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Welcome new members!

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 21:02
by Quiff Boy
we've had rather a run on new members over the last week or two...

how do you all find us? :urff:

the real "new" members that is... :x

anyway, as you have popped by, i just wanted to say hi, and welcome!

have fun :) :von:

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 21:03
by pikkrong
welcome 8)

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 21:06
by Izzy HaveMercy
welcome, too......

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 21:13
by RobF
Stop shuffling at the back there :twisted: Come on- show your selves you reprobates :von:

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 21:34
by Mrs RicheyJames
Have a few friends from the 'other' message board on here (oh and BG!!!) and they recommended it.............. :D

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 22:16
by Ed Rhombus
Yes but SG,

This board is much politer and has a sort of more reserved charm to it.
Quiff Boy even knows silver service.

Best leave you're foul mouth over the road at the other board!

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 22:19
by Quiff Boy
Ben Gunn wrote:Yes but SG,

This board is much politer and has a sort of more reserved charm to it.
Quiff Boy even knows silver service.

Best leave you're foul mouth over the road at the other board!
;D :oops: :innocent:

"reserved charm", eh? you can stay ;)

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 22:46
by Mrs RicheyJames
What the f*ck are you doing on ere then. You taught me all I know!

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 23:03
by Quiff Boy
Ben Gunn wrote: Quiff Boy even knows silver service.
is that where you breathe all over the cutlery before wiping it with a dirty tea towel? :urff:

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 23:17
by RobF
Ah Leeds style silver service ;D

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 23:18
by Quiff Boy
RobF wrote:Ah Leeds style silver service ;D
exactamont, my friend! exactamont! :lol: :innocent:

Posted: 12 Feb 2003, 23:41
by Mrs RicheyJames

is that where you breathe all over the cutlery before wiping it with a dirty tea towel? :urff:[/quote]
lol :lol:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 00:06
by Andy TG
Sexygoth wrote:Have a few friends from the 'other' message board on here (oh and BG!!!) and they recommended it.............. :D
Would that "other" message board be "Dominion" (hak put!)

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 00:07
by Andy TG
Greetings and Salutations to al New Members

Bles-Sed-Be and Merry Meet


Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 00:09
by Quiff Boy
AndyTheGoth wrote:
Sexygoth wrote:Have a few friends from the 'other' message board on here (oh and BG!!!) and they recommended it.............. :D
Would that "other" message board be "Dominion" (hak put!)
i think they mean the mish's "world info service" board ;)

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 00:10
by RobF
Ooooh, I thought it was "Crimping Monthly"'s Suggestion board ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 00:50
by Andy TG
RobF wrote:Ooooh, I thought it was "Crimping Monthly"'s Suggestion board ;D
What "Exactly" are you trying to say Rob :wink:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 02:55
by RobF
:oops: Sorry, I'm far too rude for my own good :twisted: Just give me a slap on the tour ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 03:40
by 6FeetOver
LOL! :)

Welcome, new kiddies - pleased to meetcha! Make yourselves at home! :D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 04:07
by Andy TG
@Rob F

Now I know all the best bits of the human body to "slap" :wink: - but where o where is the 'tour?' :eek:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 04:50
by RobF
All over my Occident :eek:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 09:00
by paint it black
Would that "other" message board be "Dominion" (hak put!)[/quote]

i think they mean the mish's "world info service" board ;)[/quote]

world service you say?

i would have thought room service more apt :twisted:

welcome btw ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 09:51
by The Green Lantern
Hello and thank you. Well I'm alltogether new. I found this place while looking for, I don't know, interviews I think. No, a Floodland inner sleeve picture it was. Anyways, I've been a Sisters-fan since '86 and it all started with Heartland and Tempel of Love.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:04
by X
Huh? What day is it? how did I get here? where the hell am I anyway?

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:07
by Quiff Boy
X wrote:Huh? What day is it? how did I get here? where the hell am I anyway?
don't worry. you'll wake up soon enough. it's just a very, very bad dream.... ;)