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Internal Jukebox

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 19:58
by James Blast
You know, a song that you hate and it gets stuck in your head and you can't shift it. Possibly a guilty pleasure, more often not. Something you hate and it won't go away.
I had Pulp's Disco 2000 playing in my head every morning for a week. Heinous! :evil: :evil: :evil:
Currently my 'IJ', if you will, is at peace but I had Rush's Big Money lodged there last week.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:02
by Maisey
I had Pulp's Disco 2000 playing in my head every morning for a week
You lucky man. Excellent song, excellent album. A high point in the seething low of 90's pop.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:10
by mh
It's two for me, both of which I actually like, but both of which have me driven bonkers by this stage.

Yellow Submarine

Dixie Land

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:18
by Pat
Mr Tambourine Man by The Byrds.....I quite like it ,but it's been stuck in there for years.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:33
by Obviousman
Things I don't like: Absolute rubbish Flemish songs after I've had to listen to Radio 2 (which is the Belgian rubbish radio station, fellow Belgians will know what I'm talking about)

But at the moment it's really good stuff playing in there: Bits of Supper's Ready and Dancing with the Moonlit Knight, both by Genesis. Sadly I didn't come round to memorising them completely so the only annoying bit is it's on repeat most of the time :lol:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:38
by boudicca
There Must Be An Angel Playing With My Heart by the Eurythmics.

Da da doo da da da da da, daaaaaaaaaaa da....

Not bad really.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:49
by wild bill buttock
For some reason its always Ivor Biggun and the red nosed burglars-The wanker song .
Always the same when the wife pops out.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 20:58
by esox
That You-Tube song I linked to in another thread, whose lyrics I can't type here :innocent: I couldn't get to sleep after hearing it the first time "Go on then, just this once....".

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:04
by James Blast
esox wrote:That You-Tube song I linked to in another thread, whose lyrics I can't type here :innocent: I couldn't get to sleep after hearing it the first time "Go on then, just this once....".
Ditto, ya bastard!
How and why did you find that, FFS?

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:34
by Andie

not the whole soundtrack...just Greased Lightening and Summer Lovin' FFS

recently tho i've been able to over ride those two with some devilishly clever lyrics by an old punk band...some of you may have heard Banned From The Roxy...

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:42
by CellThree
Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar.

4 days now. Aarrgh! Damn you Vancouver Classic Rock!

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:44
by canon docre
Baltimora - Tarzan Boy. And you James, know fully well why. :evil: :lol:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:46
by canon docre
CellThree wrote:Love Is A Battlefield - Pat Benatar.

4 days now. Aarrgh! Damn you Vancouver Classic Rock!
my budgie died during this song - oh sad memories.... :cry:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:48
by scotty
"waaaahhhh.........waaaahhhh....waaaahhhh!!!" has been in my Head for 5 Weeks now :lol: :D

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 21:55
by Thea
I always get two at a time and they fight.
Right now it's "Walking on your hands" by RLYL and the theme from the A-team.

Not good. Not good at all.

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 22:10
by Big Si
scotty wrote:"waaaahhhh.........waaaahhhh....waaaahhhh!!!" has been in my Head for 5 Weeks now :lol: :D
It's a secret code. He's only trying to sing this :wink: :twisted:

As for me - Those 2 bloody Snow Patrol and Razorlight songs that have been overpleyed on the radio for the last 3 months! :evil:

Luckily I keep my mp3 player on me at all times! :D

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 22:13
by Big Si
Some rotten tunes -

Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe

Anything ever done by The Black Eyed Peas and that bint whose gone solo

Scissor Sisters - Comfortably Numb

Scatman John - Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)


Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 22:37
by James Blast
BigSi wrote:this :wink: :twisted:
Dear Gawd! May ye burn in Hell!!! :evil:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 22:42
by Big Si
James Blast wrote:
BigSi wrote:this :wink: :twisted:
Dear Gawd! May ye burn in Hell!!! :evil:
Och, he knows it's a wind up and in good jest! :wink:

I wish I had "Assault and Battery" by Hawkwind, on permanent Loop 8) :(

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 23:03
by James Blast
Big Si wrote:Och, he knows it's a wind up
Ne'ermind Keith, its burned intae ma Internal Jukebox!
Ya knob!!! :evil:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 23:04
by Badlander
Recently it was "Ice queen" by Within temptation.
The singer isn't too bad, but the music and the videos make me want to kill myself and everybody around me. :twisted:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 23:06
by Andie
James Blast wrote:
Big Si wrote:Och, he knows it's a wind up
Ne'ermind Keith, its burned intae may Internal Jukebox!
Ya knob!!! :evil:
Com'on The Proclaimers! :twisted: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 23:06
by DerekR
"There Aint No Pleasing You" by Chas n Dave.

Just don't ask, ok? :eek:

Posted: 01 Feb 2007, 23:54
by boudicca
Big Si wrote:As for me - Those 2 bloody Snow Patrol and Razorlight songs that have been overpleyed on the radio for the last 3 months! :evil:
Argh that chuffing Snow Patrol song, I want to take them out and shoot them, that lot :evil:

Posted: 02 Feb 2007, 00:07
by eotunun
Current therapy against the infernal jukebox:
FOTN, earth Interno. Works great! ;D