Have you ever met the band?

Does exactly what it says on the tin. Some of the nonsense contained herein may be very loosely related to The Sisters of Mercy, but I wouldn't bet your PayPal account on it. In keeping with the internet's general theme nothing written here should be taken as Gospel: over three quarters of it is utter gibberish, and most of the forum's denizens haven't spoken to another human being face-to-face for decades. Don't worry your pretty little heads about it. Above all else, remember this: You don't have to stay forever. I will understand.

Hello Boy's "n" Girls.

Have you ever met the Von and Co?

I'm sure we would all love to read your interesting stories you have to tell! ;D

I have met Von and the Girlfriend last year, but I won't go into details!! :P

SINsister??? :smile:
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Vanessa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!,

tell us more plse :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

the closest i got to meeting him was in leeds in 92
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I met him backstage last year on Pukkelpop, Belgium. We were playing there, too.
Andrew is a very well-mannered man with a lot of witty replies.
We talked a bit about music in general and about playing in Belgium.
It was very nice to actually meet him and talk to him from one musician to the other... :grin:

For Greater Good - Ambient Music for the Masses...

Ok here we go then.

Last year I met AE + GF after the gig at The Astoria, London.

After the gig had finished I was walking down the steps towards the foyer.Somehow I casually looked behind me and guess who was following to my amazement?


You've guessed AE + GF :smile:

I quickly grabbed pen and a scrap bit of paper from the front desk and I rushed up to Andrew and asked him politely if he would sign his signature.

Andrew willingly obliged.To my amazement he did say a rather sarcastic comment to me.I wont go into details here.

After that he chatted to me for about 5 minutes, really it was general chit chat.I remember him asking me did I enjoy the gig.

It's a fleeting glimpse one will never forget, like so many others who have shared the experience of meeting the man himself. :smile:

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Yes I met him in a pub in Leeds. One of my mates who used to go to Uni there was a friend with Wolfie from RLYLorry. Obviously the whole scene is reasonably incestuous, so the fact that RLYL, the m****n and AE were in town was going to lead to a good party.

Anyway, chatted to him for about five minutes, not too long, mostly drunken bollocks.
I asked him if FALAA was red, white & black to be in Utd colours. He replied, “If you want it to be fella�.

Had a great time with Mick, Craig and the boys from RLYLorry, though, they seemed much more like real people, if you know what I mean.

Anyway that’s me done



BTW also have a mate now who is good friends with Eric Mansfield (James Ray) to you. One day if you are good, I’ll tell you his take on working with AE, suffice to say they don’t talk to each other very much.

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Did a short visit backstage in Glasgow 2000 spotted both Andrew and Chris. Didn´t talk to them, thought i had more important stuff to do, get drunk :grin:
I work with a guy who worked as a roadie for them at their first gig in Sweden 83, wish he could find those darn photos from that night.
Andrew Eldritch Dour Festival 1997: Yeah, We take any request... As much as we ever do.
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never met them, but i did stand next to the lurve god von himself at the infamous york uni gig - he was busy chatting to his lady friend and there was a huge queue at the bar, so i had other things on my mind that interrupting him... :smile:

oooh, aint he short though? a wee slip of a fella! ;D
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Yeah, QB, and if you remember that was my moment of utter embarassment...

Saw this little fella standing at the bar wearing a f*cking Sisters sweatshirt I'd never seen b4, and it looked really cool...and he looked really cool

And I said to you words to the effect of "How the f*ck has HE got one of THOSE!!!! That ain't fair...The b*stard!"

I believe it wuz u that had to point out the little fella was in fact My Hero Mr Eldritch in the flesh...Never seen him at ground level before, only up on stage...Hah!

PS: Anybody else think the Royal Albert Hall vid makes him look REEEEALLLLYYYY tall? And yet he's even smaller than me, and I'm a-bit-of-a-shortarse...
:roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
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All right, since Vanessa's let the cat out of the bag ;-), I guess I'll bore you all to death with a somewhat (but-not-quite-enough) abbreviated account of my sole brush with TSOM greatness.

