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Immigration and Europe

Posted: 26 Jan 2003, 14:43
by zigeunerweisen
Left wing governments in Europe have been having a disastrous, hypocritical and irresponsable "open doors" policy about immigration, this is well known. Shouldn't european countries limit the entry of foregneirs maybe by a system of quotas of some sort, like a EU politician suggested? This seems to be a taboo subject, and EU countries have been trying to avoid it and lack the courage to face and deal with it. Maybe imposing quotas to immigration would be a way to avoid intolerance and xenophobia and make integration more plausible.
Everyone knows there is no unlimited capacity for admition and new limits must be found. These policies must be coordinated in a communitary level, sharing, for example, the number of immigrants that each country will receive each year. The fact that there is no immigration policy in the EU increses the number of illegal aliens, as well as putting a few more dollars in some human traffic groupspockets. This obviously increases feelings of racism and xenophobia.

Posted: 26 Jan 2003, 19:26
by RobF
As far as England goes, I think we should encourage as many Foreigners as possible to move here, and get rid of most of the natives ;D

Scarily enough, I'm actually quite serious, I've never had time for nationalism/patriotism and our somewhat unfortunate island mentality. Even more disturbingly, coming from a pointedly internationalist viewpoint, Elgar and Cricket still give me rushes of strangely English Joy :? Some things can't be supressed I suppose, ah well.

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 02:50
by zigeunerweisen

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 02:58
by zigeunerweisen
A few months ago the government of Nigeria warned the government of France that 200 escaped murderers fled from Nigeria to France. They claimed to be refugees and France harboured them. These men are extremely dangerous and are now free in the streets of France.

As much as we all would like to think so, not everyone in the world is a good guy and is just trying to make an honest living in other countries. There are a LOT of people out there that know much better than any of us the frailties of the system. I don't think i need to tell you about the human traffic problem. Maybe in britain you don't have to face it, but currently thousands and thousands of people are being brought to several countries in the EU. These people pay large sums of money (all the money they can gather, all their life savings) to those who bring them here, in very poor conditions, Those who don't die in the journey reach the west with nothing. Thousands of women from several parts of the world, such as South America, Africa and Eastern Europe are being brought to the EU to work as sex slaves.

I'm not talking about not allowing people from other countries to come to Europe, but for our governments to be more careful and thorough with whom they allow to enter here and in what conditions. There are those who come to europe with the willing to work and do so, and are valuable elements in society. There are those who come here to traffic drugs, humans and who knows what other activities.

I'm talking about giving the people that come here at least the basics for them to start a living and not just let everyone enter, living them helpless once they are in, with nothing, not knowing what to do, unable to work and most cases illegal. I don't thik i need to tell you what happens when all these conditions are met in one person, do i? Of course some will resort to crime, i know i would if i had to feed my children.
I'm talking about allowing people to come to Europe and give them decent conditions for them to start their living, not a total chaos, like we are facing nowadays. I don't need to tell you about the ghettos and the crime and the social instability that all the chaos brings. It is not good, either for the natives of the country, those who come here in search of a better life and those who came here before and started their own lives already.

Maybe these problems don't affect Britain, but they are a sad reality in countries like Portugal and Spain.
It is not a matter of nationalisms or patriotisms, it is a matter of common sense.

Posted: 02 Feb 2003, 09:05
by dead stars
Nice new avatar, Ziggy.
Quinta da Regaleira...

About immigration, I bet you know what i think so...