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New Michael Moore Film

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 06:11
by CellThree
If you wanna catch this, it's on Google Video : ... 4032752909

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 09:48
by markfiend
Michael Moore had to smuggle the film out of the US to get it to Cannes.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 11:15
by Dark
I bought "Stupid White Men" yesterday at a carboot sale.. only gotten a few pages in so far, but the introduction was fairly surprising, how they wanted it more censored.
Plus I enjoyed Farenheit 9/11.. might get a copy of this when it's out.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 15:23
by indy
Sicko is already available on the torrent sites a week before it's release and in good quality to. I watched it the other day and it was okay, not Michael Moores best film but okay none the less.

The film is an attempt to try to wake up Americans that that we should have some sort of universal health care.

It was okay but my main beef is that is really over glorifies the health systems in the UK, France, and Canada and acts like it's some paradise in those countries.

As someone who has been financially wiped out three or four times in my lifetime by health expense I realized long ago that if I need major medical work I just go to another country, even third world countries.

Something has to be done it's just that we are to cheap as a nation to pay for it since it's more important to drive a new car or have a bigger house and no one wants to pay for minorities or the poor to have free health care (which is what it really comes down to).

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 15:56
by markfiend
Just check your favourite torrent sites people :innocent:

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 16:15
by 6FeetOver
indy wrote:It was okay but my main beef is that is really over glorifies the health systems in the UK, France, and Canada and acts like it's some paradise in those countries.
Hmm. Not having to worry 24/7 that a major (or in my current financial situation, even a minor) illness will wipe me out financially and leave me utterly destitute sounds like paradise to me. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Because Moore's accuracy/honesty are always taken to task, I plan to do some independent research of my own into these countries' policies regarding health care for non-citizens...

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 16:39
by markfiend
AFAIK if you're a foreign national on holiday here you can use the NHS in emergencies.

Warning: I'm not an expert in NHS practices, nor do I play one on TV.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 16:58
by indy
SINsister wrote:
indy wrote:It was okay but my main beef is that is really over glorifies the health systems in the UK, France, and Canada and acts like it's some paradise in those countries.
Hmm. Not having to worry 24/7 that a major (or in my current financial situation, even a minor) illness will wipe me out financially and leave me utterly destitute sounds like paradise to me. :evil: :evil: :evil:

Because Moore's accuracy/honesty are always taken to task, I plan to do some independent research of my own into these countries' policies regarding health care for non-citizens...
I lived in Canada for awhile and know it's not all good, me and my wife watched it together, and especially the part about Canadian health care and how fast they are treated left us both going that's bull. Last time I was in a Canadian hospital I had to wrap my bloody hand up with toilet paper from the bathroom because no one would help me.....twelve hours later I was finally helped and most likely I was skipped over because I was not French Canadian (this was in Quebec and French get preferred treatment).

Download the movie and watch and they we will discuss it.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:03
by sultan2075
indy wrote: Something has to be done it's just that we are to cheap as a nation to pay for it since it's more important to drive a new car or have a bigger house and no one wants to pay for minorities or the poor to have free health care (which is what it really comes down to).
It can't be done in the US. As it stands now, entitlement spending (Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid) will, by about 2040, account for over 100% of Federal revenue. In other words, these programs already spend more than they take in, and making up the shortfall in revenues for these programs will eventually require more than the sum total of Federal revenues (these numbers come from the Social Security Trustees annual report, i.e., from the Social Security Administration itself). They are not fiscally solvent--adding another entitlement, like W's prescription drug coverage a few years back, just makes the coming financial implosion that much more imminent. If you are an American under age 50 now, start planning for your retirement on your own, because Social Security simply will not be there. Oh, and for the record, we already do pay for the poor to have cheap healthcare. That's what Medicaid does. If you really want cheaper healthcare in this country, you need some sort of tort reform that prohibits frivolous lawsuits. American healthcare prices are inflated because malpractice insurance has gotten so expensive, malpractice insurance is so expensive because our legal system allows frivolous lawsuits to go ahead, and the often amount to a question of playing financial chicken, i.e., it will often be cheaper to settle out of court than it will be to successfully fight the suit. What is needed is a legal reformation that protects the interest of the patient (by allowing for legitimate malpractice suits) while also protecting the interest of the pysician and his/her insurer by preventing nuisance or frivolous lawsuits from coming to trial. If that happens, market forces would drive down the cost of malpractice insurance, and that in turn would go a long way toward making medical care more affordable.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:04
by 6FeetOver
I *did* watch it. I really don't feel the need to discuss the film; as I said, I intend to do my own research. Having witnessed the health insurance-related nightmare that one of my uncles endured after my aunt finally succumbed to the recurring breast cancer that destroyed (and ultimately took) her life, and knowing what my dad still may face following my mother's cancer death last November, I'm really not interested in hearing any pro-U.S. health care system rants, thanks.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:27
by sultan2075
SINsister wrote:I'm really not interested in hearing any pro-U.S. health care system rants, thanks.
Did you actually read what I wrote? It's neither a rant nor is it "pro U.S. health care system." Or are we going to argue about nothing again? Honestly, I really don't want to do that. I'm sorry for your losses, but please don't make me the whipping boy for them.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:28
by 6FeetOver
Incidentally, I just went back to the Sicko page on Google to re-watch a section, and the video appears to have been removed...

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:31
by 6FeetOver
sultan2075 wrote:
SINsister wrote:I'm really not interested in hearing any pro-U.S. health care system rants, thanks.
Did you actually read what I wrote? It's neither a rant nor is it "pro U.S. health care system." Or are we going to argue about nothing again? Honestly, I really don't want to do that. I'm sorry for your losses, but please don't make me the whipping boy for them.
Sorry, sultan - my comment wasn't directed at you. See Indy's post...

I'm not planning on arguing about this issue at all - that's what I was trying to make clear.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 17:32
by sultan2075
SINsister wrote:
sultan2075 wrote:
SINsister wrote:I'm really not interested in hearing any pro-U.S. health care system rants, thanks.
Did you actually read what I wrote? It's neither a rant nor is it "pro U.S. health care system." Or are we going to argue about nothing again? Honestly, I really don't want to do that. I'm sorry for your losses, but please don't make me the whipping boy for them.
Sorry, sultan - my comment wasn't directed at you. See Indy's post...

I'm not planning on arguing about this issue at all - that's what I was trying to make clear.
Oh, my misunderstanding. Mucho sorry.

Posted: 18 Jun 2007, 21:13
by CellThree
I've only had use of the Canadian health care system once since I've been here (a combination of heavy drinking, arcade punching game and a complete lack of coordination).

It was pretty much like the NHS. 6hr wait in Emergency before I could see a doctor. Although, the x-rays they took of my wrist were done within 30 mins. 1 doctor on duty, he was pulling a 16hr shift.

I think I pay about $130 a quarter for the Alberta Healthcare which is reasonable. It doesn't cover Ambulance though which is ridiculously expensive, but seems to cover everything else except dental and prescriptions.

Posted: 19 Jun 2007, 09:32
by markfiend
I downloaded it overnight last night; I'll give it a look tonight.

Incidentally, if Michael Moore's copyright lawyers are watching, I have Bowling for Columbine and Fahrenheit 9-11 on DVD and intend to buy Sicko as soon as it's available. However I want a preview so have downloaded an illegal copy. Sorry.