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Adams live bass

Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 13:07
by Jim
Anyone got any idea what bass Adam plays live? I know the kit list of the site obviously, but not having seen him play it live I don't know which he uses.

Just interested.

Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 18:05
by redfish666
I think he uses the Alembic Bass on stage... ... uitars.htm

"Alembic bass
Small and perfectly formed. Goes all the way down. Tried about forty basses in one day, some even more expensive. No competition"

Posted: 13 Jan 2003, 18:12
by Jim
I see, any proof?

(I need photos)

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 14:26
by Jim
To answer my own question (in case anyone else cares)

It appears to be the Wal bass.

So there you go.

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 14:50
by Scardwel
at some gigs in 1998 he used the Gibson Thunderbird bass.

Posted: 20 Jan 2003, 15:08
by Jim
ah, the bass of champions...