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question regarding vodka...

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 19:01
by itnAklipse
...since i'm sure there's a lot of knowledgeable people about it here. i ran into this strange vodka with a straw of hay inside, it's polish and brand is Grasovka Bison. Now, i generally only drink russian vodka, it's sort of principle to me, but this one...well, as it's quite expensive (one can get high quality russian vodka, like Russky Standard, for the price of this), i'd like to know if anyone has experience with this and if it's any good for a purist like me?

i know this is silly but vodka is important to me and i don't know where else to ask.


Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 19:05
by Planet Dave
I had a bottle of that once. It was ace. I fell over.

But then, I'll drink any vodka and fall over. Even the rubbish they make over here. :P

Re: question regarding vodka...

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 19:09
by smiscandlon
itnAklipse wrote:it's polish
Furniture polish? :eek:

Partial to a bit of 42below myself. :notworthy:

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 19:20
by itnAklipse
Dave, thanks...your 'ace' has more weight for having the sense to call english vodka rubbish. i once had the displeasure of having to drink Smirnoff straight...i admit, i fell over, but there's nicer ways of falling over than that :)

As for 42 Below....must say i'm a strict traditionalist and stay away from anything as hip and pop as that :P i heard they even make red wine in new zealand these days...what in the world, indeed.

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 19:31
by weebleswobble
Lord knows but I'm off tae the pub :wink:

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 20:04
by DerekR
OMG vodka snobbery? what next? Real Ale fair enough but leave vodka alone, it's a good friend of mine :lol:

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 20:09
by Andie
surely the most direct answer is to drink it...

and find out the easy way

Re: question regarding vodka...

Posted: 25 Sep 2006, 20:17
by Nic
itnAklipse wrote: i know this is silly but vodka is important to me and i don't know where else to ask.
Your absolut right! :)

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 06:59
by Mr. Wah
Grasovska is very good indeed, tastes almost identical to Zubrowka Bison Brand. They are best drunk with tonic water, which mixes very well with the flavour of the grass. They are also excellent served straight up (in the usual way) as icy cold shots.

I also like Stolichnaya, Moskovskaya and Wyborowa (another one from Poland).

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 07:20
by Ozpat
Mr. Wah wrote:Grasovska is very good indeed, tastes almost identical to Zubrowka Bison Brand. They are best drunk with tonic water, which mixes very well with the flavour of the grass. They are also excellent served straight up (in the usual way) as icy cold shots.

I also like Stolichnaya, Moskovskaya and Wyborowa (another one from Poland).
Good to see you are back Mr. Wah! :D

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 07:23
by itnAklipse
Mr. Wah, thanks for your expertese!

(Stolichnaya, btw, is one of my all-time favourites also)

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 07:46
by Mr. Wah
Ozpat wrote:
Good to see you are back Mr. Wah! :D
Thanks Ozpat, good to see you too.

Re: question regarding vodka...

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 08:51
by smiscandlon
Nic wrote:
itnAklipse wrote: i know this is silly but vodka is important to me and i don't know where else to ask.
Your absolut right! :)
:urff: :P

Re: question regarding vodka...

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 09:33
by Nic
smiscandlon wrote:
Nic wrote:
itnAklipse wrote: i know this is silly but vodka is important to me and i don't know where else to ask.
Your absolut right! :)
:urff: :P
Yeah I know... :roll:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 09:37
by Obviousman
Ozpat wrote:Good to see you are back Mr. Wah! :D
Seconded :D

Afraid I don't have a clue re the wodka tho' :oops:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 10:27
by Bartek
the best way (at leats most popular in Poland) to drunk Żubrówka ( Grasovka Bison,Zubrowka Bison Brand) it's with apple jucie.

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 10:35
by Nic
Bartoszek wrote:the best way (at leats most popular in Poland) to drunk Żubrówka ( Grasovka Bison,Zubrowka Bison Brand) it's with apple jucie.
To drunk indeed... :innocent: :wink:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 10:47
by markfiend
Is it Bisongrass vodka? Very nice. :hic:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 12:19
by eotunun
What exactly is it you need to make Bison grass out of grass? Bison pee?

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 12:22
by markfiend

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:40
by Deviate_Love
Black vodka ever... with Ketel One coming in 2nd....;-0

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 15:55
by Deviate_Love
2 more tips though.. Chopin and Grey Goose.. the latter one is from France ( I know..rolls eyes) but they are really worth trying...

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:48
by thhell
itnAklipse wrote:Mr. Wah, thanks for your expertese!

(Stolichnaya, btw, is one of my all-time favourites also)
Mine too :P

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 21:33
by eotunun
Deviate_Love wrote:Black vodka ever... with Ketel One coming in 2nd....;-0
You know, in the Berlin/Brandenburg dialect, the word "Ketel" means "small piece of sh*t",
So we have Bison pee and Ketel.
Fancy a smoke, anyone?
Whiskey or beer for me, please.

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 22:18
by James Blast
Post #24 and not a derail yet, ah'm aff......

Post #25 xXx

PS. there's no 'e' in proper whisky :lol: