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Casino Royale

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 19:46
by Erudite
Took the missus to see it yesterday (an achievement in itself as she's not a Bond fan) and I have to say it more or less lived up to the hype.
A surprising amount of violence portrayed in a realistic manner, relatively gadget free and plenty of old-fashioned stunt work.
Eva Green puts in a reasonable performance as Vesper Lynd and Daniel Craig makes for a believable and thuggish Bond.
If I had one complaint the film is perhaps twenty minutes longer than it needed to be.
I'll be interested to see if they maintain the grittiness for the next outing.

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:07
by itnAklipse
Yep, grittiness is good but only insofarasmuch one can get passed the nonsensical hollywood script, hollywood acting and hollywood style.

i just saw a really good japanese action movie from 1966, Drifter from Tokyo, a couple of days ago, and then i saw this and...was wondering why i even doubted i don't need to see it.

Also last time i suspected i might like a hollywood-movie, it was David Cronenberg's a History of Violence, and needless to say i was wrong to ever doubt i could get along without.
Davie is a great director, and an intelligent man to boot, but why he sold himself after the masterpiece Spider and made that piece of crap with Viggie is beyond me.

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:12
by Andie
i was watching the original spoof with David Niven as Sir James Bond...

i know...Coat ;D

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:23
by Obviousman
Burn wrote:i was watching the original spoof with David Niven as Sir James Bond...

i know...Coat ;D
I think I still have that on VHS somewhere, never watched it though :lol:

Bond is a bit of nostalgia to me, so I might just be seeing this one anytime soon. The only thing that scares me off a bit is the lack of humour in comparison to all previous movies?

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 22:59
by christophe
itnAklipse wrote:Davie is a great director, and an intelligent man to boot, but why he sold himself after the masterpiece Spider and made that piece of crap with Viggie is beyond me.
I didn't see "a history of... " yet but Spider was one of the best movies I ever have seen.

Bond. I hated the last few movies but a was quite a fan before. I think its a good thing they try something new. I was always under the impression the Bond character was someone with a very dark past so this fits rather good.
maybe I'll go see him in the theaters.. maybe i'll wait for the dvd 8)

Posted: 19 Nov 2006, 23:02
by mh
I was quite a fan of the original books when I was young, so I may pop along to see this one.

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 12:57
by ruffers
Dceent film, as said a touch too long.

And by the way if anyone's got under 12's they're thinking of taking then imho it's in no way suitable.

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 14:37
by Badlander
Sounds good to me. 8)
I found the last instalment total pish. Weak story, weak characters, weak sfx, sub-par HK-like action movie. :urff:
And Madonna ? Pfff, give me a break ! :roll:

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 16:13
by Purple Light
This has got me thinking of a new topic/poll to do...

Haven't seen the film yet, off to see it later this week.
I need Daniel Craig to convince me.

Posted: 20 Nov 2006, 23:16
by Arch Deviant
I have never really been a Bond fan but I would say Daniel Craig is best looking of them all. Which may make me want to watch it.

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 05:30
by weebleswobble
Looks good, naysayers need to get a life :roll: (you know who you are) I f**king hate going to the pictures so will wait for the DVD :D

Posted: 21 Nov 2006, 11:48
by smiscandlon
weebleswobble wrote:I f**king hate going to the pictures
Arch Deviant wrote:I would say Daniel Craig is best looking of them all