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God Hates Goths

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 14:31
by deadagain
Yup it's official, we are all going to burn in hell for eternity.

They aren't joking. Here is a wee snipit:

'Many Goths don’t realize the way they’re living is wrong. They say they have over 20 years of history. 20 years of history? The main reason we have Goth is a type of insane mass hysteria and rebellion against society’s norm. This so-called subculture is nothing more than mental illness. And these Goths who think God will accept them the way they are just don’t have a clue. They must repent their sick ungodly way of life. They must burn their whorish goth bondage clothing and begin dressing modestly and respectfully, destroy their sick satanic music and cleanse their homes of all things of a perverse and unfit nature. They must pray to God for forgiveness, read the Bible and follow the Lords teachings. Only through repentance, prayer and change can they hope to seek salvation.'
I've always been amused by the American (media)'s take on all things 'goth'. Who'd have thought buying This Corrosion would have made me public enemy no. 1.

Just to be on the safe side I think I'd best trade in my Sisters of Mercy collection and black clothes for some.... Sisters of Mercy catechisms and a black habit!

Hallelujah! :lol:

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 14:51
by boudicca
"We believe that many Goths are child molestors, mainly due to the fact that they themselves have been sexually abused as Children. We are seeing more and more children coming onto our forums every year telling us of their abusive life, telling us they are all rape victims. Well what do they expect if they dress like a common whore?"

:urff: I sincerely hope this is someone's idea of a sick joke...

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 14:53
by boudicca
Oh wait, even better! Osama bin Laden was inspired to carry out September 11th on that date because it was one of those Columbine guys' birthday! :lol:

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 14:58
by Rafster
just bought one! :D

we've gotta work together to crush these weirdos....

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 15:14
by nick the stripper
I laughed when I was told that if your fringe was parted to the left or if your left sleeve is pulled up but the right isn't, it means that you're a satanist and it's a secret signal to show this to other satanists. :roll:

I think that website is a satire of though.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 15:21
by markfiend
I think you mean "godhatesfags dot com". And I'm deliberately breaking the link because I don't want to drive any traffic to the sick fcuks.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 15:27
by EvilBastard
I checked the list of "banned" records - looks like I can still get into heaven listening to Alien Sex Fiend and Sex Gang Children, then - WOO! YAY!

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 19:24
by bushman*pm
Do we have any evidence that this GHG site is just a sick spoof?
OMG, it is soo scary that there are people so deranged out there, i read a little on this site but clicked off in disgust!
is it, by any chance, an american site? one wonders!
this is the country that believes itself to be the 'Planet Police'
(and ive coined that phrase long before Team America too!)
they have their fingers on too many buttons, in too many pies and need
a damn good taking down! :evil:

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 19:34
by Ghost
Had a god laugh.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 19:55
by Guedzilla
"Alice Cooper: (...) prevents mice from solving mazes (...)"


So I suppose God stands for mices solving mazes...

I'm not sure it is a joke....someone must have a LOT of spare time in hands.

(and hi everyone)

Oh well, at least we're not getting any Good Charlotte in heaven....em, that is...supposing that's where we're going.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 20:46
by robertzombie

The Devils Music:
Sisters of Mercy: Satanic imagery


Smiths: Satanic imagery

:urff: !

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 21:15
by timsinister
Children, it's been done before! The internet isn't all that allergic to humour...

Nonetheless, their merchandise is legendary, some of their t-shirts will be getting a good showing in the Wendyhouse sometime soon.

"The Only Good Goth Is A Dead Goth"? Well, we're halfway there already!


Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:16
by Maisey
If you go to the hate mail page and go to the second post down on the right you'll find its from a chap called Marc Allen.

Hes the older brother of an old friend of mine, and he works in the Devonshire Arms. Brillient. :D :D

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:22
by mh

"Alice Cooper prevents mice from solving mazes"!

Oh man, that is just so brilliant. It's either a genuine spoof, or these people are so far down that road that there ain't no coming back.

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:22
by boudicca
Maisey wrote:Devonshire Arms
Unlikeliest name for a dirty old goffix pub, ever! :lol:

Posted: 30 Jan 2007, 23:58
by Rafster
the hatred over there is incredible. but US goths are waaaay more confrontational than UK ones so thats why it seems so odd to us IMO...

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 09:17
by deadagain
Rafster wrote:just bought one! :D

we've gotta work together to crush these weirdos....
noooooo! :eek: you're not giving these people money are you? now THAT is sick! :lol:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 09:23
by itnAklipse
Divide and conquer.

"Selling the don't belong."

Re: God Hates Goths

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 13:37
by Norman Hunter
deadagain wrote:Yup it's official, we are all going to burn in hell for eternity.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Jeez - those guys crack me up!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 14:24
by markfiend
I wasn't 100% sure it was a parody until this bit:
And what is even more worrying is that many of these goths ignore important Biblical teachings regarding their salvation. Instead of marrying the man who has raped them, as the Bible instructs they MUST do if they seek to please God (see Deuteronomy 22:28-29), they choose to turn their backs on Christianity. They will end up burning for all time because of it.
:eek: :lol:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 14:49
by boudicca
markfiend wrote:They will end up burning for all time because of it.
:eek: :lol:[/quote]

Disco inferno! :twisted:

Re: God Hates Goths

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 15:15
by Ozpat
deadagain wrote:
Only through repentance, prayer and change can they hope to seek salvation.'
Salvation? Isn't that a goff band? :twisted:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 19:08
by bushman*pm
im being silly (as usual!) but how about a few of us getting into their chatroom together and just tie them up in interlectual knots?
i dont mean the usual anti-christian ramblings (although they are hardly 'christians' themselves) but rather, proper discussions with a little bit of p!ss taking along the way?

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 19:36
by Maisey
Not serious. Theres a group of them running that website laughing their pants off because of the indignant american goffs.

I had a quick natter over the email, it was signed off as "the GHG Team" as opposed to Rev Green.

Although it is bloody good, I don't know if I should have given the game away, but Alice Coopers "prevents mice solving mazes" and Ozzy Osbourne has amongst other things a "scary face" :lol:

Posted: 31 Jan 2007, 20:26
by Maisey
> I wonder if the guy who ate a bit of the bible was serious, either way it
> was hysterical.

He wasn't serious, but we DID get a complaint about that post from a concerned Christian, who said "this child came to you for help, and instead you mocked him. i hope you are proud of yourself!!!" ha ha ha... no wonder we parody these people!
Our latest 'evil' band is a band called Rammestein, the reason they are on our list is because they sing all songs in German, the language of Hitler. We have a lot more to add.