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Know your Sister.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 01:35
by ChrisE

Re: Know your Sister.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 02:04
by Syberberg
ChrisE wrote:Ok. A little contest:

One of the projects I work on these days (when I´m sick and tired of playing in a regular rockband), is something I call "The Reptile Project".
It is, of course, very inspired by The Sisters.

My question to you:
Wich Sisters tunes are, in one way or another, represented in my 4 demos (to tunes in the first demo)?

My second question to you:
Is this the worst piece of crap demo/idea/sketches you´ve ever heard?

Know your sister:


You're going to run into some very big copyright problems with this if you keep it so close to Never Land/Colours/Flood I&II/Driven Like The Snow with Iguana 1997. I mean, your blatantly copying Floodland here.

As for the second demo, why bother to change the name, it's Suzanne.

In fact I'm not going to bother to listen to the rest of what you've done. Rip-off merchant. Can't you write your own music without stealing it, or was your imagination surgically removed (assuming you were born with any in the first place that is)?

Represented???? Fuck off pal, you've just copied Sisters' songs wholesale.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 02:23
by CellThree
This work isn't inspired by The Sisters. They are cover versions. Nothing else. But they do sound nice! If you finish them as cover versions I'd like to hear them.

But gotta agree with Syberberg, don't try and pass this off as your own compositions.

Oh and the last two tracks are WYDSM and Walk Away.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 02:31
by eotunun
Why didn´t you call the project "Sisters on pot"? :wink:

I think you´ve done quite a nice coverjob, but intoducing the songs as your creations will definately have some unpleasant consequences.
If you came here for more tan just selling a coveralbum: :notworthy: Welcome! :notworthy: And you may enjoy contributing what´s happening till the next one arrives?

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 08:35
by Dark
A little harsh, Syberberg.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 10:43
by Syberberg
Dark wrote:A little harsh, Syberberg.
The truth frequently is. Sorry for swearing, but that kind of blantant plagiarism hit a raw nerve and I saw red. I mean, to claim that his "work" (in this case, so I'm not refering to anything else he has done), is nothing other than remixes of some classic Sisters' songs, then renamed and passed off as his own creation.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 13:02
by Mokarran
While I admire Syberberg's passion, I think Chris more or less admits these are Sisters tunes. So yes, covers, and they should be named as such. Interesting for a quick listen, but why not think up your own tunes if you want to use your own titles? I mean, it's not as if Von harvested TS Eliot for pertinent quotes throughout his early work... is it?


Re: Know your Sister.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 13:56
by ChrisE

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 14:35
by Izzy HaveMercy
Ah, so it's mashups?

Slightly more interesting, and I kinda like your way of screwing up with your first post. ;D

I will certainly give it a listen and comment on it, now that we know the WHOLE story...


Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 14:45
by ChrisE
Izzy HaveMercy wrote: I kinda like your way of screwing up with your first post. ;D
Yeah! Gives me character, right? :lol:


Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 15:11
by canon docre
I´m no newbie in the musicbiz
sorry, but I doubt that very much, otherwise you wouldnt use a phrase like
because legally what should that be?

What you've done (as far as I can hear by a quick check) is a remix, not a coverversion, because

a coverversion is the reproduction of exactly the same notes and words of the original.

- a remix on the other hands need to be cleared before it's done, which makes - like Syberberg has pointed - out these songs on your page illegal. (supposed you didnt ask the copyright holders for allowance)

You can be very lucky if there isnt a mail going out to the copyright holders, whom I presume are more or less aware of this site. But on the other hand, does the old man still care anyway?

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 19:55
by Dark
Not really. Otherwise anyone (myself included) who remixed any Sisters tracks, or made one of the covers on the site, would have been done.

Does Eldritch Care About The Mumbles? ;)

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 20:26
by ChrisE
canon docre wrote:I´m no newbie in the musicbiz

sorry, but I doubt that very much, otherwise you wouldnt use a phrase like
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Just one of the funniest things I´ve read in a while!

What you've done (as far as I can hear by a quick check) is a remix
Nope. To make a remix of a tune you have to use (at least parts of) the original recording. I´ve just ripped some musical patterns and played it my way. I have played and programmed every note on these tracks, wich happens to include some musical patterns from a very cool band. Whats not to understand?
You can be very lucky if there isnt a mail going out to the copyright holders, whom I presume are more or less aware of this site.
Yeah! His lawyers called mine lawyers 2 hours ago. Gonna make the headlines tonight. :eek:


Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 21:34
by timsinister
Go Go Gadget Baxcorp Legal Team.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 22:11
by theyoungbrain
not much point in this is there? but it's nice to hear a studio version of suzanne! even without the vocals.

Posted: 09 Jan 2007, 22:16
by sultan2075
This entire discussion is pretty f**king stupid.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 00:28
by Mokarran
We thrive on stupidity. I say put the fuckers out and let loose the Baxcorp lawyers. They'll have you for dinner, Chris old son. 'As one gets older, litigation replaces sex'. Now who the f**k said that?


Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 00:52
by Silver_Owl
Mokarran wrote:We thrive on stupidity.
Maybe this should be incorporated in The Heartland coat of arms and mad einto our motto. :wink:

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 00:55
by Petseri
Hom_Corleone wrote:
Mokarran wrote:We thrive on stupidity.
Maybe this should be incorporated in The Heartland coat of arms and mad einto our motto. :wink:
Is James up to it?

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 01:38
by ChrisE
well, well, well. :roll:

I did not know my tracks would offend you so much. Some of you just sounds like little girls who just got hurt. If you aint got nothing to say, why post it on the forum?!

Would be nice with some more to the point discusion/opinions about the sound, the style, the ideas, my version compared to SOM version etc. I appreciate all serious feedback, good or bad.


BTW: I´ve been in the music biz for ages, and I´ve got an awful lot of life experience. So, personal attack on an internet forum just wont get to me. Live with it.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 01:58
by weebleswobble
ChrisE-your last post, too much mate

You can't just step into a healthy community and trash it.

So this little girl is quite clearly stating 'shove the whole thing up yer ar*e' :evil:

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 01:59
by eotunun
Allrighty, CHris. I just gave your Suzanne version a listen. You didn`t really take a lot of care about the melody, right? :wink:

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 02:07
by canon docre
ChrisE wrote:
What you've done (as far as I can hear by a quick check) is a remix
Nope. To make a remix of a tune you have to use (at least parts of) the original recording. I´ve just ripped some musical patterns and played it my way. I have played and programmed every note on these tracks, wich happens to include some musical patterns from a very cool band. Whats not to understand?
I suppose you know that with todays possibilities you don't have to use original recordings to re-create parts of a song?
I'm pretty sure your "ripping of some musical patterns" falls under
Integrity Right
The author has the right not to have his work subjected to derogatory treatment, he can object to any distortion or mutilation of his work prejudicial to his honour or reputation or of a director.
Thing is, you can't just take some parts of a song and then mix it with own stuff, add parts, use other lyrics etc pp.

Just live with it and try to make your own stuff. :wink:

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 02:19
by Planet Dave
Goddamnit! Some days I really hate not having broadband. This stuff sounds intriguing. :lol:

Or maybe not.

Posted: 10 Jan 2007, 02:24
by eotunun
I´d say "or".
No doubt you can do much better, Chris. I hope all the nudges you get today don´t pish you off too badly..