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McCoy interview

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 23:23
by Maisey
Enter ye the mysterious caverns of the seven angels and despair all ye who know the coming of the necro moongoat is at hand

Nice interveiw. But what kind of mushroom is that person on?

I mean Carl has always been prone to weirdness, but how do you work out a sensible answer to question like that? I wonder how long he spent working it all out first...

Its almost as bad as black metal lyrics, and they ARE bad, like a poem written by death obsessed 5 year old.

Posted: 12 Sep 2006, 23:57
by James Blast
that one's a three pipe problem...

I'll get back...

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 00:15
by weebleswobble
The interviewer is a tw@t :eek:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 00:19
by mh
Oh dear.

Somebody has been reading HP Lovecraft again. :lol:

Edit: Carl comes across as a very ordinary bloke, doesn't he? "I just follow me nose". Does he ever catch it, I wonder?

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 01:11
by eotunun
Boy, there must have been some serious hail when the interviewer went to see McCoy. And he didn´t wear a helmet..

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 12:35
by Norman Hunter
It seems as if the interviewer and McCoy weren't having the same conversation. Same stuff we've heard from him re: Mourning Sun with a little bit more - bassist on STTL etc.

All good FoTN nonsense, though - we love it :D

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 18:15
by wild bill buttock
Something I noticed about that....erm...interview is that McCoys answers are virtually the same as the ones he gave during the Kerrang radio interview.
I can only suggest that either the Interviewer is as mad as a lorry and has never actually met Mr McCoy and has just swapped the original interviewers questions with pretentious,pseudo-mystical arse or Carl McCoy is an android programmed to give the same answers to any question any interviewr asks.

This leads me to a Heartland exclusive;
Wild Bill Buttock interviews Carl McCoy(In the Lagoon Pub in Tipton)

WBB;Like wow!Look its Carl McCoy!OOh ee heavy,Oi Carl!Over here!!!!Fancy a pint?Was was it,a pint of Absinthe with a lemonade top ain't it?

MCCOY: After the ZOON album which was in 1996 I had started a couple of projects that weren't happening and I had a couple of problems with record companies releasing stuff without my knowledge and it kind of slowed the whole process up really. I spent quite a few years not being able to release anything because problems had been caused for me by them. Mourning Sun was actually only born about two years ago and that's when I started the concept of writing and recording so for me it's not that long for the record to be complete. I guess what is meant to be is what is meant to be.

WBB;Oh right,I thought "Zoon" was a right sack of donkey dollop.I bet you thought it was a right laugh,giving a load of spazzy goths a thrash metal album.Wasn't so funny when no-one bought it though was it?

MCCOY: We had made an album called ELIZIUM a few years ago and after that I kind of broke down the band and decided I wanted an answer back to ELIZIUM which had different band members involved and the music was a bit more extreme -- I felt at the time anyway. So I decide to put ZOON under a different name so the old audience didn't feel they were being tricked into believing it was the old, typical FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM sound. In retrospect it does fit into the whole scheme of things but at the time it didn't seem that way. It was out of fairness to the audience so that I could point out that the ZOON album was a bit different, but now it fits totally. I just think it's one of those things but it's all NEPHILIM to me.

WBB;Paul Wright called me a Farty-pants on The Dawnrazor forum cus I said the last rites new album was a bit dull.His Missus seems a bit of a miserable mare,was she the Nephilim's Yoko Ono?

MCCOY: I've always been composing anyway but I don't have any members from the past. The bass parts aren't played by Tony but a friend of mine who's been around and who I've known for years. There's a few people honestly that I know who have similar backgrounds, flavors and tastes and it's obviously an important part of the sound of the NEPHILIM. I suppose you're referring more to the kind of "Straight to The Light" sound that's kind of reminiscent of "Psychonaut" and I kind of found some of the tracks from the past we never took further and I found that a bit disappointing really so obviously I wanted to pick those things back up. That's part of the concept of THE NEPHILIM and I think that's part of the whole picture of it and it's not down to individuals. I think that's kind of how I picture the whole sound anyway.

WBB;Is it true you cancelled the tour because tour sponsers "Homepride" sent 10 crates of curry cook-in sauce instead of 10 crates of self raising?

MCCOY: I kind of follow me own nose, I mean I'm aware of what goes on out there but it's nothing I would drastically strive for. I think with THE NEPHILIM and the concept of the band there are a lot of light and dark areas out there and we should use them because there are a lot of emotions to play around with. The influence of ZOON was in me more than anything.

WBB;Is it true that your lack of album is due to a fear that you might end up sounding like Rubicon if your not careful?

MCCOY: It's always different and I don't have a format. It's always a chaotic approach and I've normally got sounds and pictures in my head so I kind of scratch down a soundtrack to a movie in my mind and I spend a lot of time on my own, especially on Morning Sun. I didn't see the light of day much and I didn't see many people when I was involved either. It was a bit of a reclusive process but sometimes it's necessary for you to see the truth rather than being influenced by the outside. It's not something where you go away and consciously go, "all right, I'm going to make this record like this." It's like a jigsaw puzzle where you lay down a couple of parts and it becomes obvious where you're going to go with it. It kind of unfolds before your eyes and before you know it you've created a record or a mess (laughter). It's a chaotic approach really. I suppose the esoteric plays a roll as well as it's my nature and it's my character and I have to be true to myself and whatever inspires me. Its part of the whole thing and it's part combination and chemical reaction of chords, sounds and vocals that you can't have one without the other. As long as it conjures up the emotions and feelings intended that's what's most important. It is a kind of a magical process really.

