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Underrated sisters songs

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:11
by bookish
Well not by us, but maybe by E.

I'm always surprised that two of my all-time fave tracks have disappeared off the playlist - Floorshow and Body Electric. I view Floorshow as nearly the equal of Alice which is quite rightly played all the time, and Body Electric could be superb with the latest sound.

But no. Maybe its just me, but far inferior songs (Burn, Anaconda ...) seem to appear much more.

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:15
by Andie

whats wrong with Burn? :eek:

Seriously tho...i have to agree...Floorshow was/is a total monster...and live it took on a personallity all of its own...Body Electric should be played every day IMHO...


Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:21
by Izzy HaveMercy
'Burn' is just a stonking choon, and I STILL DIDNAE SEE IT LIVE! :evil:

Better ditch 'Romeo Down' (even with a live bassist, it just drags along without anything happening) and FFS 'Will I Dream?' (for the same reason as RD, but even more boring because it hass no live bass) for...oh...I dunno...

Fix, Valentine, LIGHTS!!!! (no bias at all, but I want to hear THAT doomcrusher-song live)...


Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:26
by xfloorshowx
I agree, really miss Floorshow, my all-time darling :kiss:

Nine While Nine would be nice :!:

...and of course a cover of "Sounds Like a Melody" by Alphaville :eek:

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:38
by Andie
Izzy HaveMercy wrote:LIGHTS!!!! (no bias at all, but I want to hear THAT doomcrusher-song live)...

been there done that :innocent: 8)


Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 22:56
by more-sedatives-pls
I really enjoyed Blood Money on the London 97 gig !!!! (indefinite tx to HL for that).

ok, it's definitely not one of the top sissies songs, but just that unexpectedness is awesome.

For that same reason: Good Things and the return of Body & Soul. Been played plenty in the past, but deserve a second life!

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 23:04
by robertzombie
I would love to see them perform Blood Money and Possession ('91 version).

If they were to perform Floorshow they'd have to do it PROPERLY, none of that funny nineties garbage.

Why doesn't he play the older stuff? It's what we want, I would happily have ALL of the "new" stuff removed and replaced with the old stuff.

Don't get me wrong, the new stuff is good, but the old stuff is great. And there's no need for someone to type up a bloody great rant on how they've "moved on" i know they have, but wouldn't mind a nice oldie here and there :)

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 23:15
by weebleswobble
robertzombie wrote: but wouldn't mind a nice oldie here and there :)

Just For You :kiss:

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 23:19
by more-sedatives-pls
weebles, keep your mum out of this !

Posted: 03 Jan 2007, 23:20
by robertzombie
weebleswobble wrote:
robertzombie wrote: but wouldn't mind a nice oldie here and there :)

Just For You :kiss:
Just what i need :twisted:

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 14:17
by Purple Light
Some Kind Of Stranger on its own, all the way through.
Floorshow again.
I think Adrenochrome could be given a nice modern Ben & Chris metallic feel to it.

Can't agree with you Iz about Romeo Down... I adore it (with a live bassist) so much!!!

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 15:00
by mh
YCBTO is long overdue a live airing. The only VT-era song that hasn't had one yet.

I'd definitely say "yeah yeah yeah yeah" to that. ;D

Coat, I know...

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 16:23
by robertzombie
Ben's band played Walk Away at one of their recent gigs. I think it's pretty evident that Ben (and probably Chris) want to play the old stuff, why doesn't Andrew?

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 16:35
by eotunun
Andrew described his opinion about the old songs as "Like looking at baby pictures".

They simply don´t match his ideas of quality music anymore, or don´t fit the picture he wants of the band he wants to transport. As simple as that, as incomprehensible to the fans..

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 16:55
by streamline
Purple Light wrote: I think Adrenochrome could be given a nice modern Ben & Chris metallic feel to it.
..except that :von: has "forgotten the words" :roll: :roll: !

p*ss poor excuse for not playing a top-notch tune.

I'd welcome another airing of Marianne and Fix though.
As well as Kiss The Carpet as the first song - sheer class!

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 17:06
by markfiend
He doesn't seem to want to play any songs that Wayne had a hand in. Look at the recent set-lists; two or three pre-1984 songs, plenty of post-1985 songs, none from the 84-85 period.

Or maybe he's just being deliberately awkward -- Thinks: OK, the songs from '84 to '85 would probably go down best, so I'll leave them out...

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 17:29
by streamline
markfiend wrote: Or maybe he's just being deliberately awkward -- Thinks: OK, the songs from '84 to '85 would probably go down best, so I'll leave them out...
..sound of nail being struck squarely by hammer...


Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 17:51
by robertzombie
They played F&L&A on the tour, didn't Wayne have some involvement in that song?

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:07
by James Blast
I'm with mh, just think what a kick erse version this line-up would do of YCBTO.

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:23
by Dark
Sister Ray.

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:27
by Badlander
Dark wrote:Sister Ray.
I don't know but I suppose Von must rate this one pretty high. :innocent:

Interesting how this thread has turned into "songs we want to hear performed live". That was predictable. ;D

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:36
by Dark
He doesn't rate it high enough to have played it on the past few tours.

But it'd probably just be churned out as a power-chord rock song. :|

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 20:45
by mh
Badlander wrote:
Dark wrote:Sister Ray.
I don't know but I suppose Von must rate this one pretty high. :innocent:

Interesting how this thread has turned into "songs we want to hear performed live". That was predictable. ;D
Perhaps also predictable that much the same songs would appear in both lists. ;D

OK, here's one:

The first half of ToL. In fact, just playing the first half, and leaving out the "extended" bit altogether would be good, but maybe Von is just plain sick to death of it by now?

Posted: 04 Jan 2007, 21:46
by bookish
markfiend wrote:He doesn't seem to want to play any songs that Wayne had a hand in ...
That's been clear for a while. Which is why it surprises me that Floorshow and Body Electric haven't been played.

Posted: 05 Jan 2007, 08:32
by Pista
I think it's about time Train was brought out of the box.
Always blew me away live (but not Long Train).

For sure Body Electric & perhaps Heartland (ahem...) would make a nice surprise.