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English & German Interview on Youtube

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 13:56
by Purple Light

An early black clad Von & Wayne & then a strange colourful German thingy on the same clip.

I've never seen either of these so I though it'd be worth posting as I'm sure there'll be others who haven't either.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 20:58
by itnAklipse
Nice, thanks. Wish my german was better.

Posted: 22 Nov 2006, 22:16
by CellThree
I've got this first interview on VHS. Never got round to copying it onto the PC. Although, it looks like this version is actually better than mine!

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 18:05
by eotunun
Translation is under way! stay tuned!

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 18:58
by weebleswobble
It's like The Big Breakfast on Acid :eek:

Love the crazy robo-eye:

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 22:11
by eotunun
Here it comes 8) :

"The Sisters Of Mercy are, since the beginning of the eighties, considered as THE voice of the underground. Despite the mercifull sisters got famous as typical crypt-rockers, they prove with temple that gloomy pop can be danced to. Their concerts became a legend and allways were sold out.
After a quarrel with his bandmates The Sisters Of Mercy became a solo project by Andrew Elditch with changing partners. And he also became more elegant. The goth-image had to go. For ten years he has lived at Hamburg now, and the fan community longingly waits for new songs by their master."

*Interviewer (The one who´s jacket looks like he sneezed into an ink-pot)*
"Here Andrew, if you like some breafast?"
"I allready had!"
*I* "Yes?"
*A* "Yes, I´ve been up long ago."
*I* "When did you get up today?"
*A* "Four"
*I* "At four ´o clock in the morning?"
*A* "Yes."
*I* "And you do that every day, allways get up early?"
*A* "Usually. Yupp."
*I* "And then? Why do you do that?"
*A* "Don´t know. I live down there at the harbour. It´s very nice down there in the early morning. Moreover I can take care of my private life a bit before people start calling and sending faxes, and do knows the devil what else..."
*I* "Well, you are your own manager and do everything by yourself, (Turns to the camera) actually that´s a good trick, getting up early..
But therefore you also go to bed early, about nine or so.."
*A* "Yes."
*I* "Apropos private life, you allways wear those shades, one can never see you without sunglasses.."
*A* "..Oh YES!(Nods) But then you don´t notice anything."
*I* "Okay, I´ve seen you without them earlier, and I actually didn´t recognise you."
*A* "I usually explain it like that: When Maffay (Peter Maffay, German rock star) has to go to ALDI (Name of German supermarkets) he has to put on shades and then everybody looks and says "Look there is Maffay!".. ´cause.. I take the glasses off and no-bleedin´-body disturbs me."
*I* "Works great.. but tell me, in that intro scene we´ve heard that your music is described as goth or darkwave, (Andrew giggles..) that probably is about to make you want to vomit if you hear that, or..?"
*A* "Yees.. I never felt it was like that."
*I* "How would you describe it yourself, what all of you, or you, made with The Sisters?"
*A* "It´s rock music, it´s somewhere between Motörhead and the Pet Shop Boys."
*I* "Between Motörhead and Pet Shop Boys! Well that, (Turns to camera) well, that actually says it quite exactly, yes! (laughs)"
*A* "It´s fun, but hard, it´enjoyable, melodic.. but it´s.. it can be quite mean, but that doesn´t mean depressive in any way. And that it isn´t that.. escaping reality as much as most of the rest of pop music. That´s surely is nothing I have to apologize for.."
*I* "Yes, depressive. But that´s an assumtion made about you, for black clothes, black sunglasses.. (Andrew shoes his red shirt.) ..You allready appeared in a white suit.."
*A* "Yes. Even quite often!"
*I* ".. and tried to work against that stupid jounalists blurp, but in spite of (err) that it (err) said (err errr err) again "depressiv rock music".
*A* "For journalists are dim an lazy."
*I* (to the camera) "Dim and lazy, that´s what they are!(Andrew repeats: "Dim and lazy!") Ha! Now we´ve said it! That´s what it´s like! You have a wonderfull sticker there, show us: "Sisters against Nazis"! By the way, you can get it if you manage to get through to us and ask questions. (*A*:"Yes") This, and then a Siters-CD (*A*:"Yes"), the last one, "Best Of", Yes erm.. (honk, beep, honk) Oh, there´s a call! I´ll answer.. Hello, this is Marcus, at "(I don´t understand it, sound like "Suppe da")Who´s in the line?"
*Claudia* "Claudia. (*I* "Where are you from") from Morgshidde.."
*I* "I didn´understand that.."
*C* "Marxhütte!"
*I* "And how old are you?"
*C* "Ten!"
*I* "Ten! Got a question to ask Andrew?"
*C* "Yes, how he got to the name for the band!?"
*A* "I pilfered it. Honestly speaking.." (Claudia giggles)
*I* "From where?"
*A* "I once saw a film where Julie Chrstie played a prostitute, in which she led her troup through the mud into some kind of wild west city, and I thought it was a good mix between dogma and prostitution what you do as a rock band"
*C* "Hmhm(Confirmingly)"
*I* "You between those..Claudia, Is your question answered? (*C* confirms) you won ... hold the line, bye! (To Andrew) One more thing: You lately were invited to do a hash test for a big.. (hesitates) actually a rather small german trend magazine, can´t remember the name, "Taschentuch" or something alike.. I don´t know anymore.. "
*A* " I know, but I don`t tell."
*I* " was about testing hash, but you were the only one to refuse that invitation. Why?"
*A* "Yes! It bothers me! I DID ma.. make my experiences with it, in England it still is totally in (I´m not absolutely sure about this line, there seems to be a cut in the video, could be "forbidden"?), but somehow, you encounter that stuff.. But it bothers me."
*I* "So you have.. Die Fantastischen Vier (German Hip Hop band) were supposed to be there but weren´t, there were politicians, Rolf Zacherl (Popular german TV cook) was there and so on, and all of them were busy puffing away, while you wrote a manifesto against that, that may be saying too much but.."
*A* "I wish there could have been somebody to say "Yes, it may be good, but you don´t have to take everything that you may be permited to take.."
Enter: A chap with a pineapple in place of his head.
"If I may interupt you there..Blubber, blurp.., we asked you how far you will go at mutilating your boddy (Refering to tatoos and piercing etc.)"
*A* (from the side) " far as you!"
*pineapple-man* "Hehehee.. thank youuu! blubber blubber"
*I* "..yadda yadda, Andrew, do you have a tatoo or piercing anywhere?"
*A* "Now, you really want to know that! unfortunately you are not my type"
Mods blabla along, and over..