WBB;I heard "mourning sun" was originally to be a concept album about a chirpy cockney barrow boy called "Morning,me old son" which was based around variations of "The lambeth walk" and featuring a mystical voice-over by Dick Van Dyke,How true is this?

MCCOY: I don't feel it's very fitting for us because a lot of the audience collects the music of THE NEPHILIM. I think they want the package, the artowrk and the actual physical hard copy. Same for me really. I mean if I like something I like to own it. I don't like to view it there as a lot of zeros and ones on my computer. I think it loses something and it's like when you go out and buy a book you want the hard copy and you want to take it with you and own it. You don't want to download it and print it out yourself. I think there will always be a case of people actually wanting to buy the product.

WBB;Fancy another pint Macca,You get em in then,I'm away for a slash.

MCCOY: Yeah, that's me on the cover. I always create me own artwork and it's part of what I do really. Its part of the imagery and what goes on in my mind when I'm making a record. In fact it often comes first. They go hand in hand and I can't do one without the other.

WBB;Where's my pint then you tight f**ker?Whad'ya mean your skint?You best p*ss off out the pub then.We don't like scrounging Goths round here pal!

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 18:25
by James Blast
Bill (can I call you Wilde?), you're a comic genius :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 18:42
by Maisey
we should do a poll, interviewer insane with a copy and pasted set of answers. Or a genuine bit of gobbaldy-gook?

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 19:32
by mh
wild bill buttock wrote:WBB;Paul Wright called me a Farty-pants on The Dawnrazor forum
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just let go.


Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 20:03
by weebleswobble
Maisey wrote:we should do a poll, interviewer insane with a copy and pasted set of answers. Or a genuine bit of gobbaldy-gook?
  • Copy and Pasted
    Pills and Wasted

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 20:09
by James Blast
Jist noticed mh nice sig Image

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 21:52
by TheBoyNextDoor
wild bill buttock wrote:WBB;Paul Wright called me a Farty-pants on The Dawnrazor forum cus I said the last rites new album was a bit dull.His Missus seems a bit of a miserable mare,was she the Nephilim's Yoko Ono?
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 23:28
by wild bill buttock
mh wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:WBB;Paul Wright called me a Farty-pants on The Dawnrazor forum
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just let go.

I know I really should let it go,but unfortunately it is my only brush with fame.I expect I'll be going on about it for years,sad bastard that I am.

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 23:41
by James Blast
wild bill buttock wrote:I know I really should let it go,but unfortunately it is my only brush with fame.I expect I'll be going on about it for years,sad bastard that I am.
but will you ever learn to put a space after a comma, we need to know? :twisted:

Posted: 13 Sep 2006, 23:54
by wild bill buttock
Possibly not,I expect.


Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 04:14
by Ocean Moves
James Blast wrote:Bill (can I call you Wilde?), you're a comic genius :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:
Agreed. THAT was funny. :lol:

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 11:42
by DeWinter
wild bill buttock wrote:
WBB;Oh right,I thought "Zoon" was a right sack of donkey dollop.I bet you thought it was a right laugh,giving a load of spazzy goths a thrash metal album.Wasn't so funny when no-one bought it though was it?
Why does every interviewer suck up to McCoy over Zoon though?? Is it a pre-requisite of getting an interview with him? I suppose no-one wants to tell him Zoon only had one good track on it, "Shine".

Posted: 14 Sep 2006, 16:22
by Maisey
Shine was a damn fine track, It wouldn't hve been out of place on mourning sun.

Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 17:16
by wild bill buttock
For anyone who doubts that I actually interviewed "Macca", Here are some photos taken in The Lagoon of Carly and me having a right old big lads laugh trying on my wife's hat;
Macca (and nice handbag)


Cut and paste?As if.

Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 17:25
by James Blast
Why, Bill you're gorgeous! :D

Posted: 15 Sep 2006, 22:00
by Cruel Brit@nnia
Jesus. It's Mary Poppins' Dad!
Just to let you know, anybody who didn't turn up to Hex in The City missed a treat this weekend in the form of a fantastically drunk trannie called Tanya.

When it finally fell over pissed, Wild Bill & I were unfortunate enough to catch sight of its undercrackers as it was flailing about on its arse like some demented turtle. I beleive Von Buttock even caught a quick glimpse of his knackers, poor sod.

The original interview from the Sumerland site is an inspired piece of plagiarism/insanity.

If you want the answer to why people think Goths sit in their bedrooms writing s**t poetry, just read that. I think there was one occasion where the question was vaguely relevant to the answer. But then I went back and checked to find I'd looked somewhere else instead.

Posted: 16 Sep 2006, 13:08
by wild bill buttock
Tanya the Trannie :lol:
'kin Rick Parfitt in a frock.
You missed the best,Lee, when he/she was sat outside and we asked if he was Ok and he said in the butchest voice you've ever heard "I'm f**king pissed as a c**t".