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How Obsessive are you...really?

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 22:53
by Maisey
Its time to find out where your loyalties lie.

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 22:54
by Ozpat
Almost... :innocent:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:02
by smiscandlon
Don't have it. Probably wouldn't spend £35 on a record.

Sisters of who?

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:09
by Badlander
Can't think of any record I'd spend £35 on. Ask me again later.

Of course if it's an original Elvis from 1954 which is worth a billion times that... :innocent:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:15
by James Blast
where's "none of the above"?

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:22
by Big Si
£70 quid for the copy I got on GEMM 2 yrs ago (there were copies going on ebay for £90+ at that time).

Bought this yesterday :innocent:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:27
by ormfdmrush
Big Si wrote:£70 quid for the copy I got on GEMM 2 yrs ago (there were copies going on ebay for £90+ at that time).

Bought this yesterday :innocent:
aaaaahahahahahaha :lol:
funeral droning farts from 1 kilometre deep bog ;D
i like them

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:32
by Big Si
ormfdmrush wrote:
Big Si wrote:£70 quid for the copy I got on GEMM 2 yrs ago (there were copies going on ebay for £90+ at that time).

Bought this yesterday :innocent:
aaaaahahahahahaha :lol:
funeral droning farts from 1 kilometre deep bog ;D
i like them
It's an investment :wink:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:41
by James Blast
Bunch of Arse!, I think so.

Fancy a pint wi me Pat+Andrew come this Friday?
It could mean some 24+1 Wind Hawk Men :innocent:

n' some people respond tae their voice mail, BTW Erse! :evil: :|

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:42
by weebleswobble
I have a life..............................and a mortgage :twisted:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:49
by ormfdmrush
Big Si wrote:It's an investment :wink:
is that Robochrist on your avatar? :innocent:

Posted: 11 Feb 2007, 23:58
by James Blast
ormfdmrush wrote:
Big Si wrote:It's an investment :wink:
is that Robochrist on your avatar? :innocent:
Oh Russian boy, you so funny... :lol:

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 00:00
by wild bill buttock
10 pints of Guinness,bartender.
oh,and a blackcurrent squash for the missus.

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 00:23
by ormfdmrush
James Blast wrote:
ormfdmrush wrote:
Big Si wrote:It's an investment :wink:
is that Robochrist on your avatar? :innocent:
Oh Russian boy, you so funny... :lol:
why not? :innocent:

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 01:01
by Carpathian Psychonaut
I voted 'hic' as I'd spend the £35 smackers on importing a bottle of Absinthe from Germany complete with 68% proof / 35mg THC contents.

You'd not worry about the record after that...... :lol: 8)

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 02:33
by Izzy HaveMercy
Bought it for 50 euro on a record fair.

Still glad I did... it's AWESOME! :notworthy:


Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 09:18
by Planet Dave
'Some Girls Wander' for a fiver (ooh look, it's got loads of other tracks on it too), then off to investigate that potent absinthe of CPs.


Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 10:21
by hallucienate
35 Quid is about ZAR 500.00. A six pack of good, bottled beer is about R40 or less. Do the maths.

That said, BE will probably have to be my next Sisters purchase, mainly as there are very few Sisters things left on my personal checklist.

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 10:25
by Carpathian Psychonaut
Planet Dave wrote:'Some Girls Wander' for a fiver (ooh look, it's got loads of other tracks on it too), then off to investigate that potent absinthe of CPs.

{hides bottle in secret place}


Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 11:38
by markfiend
I got my BE for about £35 too. But that was before my credit card company started being awkward about upping my credit limit every month :lol:

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 12:36
by mh
I'd pay maybe 15 for it, and that's pushing it. Like the man said, you can get it on SGWBM for way less, so it comes down to a question of (1) do you want the song or do you want the artefact, and (2) have you already drunk the beer?

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 12:54
by Nic
Paid 65 quid for my copy some years ago, I'd do it again in a heartbeat!

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 13:46
by King of Byblos
as a non-collector casual-buyer i am often surprised how much people will pay for records.
in this day and age i would keep the money if i knew it was worth that much, or gate crash the absinthe party :evil: :notworthy:

having said that it is one of my faveurise platters de vinyl, but what ever happened to spending all day at a record fair in the hope of finding a bargain?

Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 14:01
by Badlander
King of Byblos wrote: having said that it is one of my faveurise platters de vinyl, but what ever happened to spending all day at a record fair in the hope of finding a bargain?
I used to go to such fairs quite frequently, but there seems to be fewer of them each year. :|
And I did get the Hanging garden double-7" from a record fair. 8)


Posted: 12 Feb 2007, 14:14
by mh
King of Byblos wrote:having said that it is one of my faveurise platters de vinyl, but what ever happened to spending all day at a record fair in the hope of finding a bargain?
Aye, I got this baby at one for a fiver, whereas it can go for at least 8 times that price. :D
