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Lookings for pics (london forum 98)

Posted: 21 May 2007, 06:11
by DTS

is what's only available of the Friday 13th night?

I'm looking for good pics to make some artwork !

Thank you folks !


By the way, is this guy (tour tsom) on Heartland ? and if yes, what is he waiting for to put up online some more about the SILVER BULLER TOUR?


Posted: 21 May 2007, 08:38
by Karst
There aren't many pix from the 1998 tour. Think Andrius is on this?

Posted: 21 May 2007, 23:18
by robertzombie
I have a DVD of the 13/02/1998 gig, I could take some screencaps for you :) (not until the weekend though, I've got exams this week).
Although it looks like you've already made the cover so they might not be very useful :?
Let me know :)

In the meantime...

Posted: 22 May 2007, 07:14
by DTS
Well I usually prefer to have the real pics you know
but I found this one "by mistake" (lol) , and they actually look really good !
The forum is like a perfect gig though !