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15-10-06 If only I had that presence of mind

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 20:49
by James Blast
How to handle telemarketers.

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 21:42
by Pat
Fantastic,can I use that ? :lol: :lol:

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 22:04
by Obviousman
The best! :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

I'll get back to you discussing more possibilities for this ;D

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 22:06
by mh


Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 23:06
by SomeKindOfStranger

Posted: 16 Oct 2006, 23:15
by James Blast
Pat wrote:Fantastic,can I use that ? :lol: :lol:
Can you use it, Pat?
You posted on a Blast thread, I may marry you... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Did ya gettit?

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 08:08
by Pat
James Blast wrote: Did ya gettit?
Yeah,but it took about an hour :wink:

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 08:16
by weebleswobble
cheap little Mexican midget
funny as f*ck :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 10:17
by markfiend
Ah wow, next time someone calls trying to sell me double-glazing... :twisted: :lol:

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 13:51
by eotunun
:notworthy: :lol: :notworthy:
..while there is a slight risc for somebody who performs that joke once too often that offices actually declare him to be dead. That has happened before..

Posted: 17 Oct 2006, 18:50
by bushman*pm
markfiend wrote:Ah wow, next time someone calls trying to sell me double-glazing... :twisted: :lol:
just do what i do and tell them you already have windows and then hang up before they can reply!
slays me every time :lol:

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 09:53
by markfiend
Reminds me of the time Jehovah's Witnesses knocked round. I just turned back into the house and shouted "you can put the goat away now, we've got humans to sacrifice!" You've never seen anyone move so fast.

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 10:01
by smiscandlon
markfiend wrote:Reminds me of the time Jehovah's Witnesses knocked round. I just turned back into the house and shouted "you can put the goat away now, we've got humans to sacrifice!" You've never seen anyone move so fast.
I remember my parents showing me from a very young age how to deal with nuisance visitors...

Jehova's Witness: Do you believe in God?

My mum: Not on my doorstep.

*Slams door*


Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 16:08
by eotunun
smiscandlon wrote:
markfiend wrote:Reminds me of the time Jehovah's Witnesses knocked round. I just turned back into the house and shouted "you can put the goat away now, we've got humans to sacrifice!" You've never seen anyone move so fast.
I remember my parents showing me from a very young age how to deal with nuisance visitors...

Jehova's Witness: Do you believe in God?

My mum: Not on my doorstep.

*Slams door*

A neighbour of mine, some years ago:
Jehova´s wtnesses (Two neatly dressed elderly housewifes): Do you believe in God?
Neighbour (Worn off alcoholic, a hell´s reject kind of person): Na, but I´d fancy a shag, wouldn´t a quicky for three be nice? (He was actually serious about it..)

No Jehova´s Witnesses ever came here since..

Posted: 18 Oct 2006, 17:57
by EvilBastard
markfiend wrote:Reminds me of the time Jehovah's Witnesses knocked round. I just turned back into the house and shouted "you can put the goat away now, we've got humans to sacrifice!" You've never seen anyone move so fast.
I used to have a plaque on my door that said, "So many christians, so few lions." The JWs never seemed to bother me...

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 09:08
by markfiend
:lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Oct 2006, 22:29
by Johnny Rotten
;D :lol: :lol: :lol: