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Good riddance to 2002?

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 15:47
by Lars Svensson
Me Hearties..!

With 15 days to go before the end of the year...a simple question:

2002: Good year/Bad year..?

In general, and - indeed - in particular, I'd have to say this year hasn't been A sooooooooo many ways... :roll:

Not helped, of course, by the fact that the wait for Sisters Product continues, but that ain't exactly the main downer in The Grand Scheme Of Things... :urff: :?

Over to you... :| :roll:

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 16:44
by sam donut
Fairly bad, so far...
I'm giving it to the bitter end to redeem itself, though.
:eek: <-- this is a great smiley.

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 16:46
by MrEddy
I can't agree more; a bad year in oh so many ways. Outragous misfortune abounds! Confusion and seeping melancholy too.

I've been waiting for the year to end for quite a while. :? :arrow: :roll:

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 16:48
by Quiff Boy
2002 started off about as crap as it could get, but then it has gradually gotten better, and at the moment it looks as if its heading for a rather nice end... :von: :)

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 16:53
by MrEddy
Two weeks out of 52 isn't good doing! :)

It's been a funny year, though; lacking in enthusiasm, certainly.
You could say
"the flow" stagnated for a while. Little things like insomnia have meant that retaining my sense of humor in the face of nastier stuff has been very difficult.

I look forward to the new year, which will be very different for me; some interesting things are apperaing on the horizon.

Yours ever.

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 17:46
by RobF
Crappy year, I'm seriously considering making my trip out to Europe in April a one-way jobby. Any bar jobs going in Berlin?

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 17:53
by Lars Svensson
@ Mr Eddy:

Seeping Melancholia and Insomnia appear to be the themes of my year too...

Ho hum...

Sadly, nowt interesting on the horizon either

*sob* :cry: :cry:

Oh well...As the song goes, Things Can Only Get Better...

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 19:14
by Dreamweapon
I'm with MrEddy on this one, 2002 has been a crap year, some nasty business at the beginning of the year, bad exams, which i just fluked, lack of sleep, stimulation and generally breaks from the repetitive norm....roll on 2003.

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 19:57
by hallucienate
mine hasn't been bad, in that there hasn't been too much to complain about. Should have a great ending, it being summer and all :)

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 20:16
by Debaser
LOL Mines not been to bad really.

I continue to make great friends which is something you don't really expect to do once you hit mid-life (JJJEEEEEEEZZZ did I admit to that??)

Yakky stuff does still happen and money is becoming one of those nasty little niggles along with the realisation that my 'head in the sand' approach to any of my problems has never and will never actually solve anything.

But to me 2002 is memorable because of the new friends I have come to know, love and get blathered with.

Those friends have been found because of Forums like this

I dedicate my praises and thanks to Wishville and Heartland.

:notworthy: I can't find a kisses emoticon...


Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 20:33
by Izzy HaveMercy
I loved 2002.
I got to live together with me girlfriend, two weeks later I was robbed in my new house. The Sisters have a new CD out, AND a DVD. They are frequenting Belgium at least once a month.
Oh yeah, and instead of getting older, I get younger every year.


Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 21:48
by pikkrong
i saw Sisters alive first time in my life in 2002 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

and found nice place like this in 2002 :wink:
and got my own computer - that's why i'm such an idiot in this field yet.
but also other things happened in 2002... :evil:
don't want to talk about them.

Posted: 16 Dec 2002, 22:16
by 6FeetOver
In general, a s**t year. I've been out of work (well, out of full-time employment anyway) now for nearly a year; I was "made redundant" in February! Not to mention that right now, I'm physically sicker than I have been in years - great timing too, right around the holidays, eh? Leave it to me! Despite having gone for career coaching (and therapy) for quite awhile, I *still* haven't come up with a desirable career path for myself, nor worked out my innumerable personal problems... :x :evil: :roll:

Speaking to Debs' comments, though, through Heartland I've "met" some of the most wonderful people I've ever known! :D :P :notworthy:

Hmm... I guess I'll say that 2002 has been a bittersweet sort of year, then; I'm really hoping that 2003 with turn out to be just a *tad* more fruitful... :roll:

