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Turkey and the EU

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 02:49
by zigeunerweisen
So, should Turkey be allowed to join the EU? Are they even european to begin with? If they do join shouldn't the name be changed into something like European and one Asian country Union? Why wouldn't they be allowed? Why would they? Is the EU just an economic organization or is it more than that? Turkey and Europe have always been enemies throughout history, but is it enough, in these days, to deny their admission on these grounds? Is it not? Should the EU allow a country that is being currently ruled by and extreme islamic party join in? Would it be good to have an islamic country inside Europe or wouldn't it be?

And why is the US playing older brother and saying to the euros that we must allow them in, because they, americans, want Turkey in. As if they now rule what Europe must or must not do. If i was Turkey i would say to the americans that even though i was pleased with their effort i really would like them to stop <<helping>> us.

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 07:14
by dead stars
So, should Turkey be allowed to join the EU?
Only if the EU changes their name. I'm a purist in what language is concern.
If they do join shouldn't the name be changed into something like European and one Asian country Union?
EAOACU - admit, you love the sound of it! - where's the tongue out smiley, Quiffy?! :evil:
Would it be good to have an islamic country inside Europe or wouldn't it be?
Well, we already have England and the bloody protestants... Oops.
And why is the US playing older brother
You certainly meant "big brother".

Now seriously, if EU opens for Turkey it has to open to Morocco, Algeria, Benim, Congo, Republic of Congo, Angola, Guinea, Afganistan, Pakistan, South Africa, Australia, Indonesia, Japan...

A great big family!


I say, let the Americans include Turkey as one of their States. Then everybody's pleased.

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 08:28
by 6FeetOver
"I say, let the Americans include Turkey as one of their States."

Hmmm...lemme think about that for a second...ummm...gee, I dunno...perhaps...NO. Yeah, I think "NO" is going to be my final answer here... ;)

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 10:41
by RobF
I think it might be a bit difficult to explain some of the more carnivorous aspects of Thanksgiving to them anyway :eek:

Sorry :oops: ;D :von:

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 10:45
by 6FeetOver
Ooooooooooof. :roll: :von:

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 11:59
by Jim
I thought this thread was about christmas food.

I shall take my misconceptions and to a less highbrow thread until the pounding in my head abates.

Sorry to interrupt.

Re: Turkey and the EU

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 13:56
by Scardwel
zigeunerweisen wrote:So, should Turkey be allowed to join the EU? Are they even european to begin with? If they do join shouldn't the name be changed into something like European and one Asian country Union? Why wouldn't they be allowed?
Because they have an appalling human rights record and they have not shown any intention to put this right. Just my 0.02 euro.

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 15:15
by NoLoveLost
I think that this is completely way off.... What is the point of non-european coutries joining in?
I think there are enough Turks in Berlin with them not being part of the EU, now imagine if they do, then there will be no Germans left!!!! I don't wanna sound racist, but I am a feminist and I really don't like the way they treat women in their culture. Besides their culture and way of living is totally NON-european. When you travel around Europe, everything is pretty much the same, same structure, etc, the only thing that changes is the language and some other stuff, but I think when it comes down to Turkish culture, then there is a HUGE difference.
I strongly object to this....I would say they shouldn't, it's not their continent.....

Posted: 19 Dec 2002, 15:31
by rian
I would prefer them to stay outside EU. As other said, the culture.

Posted: 20 Dec 2002, 06:14
by MrEddy
It certainly seems premature; remove the plank from your own eye and so on...

In the long run, however, the current euroean integration is as much an economic strategy as it is a sociological one. In this respect Turkey's addition would widen the market dramatically, especially as it would open the door to other muslim countries.

Further, the larger the cultural diversity within the european umbrella, the better. Hassle free travel etc might even shift our understanding from the (distant) US to the (not so distant) middle east?

I freely admit such political ideas are not the usual furnishings of my mind (I would welcome critisism!); but I do believe that if we're going to play this capitalist game, that a free market is best. Integration of europe os one way of dooing this locally, hence the SEC.

The cultural conotations are very severe, I agree. It will have to be assured that Turkey can meet, and obey, European directives on moral standards, industrial safety etc.

Posted: 20 Dec 2002, 20:01
by Chairman Bux

I'm both fot it and against it at the same time, I think the cultural arguement is a load of bollocks, if you want to be a racist then be a racist, don't dress it up in cultural diffences, or else don't take that cab driven by a turk, don't buy things in the supermarket owned by the indian, don't be operated on by the nigerian doctor, and don't ever greet any neighbors in case they wern't born in your area, all in case your 'tainted' by cultural differences....

now, back on topic...

I think it's a bad idea to stretch european funds so far at the moment, especially with world war 3 just around the corner, yeah, the turks will bring money to the table, but they will take far more than they bring to begin with (to build the roads/schools/hospitals/etc to a 'european' standard), and we'll only have to bomb it and build it again when the christian/muslim war kicks off... again...

