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Another t-shirt thread.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 18:20
by Dark
Well, sort of.
Anyway.. I've just got some money (~£100) and am in desperate need of new t-shirts, and possibly a new pair of jeans.
I wouldn't mind something Cyberdog-like, maybe UV-reactive, black and green/orange, etc. but they appear to be somewhat hideously expensive.
Before I settle for what's on eBay at the moment, can anyone here recommend any similar designs/manufacturers, but lower price?

Dankeschön. 8)

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 18:31
by boudicca
:lol: You're in luck, ex-fashion student with encyclopaedic knowledge of every black-garment-touter on the internet here. And I had my dodgy cybergoth phase about 6 years ago (ever seen me with neon green and blue hair extensions and dreads? No and you're never going to! :oops:)

You should have a little look around the links here, I'd be surprised if you didn't find anything... though obviously there's less of a selection for guys

And you should check Ebay out over the space of a couple of weeks, if you search for Cyberdog stuff on there there's quite a lot that comes up these days.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 18:40
by Maisey
Nah! you want to print your own stuff. Costs less than cyberdog AND you get a one of a kind shirt ;)

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 20:41
by Carpathian Psychonaut
boudicca wrote:You should have a little look around the links here, I'd be surprised if you didn't find anything...
That's a good site for sourcing things - worth a look !

(Edited to correct impetuous honesty)

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 20:53
by scotty
If you have a design of you own, these guys will do it for you at a decent price and make a decent job of it.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 21:12
by Maisey
Just sent them an email, cheers Scotty.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 21:34
by boudicca
Maisey wrote:Nah! you want to print your own stuff. Costs less than cyberdog AND you get a one of a kind shirt ;)
Well yes, even better 8)

I'm all for DIY, there's not enough of that these days... too many identikit brands selling "alternative"-ness :roll:

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 21:45
by Dark
Would you believe I looked through them all and couldn't find anything even faintly good for under £25? :urff:

Cheers anyway, Claire, I have some friends who may find the links useful. :)

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:00
by boudicca
Aw bollox... well, as said, your best bet's probably Ebay if you're looking for anything that's not horrendously overpriced.

Oh and maybe try searching for Lip Service (or go to their website)... sort of one of the selling-alternativeness brands I was just berating, but some of their stuff is quite good and original. Once again pretty expensive, but you can get lots of it on the Ebay...

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:10
by Arch Deviant
Bands should pay you to wear their t-shirts. Buy a nice black linen shirt - really cool.

Posted: 09 Apr 2007, 22:18
by boudicca
Arch Deviant wrote:Bands should pay you to wear their t-shirts. Buy a nice black linen shirt - really cool.
If that happened, a lot of people on here would be earning a tidy little sum every day, and :von: would be completely broke :lol:

Posted: 10 Apr 2007, 10:02
by Dark
Yeah, I'd be earning tons. :lol: