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Sheep adoption!

Posted: 28 Jan 2003, 19:32
by Izzy HaveMercy
[cuteness alert]

I just adopted a nice lil' lamb on!

The lil' cutey is called 'Safke', and I adopted him for only ten Euro!

Look how cute!


Safke is the one on the right.

[/cuteness alert]


Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 03:12
by Andy TG
Does that 10 Euro include "Mint Sauce"? - I only ask out of interest ;-)

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 18:24
by RobF
:eek: let's hope the Quiff doesn't see this thread. :eek:

Oh, and New potatoes please :twisted:

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 18:36
by Quiff Boy

:lol: :roll:

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 18:39
by Izzy HaveMercy
Too late, Rob...

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 18:49
by RobF
Bugger :eek: Sorry Quiff.

Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 21:31
by Debaser
Hee hee........


Posted: 29 Jan 2003, 21:56
by RobF
It is rather odd that they ask you to adopt a lamb, probably for your kids, and rather gloss over what's going to happen to the poor little bugger :cry:

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 01:18
by Andy TG
RobF wrote:It is rather odd that they ask you to adopt a lamb, probably for your kids, and rather gloss over what's going to happen to the poor little bugger :cry:
The practice of "Glossing Over Sheep (sheeps?)" has been banned by Brussels - Meat Producers are now made to Laminate instead!

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 01:32
by RobF
Meat lamination (or Lambination ;D ), erm, sounds exceedingly disturbing :eek:

Have you been listening to Skinny Puppy again :roll:

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 02:08
by Andy TG
I try not to listen when I am skinning puppys - they make such pitiful noises!

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 02:09
by Andy TG
Dont Panic - I am only joking :-)

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 07:36
by Dirk McQuigley
That was a very kind gesture you made Izzy and I applaud you.

Posted: 30 Jan 2003, 21:26
by Izzy HaveMercy