Then again, when the bombs start dropping in europe, they'll start dropping farther away from me if Turkey is 'in' europe, so that's not such a bad thing...

Yours, as always,

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 21 Dec 2002, 10:42
by dead stars
For the first time in life I have a chance to really reply Chaairman Buxx, yeah!

Chairman Bux wrote:Yowza,

don't buy things in the supermarket owned by the indian,
Honeey Bux,
me, I like Indian Music [from Inddia]] ddon't know why; must be reincarnarrnaation!!

Posted: 21 Dec 2002, 10:43
by dead stars
f**k,when I'm drrunk it'ss aalwaays the saame, daamn!|

Posted: 22 Dec 2002, 00:31
by MrEddy
Chairman Bux wrote:Yowza,

I'm both fot it and against it at the same time, I think the cultural arguement is a load of bollocks, if you want to be a racist then be a racist, don't dress it up in cultural diffences, or else don't take that cab driven by a turk, don't buy things in the supermarket owned by the indian, don't be operated on by the nigerian doctor, and don't ever greet any neighbors in case they wern't born in your area, all in case your 'tainted' by cultural differences....

now, back on topic...

I think it's a bad idea to stretch european funds so far at the moment, especially with world war 3 just around the corner, yeah, the turks will bring money to the table, but they will take far more than they bring to begin with (to build the roads/schools/hospitals/etc to a 'european' standard), and we'll only have to bomb it and build it again when the christian/muslim war kicks off... again...

Then again, when the bombs start dropping in europe, they'll start dropping farther away from me if Turkey is 'in' europe, so that's not such a bad thing...

Yours, as always,

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville
Paragraph 1) Sounds somewhat barbed to me...

Paragraph 2) I'm afraid I don't agree. Who would build the roads? What products do they buy with their wages?

Money spent, in my opinion, by Europe (by which I mean also european companies) as investments in Turkey will undoubtably be recovered. The larger trading environment would also be beneficial for improving our "own" economies by providing, for example, cheaper manual labour (which is really a good thing).

Your notes on WW3 are well recieved, on the other hand. What do you have in mind?

Posted: 23 Dec 2002, 17:00
by Chairman Bux
Paragraph 1) Sounds somewhat barbed to me...

- Barbed, moi? only if you missed the point...

Paragraph 2) I'm afraid I don't agree. Who would build the roads? What products do they buy with their wages?

- The roads/schools/hospitals would, no doubt, be funded by the EU, anyone who has travelled through Europe would have seen the large, bright blue signs located next to building developments, stating 'Funded by the EU'. Local companies would be contracted to work these developments and the wages no doubt spent in local stores.

Money spent, in my opinion, by Europe (by which I mean also european companies) as investments in Turkey will undoubtably be recovered. The larger trading environment would also be beneficial for improving our "own" economies by providing, for example, cheaper manual labour (which is really a good thing).

- Mmmmmmmmm, yes, tell that to an out of work German builder because a Turk is willing to do the work at half of the cost because he lives in a one bedroom apartment with twenty other Turks and they all send the available balance home to mother. I'm sure the shareholders are quite happy...

Your notes on WW3 are well recieved, on the other hand. What do you have in mind?

- Not having a WW3 might be nice, but I don't see this as an option in the present political climate, so I'm going for not dying as a viable second choice...

I knew you'd be pleased.

Yours, as always,

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 23 Dec 2002, 19:56
by dead stars
OK, today sober!
Chairman Bux wrote:Yowza,

especially with world war 3 just around the corner, yeah, the turks will bring money to the table, but they will take far more than they bring to begin with (to build the roads/schools/hospitals/etc to a 'european' standard), and we'll only have to bomb it and build it again when the christian/muslim war kicks off... again...
Humorous. Very humorous. But I don't believe this will happen. and some people call me a pessimit, go figure!
American's insanity against Iraq is just that, insanity. It won't spread. It can't spread. Not as long as there are intelligent people in countries whose leaders are fools.

Too optimistic to believe we, the people, can riot and stop WWIII?

Posted: 26 Dec 2002, 17:49
by MrEddy
Chairman Bux wrote:
I knew you'd be pleased.

Yours, as always,

Chairman Bux
Of course!! It's a discussion worth having. I mean to suggest that ultimately Turkish people will buy our products and we will buy theirs. In equal measure. This is surely advantagous to us both.

What's wrong with competition for manual labour? Also, such labour movements are merely a transitional effect. When the standard of living in Turkey has become closer the the rest of Western Europe, I'm sure it will cease. Recall also that it is not uncommon for Engl8ish builders to work in Germany.

My first remark was merely in the fear that you were accusing me (or the others above) of being racist, I'm sorry to have been so presumptious.

Yours ever.