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South Park - The Dark Side Of Goth

Posted: 01 Feb 2003, 23:12
by Andy TG
Hiya Kiddies :wink:

Point your browsers to the following URL for a short South Park movie - with singing goths - check out the Sisters T shirt - BTW its in french :eek:

Just click on the Dark Side Of Goth text :D

Made me laugh

Posted: 01 Feb 2003, 23:41
by Andy TG
Stop Press - I cocked up - you have to double click on the "projection" thingy just below the pic - sorry!

Posted: 01 Feb 2003, 23:57
by Andy TG
The following clip is even better - Von is in it! ... &langue=an

Posted: 02 Feb 2003, 17:01
by pikkrong
funny :D
by the way - these guys call themselves Souk Park, not South Park - or am I wrong?
(sorry, don't want to be a f***ing literalist but I really work as an editor - maybe that's my professional cretinism :oops: )

Posted: 02 Feb 2003, 22:11
by Andy TG
I think the whole point is that its a "south park" spoof - hence 'Souk Park' - they dont want any lawyers knocking on their door do they :-)