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***** Wedding of the Year *****

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 00:25
by James Blast
No! not that pair! :evil:

a week today The Boss marries the gorgeous Jo.

the countdown begins...

I'd like to be the first to wish them all the best and pray nerves don't get too fraught in the inbetween days leading up to the big event.

An extra big thanks to Barry for making this haven :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 11:05
by Obviousman
I'll wish them all the best too :D

You're both stars, so it can only go amazingly well, that's for sure 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 11:06
by DerekR
Aye, awrabest boss....and Barry too :lol:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 11:44
by emilystrange
it's barry's nerves we're referring to?

all the best, the pair of you. love you to bits.

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 11:57
by nick the stripper
What a coincidence that photo is. I was reading about scientology at and bloody hell, is it the most disturbing thing I have ever read about. The thought that these people are actually out there makes me shudder.

Anyways, congratulations. :D :D :D

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 12:23
by christophe

congrats to you Jo
and you Barry you are a very lucky man !!!!

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 12:38
by Zuma
All the best from me too!

have a great day :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 12:38
by Badlander
All the best to the both of you ! :D 8) :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 14:01
by scotty
Aye, all the very best :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 14:11
by Izzy HaveMercy
It is considered bad luck to wish this before the wedding :twisted:

But I hope the preparations go well! ;D

Wedding congrats will follow!


Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 21:57
by Silver_Owl
Good luck Barry. And Jo of course.

Where's our invites? :evil: :lol:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:01
by Ozpat
All the best to you! :D

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:02
by James Blast
Hom_Corleone wrote:Where's our invites? :evil: :lol:
I have plenty of 'overs'* Dad :D :innocent:

* spare prints from a print run ;D

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:06
by timsinister
I'd make a lot of jokes about ball-and-chains, thumbs, and the like - but Jo would incinerate me. So, the best of luck to yer both! Have a truly excellent and wonderful time. Nobody deserves it more than our hard-working Fuhrer!


You know my account details, Quiff. :wink:

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:41
by mh
Aye aye!

Long days and pleasant nights. May the world be filled with miniature Quiffs...!

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:42
by emilystrange

minature Jos, surely

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 23:29
by James Blast
Jos is Debs significant other, are you sure ems? :lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 00:19
by Debaser
Pressies sorted, boughted wrapped
Outfit - just enough orange to be polite
Accomodation booked :eek:
PA system checked and ready to roll
Wrist specially broken
Red cast just red enough to clash with orange blouse
Giddiness levels building very nicely

See you Friday, possums :kiss:

Hopefully Wed,if you got my text about Puressence.

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 13:23
by Ed Rhombus
timsinister wrote:
You know my account details, Quiff. :wink:
The TopMan or the Mothercare one?

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 13:52
by sarah_orange
ooo good luck to the both of yous!

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 15:47
by Purple Light
Congrats from me too! :notworthy:

Hope you both have a wonderful day. :D

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 20:15
by MadameButterfly
well well well...don't bite your nails god, it looks ugly and not worth it! jo, tell him not to and don't you start!

borrow jos if need be, don't forget the new, blue, old, stolen, bounced etc...

you both will be picturesque on the day and the lady in slight orange please oh please take some photies on that day...

have fun! relax within each other's love and enjoy...

*this is one of the three worst times of anyone's life....regarding stress levels.

stressless vibes for today, amazing couple, it will all start in the "i do"....
.... doesn't change much as you know it now, it only makes it legal! :wink: :kiss:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 20:27
by bushman*pm
Best wishews and congratulations to you both!
Hope you have a fantastic day1
My only tip is that the day will fly by soooo fast, every now and then just stop for a minute or two, look around and take it all in and treasure those memories!

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 21:46
by Planet Dave
Barry & Jo are scientologists!!?? Cripes, didn't know that. :lol:

Have a wonderful day you gorgeous gorgeous people. Bet the music at the night do will be pretty damn groovy!

Congratulations Barry & Jo. All the best to you both. Stars indeed. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:21
by Erudite
Congratulations and all the best for the future!
I'm sure the two of you (and all your guests) will have a wonderful day.