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SISTERS have just been played on BBC1

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:03
by the-happening
They have just played a brief clip of Alice for an advert for a new series of Robin Hood!!

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:03
by Quiff Boy
eastenders has just finished on bbc1, and yep, there was an advert for the new "robin hood" series...

and f**k me! if the background music in the ad wasn't the sisters' "alice 92"!

seriously :o


Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:05
by Perki
Damn Eastenders crappy storylines making me turn it over :|

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:07
by Rafster

can't quite catch the connection between alice and robin hood....

but i like it when the bbc surprises us like that. i'm sure they did this corrosion on newsround once...

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:07
by Obviousman
That's the series that's been stolen?

Probably they couldn't afford anything else after having to pay for getting it back :lol:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:18
by weebleswobble
Shouldn't it have been maid Marian (it's close and I'm sticking to it) :innocent:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:22
by smiscandlon
weebleswobble wrote:Shouldn't it have been maid Marian (it's close and I'm sticking to it) :innocent:
I shouldn't have laughed at that but I did. :oops:

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 20:23
by Rafster
errrr...or that the rich should have possession of all the gold...?

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 21:37
by Maisey
nonono, this is a slippery slope littered with puns...

I 'm just getting upset because I can't think of my own.

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 22:03
by eotunun
The BBC got the track for a bargain from WEA?

Posted: 26 Sep 2006, 22:21
by Syberberg
Not forgetting King John seeking dominion over the Saxon peasantry and the damage done by the raising of taxes to pay for Richard the Lionheart kicking up a sandstorm against Saladdin's Jihad in the Holy Land.

I'll not even bother taking my coat off...probably best if I walk away from this right now...oh dear...

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 01:16
by Nic
Quiff Boy wrote:eastenders has just finished on bbc1, and yep, there was an advert for the new "robin hood" series...

and f**k me! if the background music in the ad wasn't the sisters' "alice 92"!

seriously :o

Alice '93 you mean?! :wink:

Sorry, just had to... :innocent:

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 01:17
by Silver_Owl
I did see it and thought what a strange combination it was. Is there a Heartlander hiding in a television centre play out suite somewhere? :?

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 04:31
by weebleswobble

He's no Goth he's a hoodie wearing ned who carries his weapons unashamedly - he needs an ASBO

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 06:44
by Ozpat
Robin (Sister)Hood.

I know....silly... :D

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 07:33
by Norman Hunter
Pah! Beaten to it!

Curse you Permanent Onliners :lol:

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 09:09
by lachert
i was a big fan of the hooded man from 80's. episodes with jason connery was so dark and goth :twisted: i suppose that new season will be more darkly and andrew will counterattack creators for use alice, couse it isn't a goth song, you know :lol:

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 09:45
by ormfdmrush
could anybody, please, record the trailer?

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 12:58
by ruffers
I can't view it now so not sure as I don't have realplayer at work but it might be in the clips here?

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 13:36
by eotunun
Syberberg wrote:I'll not even bother taking my coat off...probably best if I walk away from this right now...oh dear...
Freud! Come over here! Anemergency!
Freud! Fro-hoid? Never there when you need him!
:innocent: ;D

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 13:51
by Mokarran
The Eighties Robin of Sherwood series was pleasingly7 dark and mystical. It escaped me at the time, but my goffy brother in law (Paul Nemeth out of Tammuz, obscure band fans) lent me his old tapes and, yes indeed, you could have called it 'paganism for pre-teens'. There were loads of demonic baddies, and a tendency to dwell on Satanism in lurid detail. Put simply, it was good fun, though the Clannad soundtrack meant that the more folksy elements of goffdom tended to latch onto it. It had the big bloke Clive whatisface out of Casualty as Little John, and the godlike Ray Winstone as a very angry Will Scarlett.

Re use of Alice - cool people everywhere dig the Sisters. The music ain't going away.


Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 14:15
by limur
ruffers wrote:I can't view it now so not sure as I don't have realplayer at work but it might be in the clips here?
I've had a good look and I couldn't find it :(

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 14:24
by markfiend
Mokarran wrote:you could have called it 'paganism for pre-teens'.
:lol: :notworthy: :lol: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 18:52
by Big Si
Mokarran wrote:The Eighties Robin of Sherwood series was pleasingly7 dark and mystical. It escaped me at the time, but my goffy brother in law (Paul Nemeth out of Tammuz, obscure band fans) lent me his old tapes and, yes indeed, you could have called it 'paganism for pre-teens'. There were loads of demonic baddies, and a tendency to dwell on Satanism in lurid detail. Put simply, it was good fun, though the Clannad soundtrack meant that the more folksy elements of goffdom tended to latch onto it. It had the big bloke Clive whatisface out of Casualty as Little John, and the godlike Ray Winstone as a very angry Will Scarlett.

Re use of Alice - cool people everywhere dig the Sisters. The music ain't going away.

Clive Mantle.

I've still got the books and the soundtrack :oops: :lol:

Posted: 27 Sep 2006, 20:12
by wild bill buttock
If I was a cynical old goth I'd say that whoever programmed the music for the Robin Hood trailer may well be trying to say that our beloved :von: was a modern day Robin Hood,but instead of Robbing the rich to feed the poor he was robbing the fans to feed his enormous appetite for amphetemines.

But I won't and never would

please don't call me fartypants