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Rose of avalanche

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:21
by wild bill buttock
Any-one else remember them?
I gave my music-cassette(Remember them) version of "Never another sunset" a listen today and the tape snapped :evil:
I never thought they made the transition to record from an excellent live act and most of the time sounded like a second rate rawk band.When they did hit the spot they were brilliant though ("Too many castles","Always there" and "lights on" to name a few).
But my most abiding memory of them is some complete tool trying to tell me that Rose of avalanche were the drummer out of the Sisters of mercy's side project :eek: .When I informed him that the good Doktor was a drum machine,he replied "well some-one has to switch it on and off" :lol: :lol:

Posted: 28 Nov 2006, 22:28
by scotty
I saw them a couple of times back in the Day, no' bad but no' great, I gave Derek R a live DVD of them, I prefer Flesh For Lulu.

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 00:07
by Maisey
I saw them on the list of inspirations on Rosettas myspace page. I was curious and checked out the website. I didn't give them much time to be honest, any RotA fans wanna rant about them so I have something to go on?

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 01:19
by paint it black
gimmie some loving is a great song..but then it's a cover

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 13:22
by Spiggy's hat
Maisey wrote:I saw them on the list of inspirations on Rosettas myspace page. I was curious and checked out the website. I didn't give them much time to be honest, any RotA fans wanna rant about them so I have something to go on?
Yes, they were superb............but I'm guessing that you are looking for more than that.

From 85-87 they released a conveyor belt of under rated alt rock classics, although at least half of them suffer from really cheap production, and a not very good drum machine.

They (IMO) peaked in 1986, and put on a great show (with human drummer by now) supporting The m*****n on the World Crusade tour in Oct/November that year. By now they had signed to Fire records, and as much as I hate Fire they released 3 great singles in 86/87 'Too Many Castles', 'Velveteen' & 'Always There'.

Around the time of Always There (early 87) they were approached by various majors, and tried to leave Fire which resulted in a legal nightmare that stoped them releasing anything for 18 months. They played a few low key Leeds gigs in the summer of 1988 under the name of 'Absolutely Anything', and Fire released an album of unfinished demos with the appalling title of 'In Rock'

By the time they finally released their 1st proper album in early 1989, the general consensus (even amongst fans) was that they had missed their window, and they never really recovered. They stumbled around the pub/small club circuit in the UK for a few more years with an ever changing line up, before finally splitting in 1993?

'LA Rain - The Singles Collection' would be the perfect starting point, for anyone investigating Leeds 2nd best band. :wink:

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 14:52
by Nic
Spiggy's hat wrote: 'LA Rain - The Singles Collection' would be the perfect starting point, for anyone investigating Leeds 2nd best band. :wink:
Leave Red Lorry Yellow Lorry out of this! :twisted:

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 19:35
by James Blast
Nic wrote:Leave Red Lorry Yellow Lorry out of this! :twisted:
... and The Three Johns...

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 20:25
by more-sedatives-pls
"Her Fatal Charm" is the one song I can remember really sticking out of their otherwise relatively grey puddle. was a nice one though.

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 21:36
by weebleswobble
Nic wrote:
Spiggy's hat wrote: 'LA Rain - The Singles Collection' would be the perfect starting point, for anyone investigating Leeds 2nd best band. :wink:
Leave Red Lorry Yellow Lorry out of this! :twisted:
Monkeys on Juice - (Heartlander Leeds Contingent)

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 21:56
by James Blast
weebleswobble wrote:Monkeys on Juice - (Heartlander Leeds Contingent)
you're just making up names now :|

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 22:27
by wild bill buttock
You're derailing my thread here,you rotten bastards :evil:

Anyway back to Flesh for Lulu.f**king hated them.Not neccesarily for the music even though it was a bit poppy for me,but the fact all the birds I fancied all fancied the singer out of Flesh for Lulu instead of me.
I mean I was a highly attractive proposition in 1984.What woman in thier right mind could resist an unemployed,semi alcoholic speedfreak with an embarrassing line in home made red indian outfits that he thought made him look a bit like Ian Astbury.God I was a twit.

I'm rambling again arn't I?

