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The ultimate choice...

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 21:41
by robertzombie
I'm sorry to say it but I personally can't see The Sisters lasting much longer than five more years.

I was chatting to my mate the other day and we asked each other, would we prefer five more years of touring and then nothing more, or one last album but no more tours?

He said tours, I said album...

So, what about you?

Option A - tours.
Option B - album.


Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 21:44
by Obviousman
Tours, if there wouldn't be a choice I think the chances for an album to disappoint are higher than for another tour to do that

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:04
by itnAklipse
Tours. And not cause i think album would be disappointing, i'm sure their new album would be as much a change in style as every other album has been and thus would disappoint many fans by default no matter how bloody good it would be, but because i wanna see them again live and listen to studio recordings rarely to begin with.

Though Sisters probably won't last longer than 5 years there'd be a chance for Eldritch to keep touring and writing songs...while he is getting older and what he does now probably won't be appealing for him to do when he's way over 50 but he could write quieter songs then and do something like Leonard Cohen.
That'd be quite a change.

i know, highly unrealistic, but i'd like it.

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:44
by aims
Eh, by the metric of other bands, I'd not have seen them surviving 5 years in 2000. First year that I saw them live? 2005.

Expect the unexpected.

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:52
by Nic
Feels like choosing between plague and cholera...

I choose tours.

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 22:59
by taylor
please add a 3rd option : no tours - no album

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 23:34
by frederik
Tours for sure. What I don't quite understand is the 'graving' of so many for the release of a new studio album? I mean, what do you expect? We have all the 'new' goodies in terms of sharing/weeding/trading. For me, they put much more soul and energy when they play the songs live than in a studio. Though it would be nice if they bring something out, just to hear the influence of Ben and Chris on the 'new' songs, but not more not less. As for me it's not a necessity, just a luxoury...

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 23:35
by dtsom
no doubt about it!!! A TOUR!!!

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 23:39
by Badlander
Lemmy is fcuking 61 and still touring. :eek: :innocent:

Posted: 26 Feb 2007, 23:40
by mh
I'd prefer option D then, both. But in the face of diminishing returns from tours, and the Sissies ending up playing to smaller and smaller crowds in smaller and smaller venues, I voted B. If they're going to go out, then do it with a blaze of glory. One last career defining album that consolidates all the stylistic changes they've been through over the years. It may not sell much, but it would be a classic.

You almost got me excited there, Robert. For a moment it looked as though the poll had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with your post, which would have been quite a wonderful thing indeed. :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 00:42
by nowayjose
frederik wrote:Though it would be nice if they bring something out, just to hear the influence of Ben and Chris on the 'new' songs
Nothing can shake my faith in the ability of the Dear Chairman to eventually resolve this conundrum to (almost) everyone's satisfaction.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 01:03
by weebleswobble
A self help book and/or chat show

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 01:26
by Planet Dave
weebleswobble wrote:A self help book and/or chat show
:lol: Stick him in the Big Brother house I say. Or celebrity Fame Academy, see how long he lasts. :innocent:

An album is the obvious answer. Chances are they'd tour on the back of that anyway, but, you know, we've seen the gigs over and over and over, what we really really need is to hear the 'new' stuff recorded in a studio, no question.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 04:22
by sultan2075
nowayjose wrote: Nothing can shake my faith in the ability of the Dear Chairman to eventually resolve this conundrum to (almost) everyone's consternation.

You had a typo. I fixed it for you.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 08:33
by Dark
Badlander wrote:Lemmy is fcuking 61 women a day and still touring. :eek: :innocent:
Fixed. :innocent:

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 08:41
by splintered thing
If the Sissies made it down here - lovely.
If not, bring on the album....

Though I REALLY love the idea of a self-help book...
"How to manage a music career for 30 years with only three studio album releases."
"Working well with others in the music industry."
or... "How to be a g*th without others knowing" teee heeeeee ;)??

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 09:46
by Arrrgh!

We've seen the tour, so another five years of the same songs played again is just not scratching the itch it once did.

Also, is no-one else even mildly bothered by the ongoing karaoke-esque nature of the two-hirelings-and-aging-performer stage show? The two new guys make a great noise, but it's naff - the act stinks of "take the money and run." The current offering is only for the dedicated and without new songs and an album that core group is going to shrink.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:17
by Badlander
Dark wrote:
Badlander wrote:Lemmy is fcuking 61 women a day and still touring. :eek: :innocent:
Fixed. :innocent:
:lol: :notworthy: :notworthy: :lol:

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:43
by The Green Lantern
I have to agree with Arrrgh!

Good though the tours may be, at this point I would like to see the meticulous perfectionism of Andrew in a studio, not another power chord played over another in a wall of dry ice.


Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:47
by itnAklipse
Good point about Lemmy. Why not Andrew then.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 10:54
by SomeKindOfStranger
Planet Dave wrote: ..Or celebrity Fame Academy, see how long he lasts. :innocent:
celebrity? :innocent:

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 11:33
by Syberberg
The Green Lantern wrote:I have to agree with Arrrgh!

Good though the tours may be, at this point I would like to see the meticulous perfectionism of Andrew in a studio, not another power chord played over another in a wall of dry ice.

Not only that, but with an album we'd get all the songs that aren't being played live.

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 11:49
by markfiend
Arrrgh! wrote:Album

We've seen the tour, so another five years of the same songs played again is just not scratching the itch it once did.

Aye. Not so much "biting the silver bullet" as "flogging the dead horse" -- or at least it will be dead soon if Andrew isn't careful.

Album. For the love of god, Album!

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 12:06
by Badlander
Okay, I've made up my mind : if I can't have both, then I want albumS.
C'mon, the man hasn't released anything in almost 15 years. I'm sure he's got far enough material for at least 2 or 3 whole LPs !
All he has to do now is stop being such a lazy bastard. :twisted:

I do know that now, right after the Girls' longest tour ever, isn't the best time to call Von lazy, but still. :innocent:

Posted: 27 Feb 2007, 12:10
by GC
Option C: 3 years touring and an EP.