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Fri 07 feb - musician's humor

Posted: 07 Feb 2003, 20:40
by Izzy HaveMercy
What do you get when you throw a piano down a mineshaft?

A flat minor.


Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 01:36
by 6FeetOver
Painful. :roll:

Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 19:42
by Andy TG
That *cough* joke IMHO was a little flat :-) - gedit!

Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 19:47
by Quiff Boy
i thought izzy was showing quite A Sharp sense of humour there ;)


Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 19:56
by Andy TG
More of a Flattened Fifth, me thinks

Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 19:58
by Quiff Boy
never underestimate the power of a diminished seventh though... ;)

(like i know what the f**k one of them is!:urff:)

Posted: 08 Feb 2003, 20:04
by Andy TG
or a nicely rounded "Middle Eighth Bridge"*

* for those who may not know - thats the instrumental bit in a pop 7" single - of course, I could be wrong - Go Figure!