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How low will you go if The Sisters play @ festival?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 19:02
by dinky daisy
Which awful bands will you swallow to see The Sisters headlining at any festival?

Crowded House? Children of Bodom? Scatman? Hootie & The Blowfish? Matt Bianco? Rod Stewart? The m*****n?

Make your own awful line up!

- It must contain pretty dodgy acts
- The Sisters play after at least 4 hrs of walking around
- even location is included (like Walibi World, Bobbejaanland, etc.)

In my opinion, i wouldn't go as far as described by myself, but hey. :innocent:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 19:48
by robertzombie
The Mission! The Sisters! playing at THE SAME festival?!

That wouldn't be bad! It'd be a godsend!

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 19:52
by Badlander
You can have pretty ugly memories from festivals...

I already endured Blur to see The Cure in 95 and Foo Fighters to see Bowie the year after.

I've suffered enough. :roll: :lol:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:20
by wild bill buttock
I feel your pain Badlander.I suffered Motlley crue,The Scorpions and Def Leppard to see Motorhead once.And even they were crap on that particular day.
We've suffered enough.Stop this now.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:33
by dinky daisy
Hey, that can not be THAT bad, Wild Bill Buttock... some stupid 80's hair metal geeks are way more fine to me than Arctic Monkeys or Fields OTN...

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:34
by Carpathian Psychonaut
4' 6"

Oh, I've misunderstood, haven't I ?


Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 20:59
by sentenza
In Mera luna 2000 me and tuco, my partner in crime, have seen sisters, the mish and fields of the nephilim...not bad except the "bad joke" of Wayne strating paying "Marian".Hum... :eek:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:00
by wild bill buttock
dinky daisy wrote:Hey, that can not be THAT bad, Wild Bill Buttock... some stupid 80's hair metal geeks are way more fine to me than Arctic Monkeys or Fields OTN...
Then you,sir(Or madam), are completeley mad.

Apart from the Arctic monkeys,obviously they are sh'ite

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:05
by Maisey
I start though about 5 hours of CRAPPY indie pop at the Hyde Park O2 festival to see Depeche Mode (Thomas Dolby was good, and I was on TV looking really pissed off at watching goldfrapp)

I spent most of it sleeping underneath a makeup trailer with my girlfriend.

Luckily the Mode were amazing. If the Sisters could pull something that good out of their arse I'd sit through another 10 hours of that.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:08
by itnAklipse
You people are way too sensitive if something like a band you don't like would stop you from seeing something you like. Or maybe you just don't like the Sisters that much. Shrug.

i just don't understand how some people's minds work.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:22
by wild bill buttock
Oh woe is me.How I have suffered terribly :( .
Terrorvision,The Wonderstuff,A really bad version of The Chameleons and some other cobblers at an Alternative(Ha Ha) festival in Nottingham.All to see New Model army who were also having a bad day.I've seen NMA countless times and they are always ace,apart from this time when they were crap :urff: .

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 21:33
by Johnny Rev 7.0
itnAklipse wrote:You people are way too sensitive if something like a band you don't like would stop you from seeing something you like. Or maybe you just don't like the Sisters that much. Shrug.

i just don't understand how some people's minds work.
Maybe you just need to get out more Dei?

From inside your head, that is.

Just a thought.

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 22:10
by christophe
itnAklipse wrote:You people are way too sensitive if something like a band you don't like would stop you from seeing something you like. Or maybe you just don't like the Sisters that much. Shrug.

i just don't understand how some people's minds work.
for once I have to agree.
I think it’s a matter of entry fee, will you pay much for only one band if you hate all the rest?
For the sisters I would not mind and just pay whatever other bands do play the festival. the first time I seen TSOM a band called “starflam� played before them, the worst gig I have ever seen! :?

To simply answer the question.. I would not mind to see a whole bunch of Gothic bands if I had to :lol:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 22:24
by the-happening
Maisey wrote:I start though about 5 hours of CRAPPY indie pop at the Hyde Park O2 festival to see Depeche Mode (Thomas Dolby was good, and I was on TV looking really pissed off at watching goldfrapp)

I spent most of it sleeping underneath a makeup trailer with my girlfriend.

Luckily the Mode were amazing. If the Sisters could pull something that good out of their arse I'd sit through another 10 hours of that.
You should've watched the football :innocent:

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 22:47
by bookish
Is my mind failing me or didn't the m*****n play on the same bill in Leeds when AE sung a couple of songs with the Utah Saints for some homeless charity (Shelter?)?

There was a lot of build up that day as I recall. Pleasingly I like(d) the Utah Saints though, so it wasn't a complete write off.