It was a dark and stormy night... Whoops! Wrong story! Channeling Peanuts there for a sec... Anyway, I'd gone to Boston in late March, 1991, to stay with a friend and catch my first TSOM show. The concert was brilliant; I was completely blown away, in awe, and utterly smitten with The Man. As we later made our way out of the venue, I happened to notice a huge, *purple* tour bus parked next to the sidewalk at the rear of the venue. Knowing full well to whom that bus belonged, I decided that I was going to be brave and attempt to at least try to catch a glimpse of the band.

The weather was awful - freezing cold and drizzling icy rain, but I didn't care. My (now-former) friend and her roommate were quite pissed off and didn't want to wait with me, but ended up staying anyway, for s**t n' grins. Flash forward about an *hour* - we started seeing roadies, etc., moving equipment out of the back door of the venue. Awhile later, my patience was rewarded, as several times, I got to see Andreas and Tim walk back and forth between the venue and the tour bus. On their final trip back to the bus, Andreas and Tim actually stopped to say hello to me and the handful of diehard fans who'd stayed out there in the rain and cold.

Tim seemed shy; just said hello - while Andreas actually chatted a bit with us, and flirted with me (he'd noticed that I was nearly as tall as he was, and commented on how he likes tall women)!!! Naturally, my nerves were shot to hell... :wink: Anyway, we all thanked Andreas and Tim for a great show, then they got back on the bus and remained there. A few minutes later, a rather short, skinny, very pale, black-haired gentleman, accompanied by a couple of bodyguards, walked back and forth between the venue's back door and the tour bus (several times) - passing not 2 feet from where I stood! Despite our calls to him, he *completely ignored* the few fans remaining out on the sidewalk. Well, needless to say, I was pissed off. The other fans drifted away; my (former) friend and her roommate were now very annoyed, and wanted to go get drunk at a local pub. Stubborn b*tch that I am, I was determined to get Android's attention. So I went and stood directly at the front of the tour bus, which had a very large, low front windshield (windscreen to you lot).

I could easily see band members and various other peeps milling around on the bus. The driver was directly behind the windshield from where I stood; I could see that he was talking to someone sitting on the floor in the aisle. The driver grinned at me, and spoke to the person sitting on the floor next to him - who, of course, was none other than Von. As if on cue, the crowd onboard parted, and I got an unobstructed view of The Man - without his sunglasses!!!! :eek: I smiled at him and gave a little wave - and then (cue nauseating harp music, angels singing, etc., etc.) - Von gave me a little nod, and *smiled at me*. Of course, I lost it completely then, and screamed to my friend and her roommate, "He smiled at me!! He smiled at me!!" They laughed their asses off at me, as, I'm sure, did Eldroid and the bus driver, who undoubtedly heard my girly shrieking... I'll never forget that night as long as I live! *Swoon*

Ah, well... You all still awake? Hey!! Hello!!! :evil:

The atmosphere is really evil, but you feel comfortable inside it...

<font size=1>[ This Message was edited by: SINsister on Mar 28, 2002 6:55pm ]</font>

On 2002-03-28 17:44, Lars Svensson wrote:
Yeah, QB, and if you remember that was my moment of utter embarassment...

Saw this little fella standing at the bar wearing a f*cking Sisters sweatshirt I'd never seen b4, and it looked really cool...and he looked really cool

And I said to you words to the effect of "How the f*ck has HE got one of THOSE!!!! That ain't fair...The b*stard!"

I believe it wuz u that had to point out the little fella was in fact My Hero Mr Eldritch in the flesh...Never seen him at ground level before, only up on stage...Hah!


f*** I'VE made a msitake!! :roll: :roll: :roll:

I thought Von was rather tall compared to me!!
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Weeeeeelllll, as Mr Einstein once said - in summary - It's All Relative...

...Or something like that...

