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Smoking - Help To Give Up Request!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 04:35
by Andy TG
Greetings One And All 8)

I smoke Marlboro Lights - and only Marlboro Lights! :wink:

The help I need is this - I REALLY want to give up - completely :!:

Can anyone here suggest any decent way on how I might acheive this aim.

Have you managed to give up the dreaded weed and stay 'clean' :notworthy:

I have tried before but the lure of "just one more" has proved too much!

Any suggestions / advice / insults would be greatly appreciated

Thanks In Advance

Andy TG ;D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 04:52
by RobF
I used gum, gave up for a year (Twice!) and now smoke around a pack and a half a day, again :oops: Please don't let that discourage you...

Short term, Nicotene gum works for me, afetr the first month, it's all will power, and I have none... :(

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 04:58
by Andy TG
@ RobF

I have tried Nicotine Gum - It did not work for me - Gave me a sore throat and mouth ulcers in fact - oh the irony - I am allergic to Nicotine ;-)

It is rumoured that Philip Morris - the makers of Marlboro Lights add sweeteners to make them harder to give up.

I suspose its down to what a person smokes - some brands may be harder to quit than others!

BTW whats your brand - just out of interest?

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 10:05
by Ed Rhombus
Malboro Lights or Medium.

I gave up for seven months last year!

Felt great, except I put on three stone and everytime I went out drinking the right hand didn't know what to do without a fag so kept shoving booze down my neck faster than a chetah on amphetamines!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 10:36
by sam donut
Embassy Number 1. :roll:
Gave up for very nearly 2 years. Didn't use any props, just my immensely powerful will-power.

Started again at a Chameleons gig last year. Managed to do an "only weekends (+Friday night) smoking" thing at first, which was really good. After a couple of weeks though, I was having the odd one here and there, and soon I was back up to 20+ a day. What was that I was saying about my willpower? :|

Dammit. :roll:

I'm going to give up again after my next holiday, because smoking on holiday is bliss.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 10:39
by Quiff Boy
sorry. never smoked, so can't offer any help :(

except to say do stop, because it's a f**king horrible habit and makes you smell like a festering ashtray ;) :twisted: ;D


sorry. that probably didn't help, did it? :urff:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 11:02
by nearmethexperience
well, i gave up about a month ago, no tricks or aids, just sheer will power (as the future mrs methy doesn't smoke, americans, pah!!! she says she doesn't mind me smoking, after all, i am european, whatever that means ;)) so yeah, a month so far, and i haven't killed anyone, yet...

oh, i used to smoke about a pack and a half to two packs a day of chesterfield (another fine phillip morris production, about .8-1mg nic & 10-12mg tar, if my memory serves me well...)

the bit that gets me is all of my smoking related body parts feel 10 times worse at the moment than they ever did after a heavy 'beer 'n' tabs' session, go figure...

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 11:51
by Zuma
All I can say is good luck Andy...still on 40 B&H here.

From the stories I've heard different things seem to work for different people - the patches never really helped me, though I do have a friend
who tried the hypnotism thingy and that worked first time.

Oh for the willpower :)

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 11:53
by Ed Rhombus
True, my thoat killed after a night in the pub not smoking



The brand smoked by James Bond in the books.
3 packets a day normally, 1 when he was trying to get fit for something

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 11:58
by Quiff Boy
mrs qb used to smoke 50 marlboro a day when she was a student... long before i knew her.

(how the hell do students afford these things?!?! :o)

she gave up a few years ago and said that yes, you do feel terrible at first. its the withdrawal symptoms... but don't let that start you smoking again. it does get better :)

there was a book she read that she said made all the difference!

from what i gatherm, it doesnt recommend you stop, in fact it says have fag while reading... it just tells you a few honest things about smoking, and points out a few home truths about you & your habit - the sort of thing that smoking will have made you justify to yourself...

it sounds odd to me, but she swore by it and recommends it to any of her friends who want to stop. i'll get the details of it if you want? :)

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:01
by sam donut
Ben Gunn wrote:Chesterfield!


The brand smoked by James Bond in the books.
3 packets a day normally, 1 when he was trying to get fit for something
He only smoked Chesterfield when in America though, didn't he?
In preference it was a specially prepared Balkan and Turkish tobacco mixture with three gold bands on the filter.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 12:32
by nearmethexperience
sam donut wrote:
Ben Gunn wrote:Chesterfield!


The brand smoked by James Bond in the books.
3 packets a day normally, 1 when he was trying to get fit for something
He only smoked Chesterfield when in America though, didn't he?
In preference it was a specially prepared Balkan and Turkish tobacco mixture with three gold bands on the filter.
isn't that simply because turkish (i think) fags have small amounts ofs hemp in them, so 3 packs a day will probably get you slightly stoned!!!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:14
by RobF
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ RobF

I have tried Nicotine Gum - It did not work for me - Gave me a sore throat and mouth ulcers in fact - oh the irony - I am allergic to Nicotine ;-)

It is rumoured that Philip Morris - the makers of Marlboro Lights add sweeteners to make them harder to give up.

I suspose its down to what a person smokes - some brands may be harder to quit than others!

BTW whats your brand - just out of interest?
Marly reds, Mediums, Or Lamberts.

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:16
by RobF
Quote Sam "Started again at a Chameleons gig last year. Managed to do an "only weekends (+Friday night) smoking" thing at first, which was really good. After a couple of weeks though, I was having the odd one here and there, and soon I was back up to 20+ a day. What was that I was saying about my willpower? "

GASP :eek: I started again at the Chameleons gig in Derby the other year! What is this eveil power they hold ;D :?: :!:

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 13:36
by sam donut
RobF wrote:
GASP :eek: I started again at the Chameleons gig in Derby the other year! What is this eveil power they hold ;D :?: :!:
Evil Mark Burgess with his smoke ray! :lol:
Quiffy will be a 70 a day man if he keeps up his Chameleon gig attendance!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 16:37
by rian
I had my last cig 3 years ago. After 18 :eek: years of smoking. I used nicotine plastic (is it called that?) and it worked for me. I tryed nicotine gums a couple of years ago, but my stommach got upset, and I started to smoke again.

Good luck!

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 17:26
by Izzy HaveMercy
I'm on the same friggin' Marl Medium, and I have it all figured out. I quit smoking late nite, and start again early morning.
And I'm proud of that.
Now, seriously, it's all down to sheer willpower, I think.
The problem is, after 8 days of quitting, your body does not need nicotine anymore. So theoretically you're clean.
But your subconsciousness tells you that you really should smoke, because it is 'the right thing to do' for you. After all, you did it for years in a row, prolly.
So you have to tell your S. that you do not need a fag at all, you have to 'fool' it in a way.
Go and tell yourself all day: 'I never smoked, I do not need fags, they're bad', and it will help in the end.
Don't say it out loud all the time, tho. Or they'll lock you away...

Best of luck,


Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 18:39
by hallucienate
I took "quiff boys easy root to quitting" and never started :D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 18:39
by Quiff Boy
hallucienate wrote:I took "quiff boys easy root to quitting" and never started :D
glad it worked...!

£200 please :D

Posted: 13 Feb 2003, 18:41
by sam donut
Quiff Boy wrote:
hallucienate wrote:I took "quiff boys easy root to quitting" and never started :D
glad it worked...!

£200 please :D
Well, it didn't work for me.
I want my money back!

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 00:36
by dead stars
Something I have not because I simply like smoking too much. I never thought of quiting.
But self-hypnosis is always a good help for everything. Get a book on that and practice the exercices.

But remember, you have to want.

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 02:10
by Andy TG
ISP Connection playing up - almost posted same reply twice - could have been messy - had a fag to calm down :wink:

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 02:14
by Andy TG
Thanks all for your "revalations" - keep them coming :wink:

Odd that quite a few of the replies mention "Marlboro" - perhaps the rumours about 'sweetners' are true! :eek:

I am thinking of changing to another brand - that I know I dont like - perhaps Embassy No 1 or B&H - that way my "mind and body" will want to reject the intrusion. Seems I have opened a can of worms? :innocent:

I know the patches worked for me (or did they) - I guess a dramatic change of lifestyle could be in order.

I know that I associate Smoking with Drinking - as do most people I know - its a social thing I guess

@ DI - I do WANT to give up - before my health and fiscal situation get any worse - Also I really LOVE to smoke - thats a major part of the problem......

@Izzy - I have game I play with myself (oh er!) - I stop smoking before Midnight and try not to smoke until late as possible the next day - is that what you do?

@ QB - I think the book Mrs QB was reading was "Stop Smoking Now" by Alan Carr - If so I have read it and found it very persuasive - but not quite enough!

Luckily I only smoke about 10 a day. - Why? - if I bought 20 I would smoke 20 - hence I am doing only half the damage to myself (but who am I trying to kid right!)

Thanks guys n girls :notworthy: for all the advice/suggestions/wishes of luck - its very much appreciated - i will keep you posted (sic) on my progress :-)

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 06:23
by dead stars
AndyTheGoth wrote:
I know that I associate Smoking with Drinking - as do most people I know - its a social thing I guess
Me, I associate it with everything: drinking, coffee, eating, bus stops, wake up, go to bed...
I'm a hopeless case!
@ DI - I do WANT to give up - before my health and fiscal situation get any worse - Also I really LOVE to smoke - thats a major part of the problem......
Hmmmm, if the situation is mostly financial... Well I buy the tobacco, the paper and the filters and I roll them in a machine. Ooops, I guess this didn't help. :oops:

Posted: 14 Feb 2003, 10:24
by Quiff Boy
AndyTheGoth wrote:@ QB - I think the book Mrs QB was reading was "Stop Smoking Now" by Alan Carr - If so I have read it and found it very persuasive - but not quite enough!
aye, that sounds about right... shame :roll:

best of luck though :)