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What's this?

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 01:39
by A.void
Why have I not seen this other than a fansite? Hoax?Image

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 01:45
by Petseri
What is this? A post by someone logged in as hidden.

As for the image, not a hoax. As the title of the image implies, the cover to I Was Wrong.

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 02:08
by A.void
Oh so it does exist. In the past I could find no trace of it, but a recent search on gemm showed a promo cd with 2 versions. Was there an official release? What formats? b-sides?

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 02:51
by CellThree
It was a promo release in the States :

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 05:24
by A.void
Crap. I was hoping for a vinyl single.

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 16:21
by Dark
Petseri wrote:What is this? A post by someone logged in as hidden.
What's wrong with that?