Oh yeah, and I'm really getting old, too... :cry: :evil: :von:

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 02:07
by nearmethexperience
generally 2002 was pretty s**t/boring, spent a year of getting drunk and sleeping with people i didn't want to remember in the mornng, ho hum, got slightly better not so long ago, having finally met someone i want to remember all day long *sigh*

so, hopes for 2003, more work (which is finally picking up again, yah!) and possibly relocation to someplace even colder than the uk *shivers*, it's like canada but has no moose(sesesesessss), apparently ;)

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 02:20
by Ginger
A bit up and down for me. 2002 was generally dull with spasmodic highlights...being gigs and meeting Wishvillers...dullness being my personal life :(

Leeds Festival was a pretty good - apathy is my new hobby ;D

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 11:55
by Jim
Hate to add to the downers, but 2002 was not exactly fun and games for me either. Nothing too bad, just not a *good* year, if you know what I mean.

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 13:27
by Debaser
Ginger wrote: Leeds Festival was a pretty good - apathy is my new hobby ;D
It's got far enough away in time for me to think....'hmmmnnn, you know it was such fun I'd go again next year,(if the line up was right and the company was the same..)

Even the downpour gives me fond memories now!


Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 16:38
by rian
Not to bad for me, except for money. But overall ok. :)

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 19:46
by RicheyJames
well after the total abject misery that was 2001 (those who know, know, those who don't, don't need to) 2002 has been hunky-dory...

nicely-settled in a brand-new city :D
job that's threatening to become a career :eek:
met some cracking new peeps :D (shame some are no longer able to read this :( )
and still only 21 :lol:

see ya next year kids!

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 19:51
by karin
How do those message icons work ?

It's been a fairly mediocre year in terms of no great highs and no real lows. Looking forward to 2003. Taking me old Ma to Stockholm at the end of January to see her family. I dare say it will be all up hill from there. :D :innocent:

Posted: 17 Dec 2002, 22:47
by Dreamweapon
already stated that i didn't enjoy 2002, but like ginger i enjoyed leeds festival, Spiritualized were amazing, especially straight after The Prodigy, and I spent a good weekend meeting new people, although were they are now???


Posted: 18 Dec 2002, 09:39
by redfish666
Well, looks like this year was crap for most people...

...for me as well, unfortunately, my fellow Heartlanders...

...the only highlight: I was accepted for better job in the same company, starting next year.

The future looks bright...

Posted: 18 Dec 2002, 18:40
by Debaser
After stating that my year had been ok...I'm rapidly changing my mind. All self-inflicted so no-one to blame but myself....still a lot of good friends are still there for I'm still looking at the half full glass


Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 00:01
by F--kwit
2002. Yeah, where exactly did it go..?

The highest of highs and some pretty scary lows. But as Pete Wylie once memorably said, if a rollercoaster didn't have its ups and downs, it's be... a train. This year has most certainly not been a train for me.

Made some of the best friends I've had in ages, and only two enemies. Both called Tony. My resolution for 2003 is to avoid all people of this name because they only bring me trouble. As one is my boss I feel that I may have to go to extreme lengths to fulfil this resolution. Possibly involving several thousand volts.

Been to 60 gigs in 4 countries on 2 continents. Drank several hundred colourful alcopops. Smoked several thousand Embassy Number 1s. Been really quite unwell, largely due to all of the above. Dealt with some seriously peculiar stuff emotionally. Lost 2 stone which is good though.

Next year: more gigs, less cigs! Possibly....... :roll: [/i]

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 02:22
by zigeunerweisen
Let's just say, the best thing about 2002 is that it's finally ending. I hate to be one more to add to the downers as well, but i make mine thei're words, indeed a terrible year in all areas of life. But i'm older and wiser, so i guess it had it's upsides (if you can call older an upside and not a oh-my-god-i'm-finally-older-than-i-ever-dreamt-of-being-and-i-haven't-done-anything-that-i-wanted-to-do-with-and-in-my-life-and-i'm-really-running-out-of-time-for-doing-them-and-i'm-getting-a-midlife-crisis-20-years-too-soon thing). But i'm happy, really.