Posted: 23 Nov 2006, 22:13
by eotunun
After the interview, the mother of ten year old Claudia from Morgshidde had a difficult talk with her daughter:

"Mommy, what are those.. prot.. protestants.. those Prostitts?"

Posted: 25 Dec 2006, 23:42
by scoop
Oh My god that is very sad! Full interview typed out!!! Ohhh hehehe


Posted: 11 Jan 2007, 21:41
by pikkrong
Thanks for the link and translation! :notworthy:
I haven't seen it before. Does any weeding thing include it?

Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 00:14
by Big Si
:notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:


Posted: 12 Jan 2007, 00:26
by eotunun
pikkrong wrote:Thanks for the link and translation! :notworthy:
I haven't seen it before. Does any weeding thing include it?
I wouldn´t possibly suggest such actions as to rip it or, if you use Microsofts´ IE seek it in your temporary internet files folder and save it under a decent name with .flv as suffix so you could watch it with VLC player or media player classic..
Noooo.. Never!
:| That would be too easy.

Posted: 09 May 2008, 12:02
by eotunun
The original link to the video is dead, but I just saw it is back.

Posted: 09 May 2008, 15:16
by Chairman Bux
How embarrassing.

Posted: 09 May 2008, 19:56
by itnAklipse
Thanks for translation! Priceless stuff :)

Posted: 12 May 2008, 11:59
by eotunun
Chairman Bux wrote:How embarrassing.
I think Andrew held himself quite well there. Other than those moderators.

Posted: 12 May 2008, 12:38
by Quiff Boy
*A* "I once saw a film where Julie Chrstie played a prostitute, in which she led her troup through the mud into some kind of wild west city, and I thought it was a good mix between dogma and prostitution what you do as a rock band"
the film in question is "McCabe & Mrs. Miller" from 1971

imdb wrote: Set in winter in the Old West. Charismatic but dumb John McCabe arrives in a young Pacific Northwest town to set up a whorehouse/tavern. The shrewd Mrs. Miller, a professional madam, arrives soon after construction begins. She offers to use her experience to help McCabe run his business, while sharing in the profits. The whorehouse thrives and McCabe and Mrs. Miller draw closer, despite their conflicting intelligences and philosophies. Soon, however, the mining deposits in the town attract the attention of a major corporation, which wants to buy out McCabe along with the rest. He refuses, and his decision has major repercussions for him, Mrs. Miller, and the town.
trivia: the film had the tagline "choose your poison", and soundtrack features 3 tracks by leonard cohen, including 'sisters of mercy':
"The Stranger Song"
Written and Performed by Leonard Cohen

"Sisters of Mercy"
Written and Performed by Leonard Cohen

"Winter Lady"
Written and Performed by Leonard Cohen
Image have the trailer here: ... 446234905/

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