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 22:58
by James Blast
Rave on, preach Brother!
Revr'nd Image

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:09
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:Monkeys on Juice - (Heartlander Leeds Contingent)
you're just making up names now :|
Yes I know, awful thing a fertile imagination :innocent:

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:18
by James Blast
weebleswobble wrote:
James Blast wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:Monkeys on Juice - (Heartlander Leeds Contingent)
you're just making up names now :|
Yes I know, awful thing a fertile imagination :innocent:
that reminds me, must put some sheeting over the compost heap now that winter draws on... ;D

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:19
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:
James Blast wrote:you're just making up names now :|
Yes I know, awful thing a fertile imagination :innocent:
that reminds me, must put some sheeting over the compost heap now that winter draws on... ;D
cheeky wee bugger, yur tea's oot! :lol:

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:21
by Arch Deviant
James Blast wrote:
weebleswobble wrote:
James Blast wrote:you're just making up names now :|
Yes I know, awful thing a fertile imagination :innocent:
that reminds me, must put some sheeting over the compost heap now that winter draws on... ;D
TOP TIP : Try some old, smelly carpet instead of a sheet. That usually keeps the imagination rotting over winter. :!:

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:22
by weebleswobble
Arch Deviant wrote:
James Blast wrote:
weebleswobble wrote: Yes I know, awful thing a fertile imagination :innocent:
that reminds me, must put some sheeting over the compost heap now that winter draws on... ;D
TOP TIP : Try some old, smelly carpet instead of a sheet. That usually keeps the imagination rotting over winter. :!:
Right-Class Action! ;D

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:28
by James Blast
Arch Deviant wrote:TOP TIP : Try some old, smelly carpet instead of a sheet. That usually keeps the imagination rotting over winter. :!:
Gardener's Question Time is it? :lol:

Anne Swithinbank said : Rose of Avalanche supported The Mission when I saw them. They looked like nice young boys, firm, good roots but unfortunately I was in another 'allotment' when they were performing so I only saw them say "G'night Glasgow" and walk off stage. It was the QMU, so you natives with a similar climate will understand. :|

Posted: 29 Nov 2006, 23:36
by weebleswobble
AAAhhhhh the QMU :notworthy: (back in the day)

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 18:29
by Ramone
I saw the The Rose of Avawank a few times 'back in the day ' too, in the same vein as Rosetta they were a bit 'too influenced' by their peers and I'm afriad this was their down fall. They where always in the shadow of the Sisters.

But the upshot of it was, because they were a mediocre band they always made the Mishun look just that little bit better every night!

But out of the bands from back then, Balaam and the Angel always seemed to be the perpetual support act of the day, the same way the Almighty were in the '90s - for every rock band you went to watch (Motorhead, Faster Pussycat etc..) .

Which could open a whole new support acts of their time who almost stole the show.

I'll start.. Ghostdance, Chat Show and Rosetta Stone supporting Danielle Dax ( the tale of us being asked not to perform at Rock City in Nottingham is legendary)..

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 21:54
by wild bill buttock
Why in the name of Christ would you have gone to see "Faster pussycat"?
And you reckon Rose of Avalanche were crap?
Compared with all that LA sleaze/glam metal bollocks,The Rosies were Led Zeppelin.

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 22:31
by scotty
wild bill buttock wrote:Why in the name of Christ would you have gone to see "Faster pussycat"?
And you reckon Rose of Avalanche were crap?
Compared with all that LA sleaze/glam metal bollocks,The Rosies were Led Zeppelin.
I went to see Faster Pussycat 'cause The Almichty were support 8)

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 22:39
by Andie
scotty wrote:
wild bill buttock wrote:Why in the name of Christ would you have gone to see "Faster pussycat"?
And you reckon Rose of Avalanche were crap?
Compared with all that LA sleaze/glam metal bollocks,The Rosies were Led Zeppelin.
I went to see Faster Pussycat 'cause The Almichty were support 8)

it's a Scottish thing :notworthy:

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 22:55
by Maisey
Never seen a show stealing support band, for which I am glad, its always nice to scoff at a rubbish to support and save your energy for the main act...although Edguy supporting dragonforce were good ( they are a much older band, with more respect in those circles, but unfortunatly couldn't draw in the kids like the force can)

Posted: 30 Nov 2006, 23:04
by canon docre
Maisey wrote:Never seen a show stealing support band, for which I am glad, its always nice to scoff at a rubbish to support and save your energy for the main act...
saw plenty of them. one remarkable to remember was certainly the first ever Rammstein tour, supporting Project Pitchfork. A look in the faces of the PP guys told me, they havent had any clue, what hit them so hard. :lol: :twisted: