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You know it, I know it. Heartland is seriously in need of...

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 04:58
by boudicca
... a cup of tea, at this particular moment in time.

So how do you take yours?
I go for minimum water-to-milk-and-tea ratio, and just show it the sugar.

Well I'm having one anyway. You're welcome to join me.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:17
by nick the stripper
I don’t drink tea, but if you have any of the smokable kind… :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 06:34
by Ozpat
I prefer coffee with sugar and milk. :D

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 07:27
by aims
Milky. I think there's one waiting for me down stairs atm, actually :D

A nice warm, cozy contrast to the flippin' thunder storm which is engulfing Merseyside currently :|

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 07:40
by stefan moermans
coffee black :twisted: duvel in the evening or a good glas of wine :innocent: 8) 8)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 08:29
by hallucienate
Rooibos: black, two sugars, in a mug.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:02
by canon docre
Claire my lady - a new interpretation of the 5-o-clock-tea? Oh dear.

I'd like to join in for the 9-o-clock-tea, white, with sugar and accompanied with butterscones.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:14
by Badlander
Don't always put milk in it : depends what kind of tea it is. If it's green, I just add a piece of sugar. If it's black (especially Earl Grey) then milk's okay. Usually don't take milk with flavoured tea, even if it's black. Well Earl Grey is bergamot-flavoured, but that's just the exception.
And when it's a cold, grey, and rainy day I may even take some honey with it. 8)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:40
by Nic
nick the stripper wrote:I don’t drink tea, but if you have any of the smokable kind… :innocent:
An English bloke that doesn't drink tea... blimy! :eek:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:42
by Planet Dave
Motz wrote:A nice warm, cozy contrast to the flippin' thunder storm which is engulfing Merseyside currently :|
No less than Merseyside deserves, at any time of the day / year (although obviously we'd give the HLers a 10 minute warning of any impending catastrophe). :twisted: As for the topic...I was expecting HL to need a colonic irrigation or somesuch. Tea? Mmmmm, I love mine coffee-shaped. :P

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 09:56
by markfiend
Coffee. Black, strong, no sugar.

If you want milk and sugar, why'd you ask for coffee? :P

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 12:34
by eotunun
Assam. No milk, some sugar. I like the milk, but it turns me into something with a nasty smell to it..
I can´t go without my daily pot or two. My addiction started when I was only twelve, has lasted for 23 years now.
Oh, Hal: I´d say you have your roibush red? ;D

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 12:42
by Purple Light
Tea : No milk, 1 sweetex. Tea-bag only in for a bit so you can still see to the bottom of the cup.

I'm allergic to coffee. :roll:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:05
by Chairman Bux
Yorkshire Tea, (very white), 2 sugars, danke.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:37
by nowayjose
Assam/Ceylon blend, lemon juice (no milk!), little sugar.
Or China gunpowder (green) or Oolong (half-fermented), w/o anything of course.
Or heavy oil style coffee that eats the spoon, black w/ sugar.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:56
by RicheyJames
Chairman Bux wrote:Yorkshire Tea, (very white), 2 sugars, danke.
excellent choice herr chairman. but it must be tricky to get hold of supplies out on the continent? tell you what, pm me with your address and i'll sort out a care package...


Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:00
by EvilBastard
Any supermarket's Red Label teabag tea, dash of 1% milk, 2 sugars, slice of fruit cake that's more fruit than cake, pair o'slippers, and a black & white film on the telly on a wet Sunday afternoon - Reach for the Sky, Dambusters, Ice Cold in Alex, or an Ealing/Boulting Bros comedy.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:24
by weebleswobble
I tip the coffee jar into the mug these days, teaspoons are for wimps :twisted:

Although it may explain the irregular heartbeat :eek:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:35
by boudicca
canon docre wrote:Claire my lady - a new interpretation of the 5-o-clock-tea? Oh dear.

I'd like to join in for the 9-o-clock-tea, white, with sugar and accompanied with butterscones.
That's groovy. What I'm proposing at present is a nonstop, 24-hour-a-day tea-a-thon to be undertaken by the Heartlanders. In the wreckage of failed diplomacy, it's the safe and tasty alternative to nuclear war.

Dave's colonic idea is also good, why am I not surprised it was he who suggested it!? :lol:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:02
by Syberberg
As long as the tea is strong, very strong, warm and sugar and a minimum of milk, preferably goats milk or rice milk (lactose intolerant, what joy).

Tea must be made in a pot as far as I'm concerned. Just doesn't taste right to me if it isn't...doesn't mean I won't drink it, that's just the way I prefer it. and 3-ish heaped spoonfulls of brown sugar or a healthy fortification of Irish Cream...strength - 50,000volts minimum otherwise it makes me sleepy.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:12
by markfiend
"Lactose intolerance" is actually the majority condition for humans. Lactose tolerance has only evolved since we domesticated cattle, and only in some (mainly western European) populations.

wiki-clicky on lactose intolerance.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:19
by Mrs RicheyJames
Domestic cattle??

*Imagines a cow bed and a cow bowl in the kitchen*

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:27
by markfiend

Wild cattle??

*Imagines Aurochs running around the local dairy farm*

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:28
by DarkAngel
Green tea steeped in brown rice please.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 16:58
by 9while9
Tea for the ladies then,
but what will us men drink?

Just kidding ya pack of FUD's......