:grin: ;D
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Remember a funny hisotry from circa 90-91. Eldritch invited som die hard fans whom where sleeping in the gutter to eat some breakfast with him.
Andrew Eldritch Dour Festival 1997: Yeah, We take any request... As much as we ever do.

I knocked into him literally at the Town and Country in Leeds when he fronted Utah Saints. Never saw him play though, ended up rolfing outside in the gutter 5 mins before they came on...bloody Newky Brown

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On Apr 6, 2002 9:52am, mikey wrote:
I knocked into him literally at the Town and Country in Leeds when he fronted Utah Saints. Never saw him play though, ended up rolfing outside in the gutter 5 mins before they came on...bloody Newky Brown

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I have met them once in Belgium, Deinze due to their 20st anniversary ... :smile:

At the same year, i had the chance to see them 2 times again at Pukkelpop and Rock Ternat also in Belgium, but i couldn't go :sad:
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:cry: I never met the man himself
But i liked your stories though, very interesting.
And how tall is he after all? I'm quite happy is short, after all i'm short myself. :von:
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On May 24, 2002 1:19am, Zigeunerweisen wrote:
:cry: I never met the man himself
But i liked your stories though, very interesting.
And how tall is he after all? I'm quite happy is short, after all i'm short myself. :von:
As every Portuguese man... :roll:
That's why I'm still single. :evil:
Very single! :mad:

Anyway, we had this discussion a while ago on Dominion and we came to the conclusion that Eldritch is shorter than 1,75m and taller than 1,70m. Average 1,725m. :smile:

Hope you are pleased.

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what's that in English??
D :grin: :grin:

1,725m! - God - Von's over a mile high!

i can't help it about the shape i'm in, i can't sing, i ain't pretty and my legs are thin.
but don't ask me what i think of you,
i might not give an answer that you want me tooo...
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funy isnt it that we english, despite having been "officially" metric since the 60s, still think in feet and inches, and are unable to convert between the two... :roll:


there must be a good website for this kind of thing!? :smile:
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On May 24, 2002 2:22pm, Quiff Boy wrote:
funy isnt it that we english, despite having been "officially" metric since the 60s, still think in feet and inches, and are unable to convert between the two... :roll:


there must be a good website for this kind of thing!? :smile:
Mikey will cringe when I say this, but my wife's Polish and as a result, I have had to metricise myself (as well as learn another language) - the car travels in kilometres, weights are in kilograms and decagrams, beer is by the litre - it's time for the blinkers to be removed.... :smile:
i can't help it about the shape i'm in, i can't sing, i ain't pretty and my legs are thin.
but don't ask me what i think of you,
i might not give an answer that you want me tooo...
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I think a metre is about 3 and 1/3 feet. So 1.75m is about 5'8''...er... I think.


Hmm... but we still use miles and everything for roads and speed too, so we've never been 100% certain about whether we're metric or not, eh?
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living on the sunny shores of the mainland, i had to get used to not only the metric system, but the fact the measurements are called slightly different things... ho hum
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Anyway, we had this discussion a while ago on Dominion and we came to the conclusion that Eldritch is shorter than 1,75m and taller than 1,70m. Average 1,725m. :smile:

Hope you are pleased.
Yes i am :smile: See? Short people have the greatest brains. Politicians, artists, scientists :grin: Think alexander the great, julis caesar, leonardo da vinci, michelangelo, bach, mozart, issac newton, james dean, von, me... etc etc :wink:
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On May 24, 2002 3:58pm, Zigeunerweisen wrote:

Anyway, we had this discussion a while ago on Dominion and we came to the conclusion that Eldritch is shorter than 1,75m and taller than 1,70m. Average 1,725m. :smile:

Hope you are pleased.
Yes i am :smile: See? Short people have the greatest brains. Politicians, artists, scientists :grin: Think alexander the great, julis caesar, leonardo da vinci, michelangelo, bach, mozart, issac newton, james dean, von, me... etc etc :wink:
adolf hitler was exactly a giant by all accounts!!!!
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