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Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 21:45
by Johnny Rotten
Hello All

I should have done this earlier on, but here goes.

I'm Johnny Rotten (realname Robert), i'm from the The Hague area in the west of holland, and i'm 27 years old a lorry driver of profession.
Been introduced into the sisters by a m8 who gave me an audio version of the "wake" vid somewot 4 years ago, and after the first tunes of FALAA i wuz convinced that this stuff wuz brilliant, and trough a very good m8 of mine who has been a sisters fan from 1982, i've obtained alot of sisters material(either live as official and not so official releases), i am always on the hunt to get anything which has anything to do with either the sisters or merciful release. i've only seen the sisters twice: 2005 in 013 Tilburg and 2006 in the melkweg Amsterdam.
And since last weekend i've got a head & star logo tattoed on my left arm :D.

this is not the best of introductions, but one can only do so much :)

grtz JR

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 21:49
by Badlander
Hello and welcome to HL. 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:00
by Obviousman
Wees Welgekomen :D

Enjoy this place, we're a friendly bunch, they say :lol:

Re: Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:01
by Nic
Johnny Rotten wrote: And since last weekend i've got a head & star logo tattoed on my left arm :D.
Very nice! :notworthy:
Got one of those myself.

Welcome :D

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:23
by weebleswobble
Get it Right Up Yae Ya Fud :lol:

Welcome, we all float down here...

Re: Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:30
by 9while9
Out here on the perimeter there are no stars
Out here we is stoned - immaculate."

and other such nonsense.... 8)
Welcome J.R. :D

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:32
by Planet Dave
Welcome indeed.

So, having heard the Wake gig, then seeing the band in mid-00s mode, whaddya reckon to the, erm, stylistic changes? Just curious as to how a relative newcomer to the Sisters see's their current form.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 22:45
by lumano
8) 8)

Lucky man you are JR.

I've seen TSOM once.

MEXICO: the land of opportunities, not many realities.

Welcome mate.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 23:02
by timsinister
Picture of the tatt, then?

Welcome aboard, man.

Posted: 13 Oct 2006, 23:49
by Johnny Rotten
First of all thank you all for this very warm welcome
timsinister Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 11:02 pm Post subject:


Picture of the tatt, then?

Welcome aboard, man.
Not yet cos its still in the healing process, as soon as it's all healed i will post a pic of it.
Planet Dave Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:32 pm Post subject:


Welcome indeed.

So, having heard the Wake gig, then seeing the band in mid-00s mode, whaddya reckon to the, erm, stylistic changes? Just curious as to how a relative newcomer to the Sisters see's their current form.
Very good question Dave, I personally feel the 1981(start giggin')-1985 is the best, i offcourse i like Mr Eldritch in black and dark shades and beeing with the old side marx/adams/gunn or hussey (likely it would have been a totally different side then the current one is, thou it could have been a "mish" with eldritch i dunno, no disrespect to the current side offcourse, robochrist and christo are brilliant) .
The music changed as Andrew did (evolution in a unexpected form) , thou i think it never lost the power, maybe it has lost the undercurrent a bit troughout the years, but still i cant name any band which could even get close to the current sisters let alone the old sisters.

i can listen to any given sisters track as it wuz for all i care Damage Done to Still i feel they are all gr8 ,i'm sorry i cant discripe it to you, it is something i feel but it's a very good question i'll think about this one.
lumano Posted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:45 pm Post subject:


Lucky man you are JR.

I've seen TSOM once.

MEXICO: the land of opportunities, not many realities.

Welcome mate.
TY Sir, i'm gladd i did c the sister twice,next tour they might be around, u've seen the sisters and i guess u've enjoyed it..thats all wot matters m8 ;)

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 00:20
by Dark
Oi oi oi JR. Welcome aboard.

Re: Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 00:43
by James Blast
Johnny Rotten wrote: i've obtained alot of sisters material(either live as official and not so official releases)
you'll be au fait with the Weeding section, then?
and Hiya! JR, I've talked to you on other threads, your a sound guy Image

just beware that Obviousman bloke, he's strange, he likes Prog Rock! Image

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 04:35
by DarkAngel

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 06:40
by Ozpat
Eindelijk nog eens een Nederlander!!! :notworthy:

Welcome to HL!

Good that you decided to introduce.yourself...fud withdrawal! :wink:

Re: Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 11:30
by Obviousman
James Blast wrote:just beware that Obviousman bloke, he's strange, he likes Prog Rock! Image
The horror :eek:

I'd rather say beware of that Blast-fellow, he's the Piep Piper of Hamelin of Prog Rock :lol:

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 11:34
by mh
In fact, the dark secret is that this is really a Prog Rock forum in disguise. Tales From Topographic Oceans, anyone?

Welcome, indeed!

Posted: 14 Oct 2006, 17:19
by Johnny Rotten
Haha OMG you guys rock :notworthy:
Thnx again for the welcome, i need to admit i'm not technical but i would be more then pleased to put some on the sharing section, and weeding i never did so far (obviously ;) ), and i wouldn't mind to participate with that aswell, cos i feel anything i own i for every one to have, since we all share the same passion , i wouldn't want to cut somebody out.
only one problem is...i'm not technical as i said before, thou i cruise the internet with the highests of speed. i know "rude word"all about putting something on it :(.
and since i've obtained some sets with a good friend of mine(paid quite a prize for it), i need to ask him wether its ok (i reckon it would be, but i think it would be best to ask before in a weird curcumstance he go medievil on my bottom :D ).

And ozpat bedankt man, er zijn maar weinig sisters fans in nl, i salute you
(translation: there are only a very few sisters fans in holland)

grtz JR

Re: Introduction of Johnny Rotten

Posted: 15 Oct 2006, 20:55
by steamhammerdave
James Blast wrote:just beware that Obviousman bloke, he's strange, he likes Prog Rock!
And he's not alone..... :innocent:

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 19:52
by boudicca
Wlkommen and bienvenue :D

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 07:56
by stefan moermans
Ozpat wrote:Eindelijk nog eens een Nederlander!!! :notworthy:

Welcome to HL!

Good that you decided to introduce.yourself...fud withdrawal! :wink:

mhh they're taking over :lol: :lol: :lol: welcome :notworthy:

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 10:19
by markfiend

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 13:09
by pikkrong
welcome to the building! 8)

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 18:04
by James Blast
did I say "Get Pished! Destroy!"?