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Ben Christo live / Night by night

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 11:18
by vicus
got this via mail:
we are doing 3 gigs in Poland of Ben Christo


17.11 - poznan "blue note"
18.11 - wroclaw " od zmierzchu do switu"
19.11 - warszawa " progresja"

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 11:49
by eotunun
A nice one, but off topic. As the topic is....:
The "Currntly best Avatar award goes toooo:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 12:19
by dinky daisy
to be honest, i feel unlucky if i check his myspace. These songs are quite... ehm... not so good, unfortunately.

Makes me wonder at all: What would Von think of mr. beau monde bon jovi christo and his songs and his myspace adventures?

Of course I know Christo is a guitar king, he's friendly and good looking and he plays nice with the sisters, but it's zero mystical, if you compare it to the mumbling sunglasses in dry ice calling himself AE.

Probably Christo is working hard, always saying yes and costs zero money. :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:17
by Chairman Bux
In the wake of Mr Catalyst's exploits in The Land of Perpetual Amplitude it seems almost churlish to expect one's guitarists to be on any retainer.

It patently didn't work with Andreas or Tim, and The Sisters almost always learn from their mistakes.

Thus Herr Christo's solo (yeah, yeah, I know) outings are encouraged, and occasionally even endorsed. The particulars of his performance do not have to reflect on what he brings to The Sisters party. Hair Metal has more in common with The Sisters then you'd like to admit. ;)

This "employment model" worked for Starling (until he never came back) and seems to be reaping huge personal dividends for the darling Mr Whammy these days, so it seems perfectly reasonable to perpetuate that modus operandi.

If nothing else it means that when the travelling circus ships out again they will be so much better. :von:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:36
by dinky daisy
So... Next one on the payroll & in the dry ice... The son of Dee Snider!

Of course, respect to Christo, but he seems so different next to von. While Herr Whammy & Pearson were more 'Sisters'.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 13:47
by Ozpat
dinky daisy wrote:Herr Whammy & Pearson were more 'Sisters'.
:eek: They are two different persons? :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 14:12
by dinky daisy
yeah, starling, whatever... u get the point.

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 14:29
by Peter KJ
Ozpat wrote:
dinky daisy wrote:Herr Whammy & Pearson were more 'Sisters'.
:eek: They are two different persons? :innocent:
Smoke and mirrors :wink:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 14:47
by Chairman Bux
dinky daisy wrote:So... Next one on the payroll & in the dry ice... The son of Dee Snider!
We wish.
dinky daisy wrote:Of course, respect to Christo, but he seems so different next to von.
Very different. But surely that's half the fun?

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:13
by dinky daisy
After the flood and Ben Jovi the new guitarist will be:


JESSE BLAZE (but he doesn't play the guitar)

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:13
by vicus
just added the picture I got with that mail

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 15:16
by Norman Hunter
Chairman Bux wrote:Hair Metal has more in common with The Sisters then you'd like to admit. ;)
No room for us Right Said Fred -alikes..? :cry:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 18:22
by nowayjose
dinky daisy wrote:to be honest, i feel unlucky if i check his myspace. These songs are quite... ehm... not so good, unfortunately.
You get what you pay for. I suggest you ask for a refund... :innocent:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 20:45
by GC
Ozpat wrote: :eek: They are two different persons? :innocent:
Should n't that be two different Pearsons


Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 22:22
by Ozpat
dinky daisy wrote:yeah, starling, whatever... u get the point.
I certainly do... :lol: :innocent: :twisted:

Posted: 11 Oct 2006, 23:09
by mh
Norman Hunter wrote:
Chairman Bux wrote:Hair Metal has more in common with The Sisters then you'd like to admit. ;)
No room for us Right Said Fred -alikes..? :cry:
Unless they're the lead singer. :lol:

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 00:52
by Planet Dave
I hope the chairman's words are right, though I'd like to hope those screeching 'embelishments' of Mr Christo's are curtailed (maybe through the removal of his little and ring digits) before he treads the boards with God's Own Hair Metal band again. :urff:

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 07:49
by Michal
There is some more info from Polish websites - seems that Ben Christo plays with a Polish female musician! ... topic=65.0

"Jako go?? specjalny wyst?pi BEN CHRISTO (gitarzysta THE SISTERS OF MERCY) ze swoim projektem NIGHT BY NIGHT.
NIGHT BY NIGHT zagra o 22:30

Ben Christo - gitarzysta legendarnych THE SISTERS OF MERCY ze swoim
solowym projektem - zespo?em Night By Night, w którym wokalnie wspiera go i gra na klawiszach - Ania Blomberg (ex-Dance on Glass, ex-Batalion d'Amour). Muzyka prezentowana przez Bena to po??czenie tradycyjnego rocka, rocka progresywnego, i wirtuozerskich popisów gitarowych godnych najlepszych mistrzów gitary. Ben Christo to wschodz?ca gwiazda brytyjskiej sceny independent.

Show No Mercy wspieraj? nast?puj?ce firmy:

Wi?cej o Show No Mercy dowiesz si? na:"

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 09:16
by ormfdmrush
blah-blah Ben Christo (The Sisters Of Mercy guitarist) makes the perfomance with his solo project Night By Night. They begin at 22:30.

Ben Christo - legendary The Sisters Of Mercy guitarist with his solo project - blah-blah Night By Night, where the singer/keyboardist is Ania Blomberg (ex-Dance on Glass, ex-Batalion d'Amour). They go the path of traditional rock, progressive rock and the virtuoso stuff, worthy for the best guitar masters. Ben Christo comes from the independent scene.

and something on promoters with the links


Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 10:20
by vicus
ormfdmrush wrote:legendary The Sisters Of Mercy guitarist

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 12:20
by Quiff Boy
"singer/keyboardist is Ania Blomberg"


bless dear old ania ;D

Posted: 12 Oct 2006, 16:30
by ormfdmrush
vicus wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:legendary The Sisters Of Mercy guitarist
oh, i should have written "the guitarist of legendary The Sisters Of Mercy"
sometimes i forget that i write not in Russian :lol:

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 19:54
by jenzi-benzi
I like the sound of Ben, though i like the "new" Sisters songs more than the older ones (shame on me i know).
And HEY, Ania, i didnt know you are "dance on Glass", for my shame I even didnt know this group.

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 20:26
by Bartek
cause it's polish band.

Posted: 18 Nov 2006, 23:35
by Bartek
time: ~70 min
number of song: ~9 (last song: Walk away. cover song of some unknown band- the Sisters of Mercy)
my opinion: they are sehr gut as a band playing gigs but i wouldn't be so sure about album. great gig, i was/am supprised, favourably.




scuzi for quality of this pics they were taken on my cell phone