures.

How to win friends and influence people :innocent:

Drenchrom wrote: p.s I've got half a dozen (black & white) good shots from the Off The Streets show of Eldo with Utah Saints to post as and when. If you're interested, along with the scans for the Last Magacian gatefold 7".
Much better :wink:

Drenchrom wrote:
matt.. (bemused by the hostile reaction to a book of tickets, don't forget English isn't the guys 1st language)
Not hostile just critical, we are allowed. English as a second language covers lots of peeps on this forum. See anything by most MacHeartlanders, so that is never a problem.

Dinny take it tae heart Matt, we all float down here..... ;D

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 11:12
by taylor

you dont know very well the HL peoples : them want everythings but dont want pay a penny for :lol: :lol:

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 12:32
by scotty
taylor wrote:@armageddon

you dont know very well the HL peoples : them want everythings but dont want pay a penny for :lol: :lol:
That'll be the Yorkshire contingent Taylor, they're tighter than a Scotsman with short arms and deep pockets :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 24 Aug 2006, 13:46
by Petseri
The idea is noble enough. I am sure that peole around here even would have contributed to the project had you asked. As a refernce tool, potentially useful.

Cheeky, though, is to come here and make your first post a link to an eBay sale. (I am not singling you out for this either; I rag on everyone who uses HL as a personal flea market.) Also eyebrow raising is to use scans of tickets from others without consent. Sure, they may be available on the web for everyone to see, but you end up being the one making money on their images.

You claim that you are not a money maker. The evidence seems to lean toward the opposite, though.

Falls eich mich irre, kannst Du mir ein Private Message schicken. Ich kann einigermaßen deutsch, falls das fuer Dich einfacher ist.


P.S. This reminds me of the guy who was selling the video, without audio, to a 2006 gig. Cheeky, too, but also potentially interesting had someone been able to synch it to a separate audio source.