Does a bootleg of that exist BTW?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 22:57
by robertzombie
sentenza wrote:not bad except the "bad joke" of Wayne strating paying "Marian".Hum... :eek:
Is there a recording of this?

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 23:01
by 6FeetOver
Not something I have to worry about, as that'll never happen here, hahaha! ;D

Posted: 25 Mar 2007, 23:52
by dinky daisy
Utah Saints: "According to Michael Stipe in MOJO magazine, our first album is his and Courtney Love's favourite dance album----------------------Oh and we once had Andrew Eldritch (The Sisters Of Mercy) as our guest singer, or we were his guest backing band, depending on your perspective. "

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 01:29
by Mokarran
London 2006 - I endured The Sisters of Mercy when I attended in the hope of seeing The Sisters of Mercy. Flip of a coin...


Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 04:43
by EvilBastard
Milli Vanilli
Vanilla Ice
Iron Maiden w/Blaze Bayley
The Strangliers post Cornwell
The Sisters of Mercy

Vanilla Ice headlining, but no fixed schedule for the rest of the line-up so you don't know how much crap you're going to have to listen to before :von: shows up.

At an open-air festival in a country where you not only don't speak the language but can't read the alphabet either. TSOM playing in daylight. Where it's rained for the last 3 weeks, it's not raining now but a thick mist is enveloping the venue and you can't see more than 10' in any direction.
Where the beer tent only sells Kaliber and it's 10 (large units of currency) a throw. Where the dampness has got through your leathers and has not only soaked your matches but your cigs are fcuked as well. And the only cigs to be had are sold in the beer tent, where they've only got Malboro Super Premium Ultra Super Menthol Lites. And just before the sissies go on, a roadie comes to the front of the stage and tells everyone that due to a technical hitch they'll be using a live drummer, and there'll be no YCBTO.

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 06:24
by 6FeetOver

How about: a vomitous mix of (c)rap (yo!yo!yo!) and hip-hop (including the likes of that "Fergie" person) and, to make matters impossibly worse, a hellish lineup of bands like Blink 182, Fall Out Boy, and My Chemical Romance.

Sissies are due to play precisely...somewhere near the end, but there's been a f*ck up with the lineup because some emo band guy had a temper tantrum which led to a brawl, so now no-one knows when the hell TSoM'll take the stage.

It's nearly 100 degrees F in this open-air fest, with humidity to match...and there's no shade. There's bottled water for sale, but it's $5 a pop...and no, you're not allowed to bring your own beverages into the area. The only booze available is warm Bud and/or Miller Light; which one you get makes no difference because they're both carbonated p1ss, of course.

The merch tent's got a grand total of 1 style of Sissies tee on hand, (because they're, ya know, not "popular", or anything), and all sizes are gone save "girly" extra-small. Oh, and there're no stickers, patches, or badges for sale, so don't even ask.

There *are* porta-potties for your "convenience" (which you'll desperately need after you've downed 5 p1ss beers in a row in a vain attempt to stave off heat exhaustion), but they're already overflowing, and, in the sweltering heat, the area around them for 500 yards reeks like a cow barn.

(Don't forget - when you finally work up the nerve to brave the stench, there will be 500 people ahead of you in line who all had the same idea at exactly the same moment. By the time you finally snag an empty toilet (in sheer agony after having stood in line for an hour) and step inside the filthy thing, you'll notice that someone has thoughtfully sh@t on the seat, and there's no toilet paper. Panic sets in as you, pouring sweat now in both pain and fear, frantically search for a scrap of tissue in your pocket or purse, whilst simultaneously trying not to vomit from the overwhelming stink...

...and from far, far away, clear on the other side of the venue, a familiar guitar riff fires up.)

;D :von:

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 08:05
by itnAklipse
Somehow i'm afraid that that description isn't all fantasy :F

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 08:48
by meat is murder
i'd sit through an entire day of stupid ass-shaking r&b acts followed by tina turner (and i really hate that woman!) to see the sisters...

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 09:16
by Carpathian Psychonaut
EvilBastard wrote:Iron Maiden w/Blaze Bayley
The Strangliers post Cornwell
I scanned through this (at work so rushing pages down like cheap beer) and was just about to pull you up on these two choices.....then saw the caveat after each......and totally agreed :lol:
itnAklipse wrote:Somehow i'm afraid that that description isn't all fantasy :F
I was just going to say the same - most of that SinnieFiction sadly sounds all too familiar ! :

Posted: 26 Mar 2007, 10:06
by SomeKindOfStranger
EvilBastard wrote:..... and there'll be no YCBTO.
So its not ALL bad then..... :wink: