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The Sisters Of Murphy + Rhombus - 5th August (Leeds)

Posted: 18 Jul 2007, 15:37
by Phono Paul
Yeah, it's been mentioned as part of the Heartland weekend, but as I'm in spamming mode, here we go again in case you missed it!

The Sisters Of Murphy celebrate their 10th Anniversary with an exclusive Heartland gig at Black Sheep!

The Sisters Of Murphy
(10th Anniversary Show)

+ Rhombus
(celebrating the release of new album "Remembrance Day")

The Sisters Of Murphy sound a lot like a certain other band with a very similar name... in fact they sound an awful lot like that band, so much so that they even play all the same songs and everything!

The Sisters will be bringing their brand of Smoke, Floods and Stolen Goods to Black Sheep as part of this year's Heartland weekend, which also includes Friday Flock on the 3rd August and a special event on the Saturday night.

Full details can be found here:

Sunday 5th August 2007
The Subculture, Wade Lane, Leeds.
7pm - 11pn, £4 on the door

Posted: 18 Jul 2007, 23:54
by weebleswobble
Indeedly, but by then I'll have a sare heed! ;D :urff: :innocent:

Posted: 18 Jul 2007, 23:59
by Planet Dave
weebleswobble wrote:Indeedly, but by then I'll have a sare heed! ;D :urff: :innocent:
not as sore as Black Oktober, when we were subjected to 4080 peru on the sunday night! :innocent: besides the odd zombie dancin, the 'highlight' of the night was noticing Mr Ray stood besides me at the bar - fair enough i thought, nust mean they've finished - not a bit of it, the 'music' kept on going, and sooner or later, I forget which, he wandered back on stage to continue mumbling. Oooh dear.

Whereas the Smuphs were bangin, as ever 8)

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 00:18
by 6FeetOver
OoOoOoOoooo, yes! Smurphs!

Can we all walk to the venue from yours, then, Dave? ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 00:29
by Planet Dave
SINsister wrote:OoOoOoOoooo, yes! Smurphs!

Can we all walk to the venue from yours, then, Dave? ;D
Well, you can, but the bus is much quicker (just). :eek:

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 00:31
by 6FeetOver
Hmm. Ok. I don't mind walking though, just so you know. ;D

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 00:33
by Planet Dave
SINsister wrote:Hmm. Ok. I don't mind walking though, just so you know. ;D
Oh you would Sinnie, I live a good 8 miles outta town. I mean, you can see Leeds in the distance, but there's all these fields and villages in between. You'll see. :D

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 00:42
by 6FeetOver
Oh, my...that sounds heavenly. *Swoon*

I wanna see a real moor, Dave. Do you have any of those 'round where you live?

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 01:06
by Planet Dave
There's a lovely big one on the way to my homeland, but I doubt we could squeeze in a trip to Manchester over the weekend. Shame, cos it really is Jerusalem On The Moors 8)

The farmers fields will have to suffice. :)

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 01:14
by 6FeetOver
*Coughs* Erm...I'll be in England until the 15th. :innocent:

OT: Come to think of it: was it you, Dave, who knew my cousin(s)? Someone here at HL did, and now I can't remember who it was... :eek: :| :roll:


Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 01:22
by Planet Dave
No I don't believe it was me dear.

Well, if you're around for that long, it'd be exceptionally rude not to drive you up to Saddleworth Moor, one of the finest, bleakest, ace-est places in England.

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 01:31
by 6FeetOver
Planet Dave wrote:No I don't believe it was me dear.

Well, if you're around for that long, it'd be exceptionally rude not to drive you up to Saddleworth Moor, one of the finest, bleakest, ace-est places in England.
Be warned, then - I'm likely to burst into tears at the very sight.

And thanks. :notworthy: :von:

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 10:08
by Ed Rhombus
I've asked Quiffy to join us onstage and spank his plank for a song.

So far, he hasn't said yes and he hasn't said no.

What say the masses?

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 10:43
by Planet Dave
Ed Rhombus wrote:I've asked Quiffy to join us onstage and spank his plank for a song.

So far, he hasn't said yes and he hasn't said no.

What say the masses?
Much as I like Barry, I don't wanna see him spanking anything, thank you very much.


Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 13:06
by mh
Quiffy wrote:Help the needy - will spank own plank for song.

Posted: 19 Jul 2007, 15:39
by 6FeetOver
Oh my. :eek:

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 08:08
by Phono Paul
Ed Rhombus wrote:I've asked Quiffy to join us onstage and spank his plank for a song.
I'm afraid we haven't got a licence for that sort of thing.


Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 10:49
by Quiff Boy

hell no :lol:

neither the world nor myself are quite ready for that....

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 11:57
by weebleswobble
not even a wee hand jive?


Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 12:03
by Planet Dave
:lol: :lol: :lol: :notworthy:

Rave it up matey 8) :lol: :kiss:

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 14:57
by James Blast
where'd his left foot go? :eek:

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 16:23
by Ed Rhombus
Quiff Boy wrote::o

hell no :lol:

neither the world nor myself are quite ready for that....
Boo! Hiss!

The injustice

Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 17:36
by MadameButterfly
Ed Rhombus wrote:I've asked Quiffy to join us onstage and spank his plank for a song.
Well, erm, I'm not always with the masses in agreement, and I for one would love to see Quiffy spanking it for a song or whatever reason! :)

Awww...come on! Can't you just drag him up on stage and demand it! :wink:


Posted: 20 Jul 2007, 17:53
by weebleswobble
James Blast wrote:where'd his left foot go? :eek:
up :von: arse, telling him to get the bloody album out

Posted: 03 Aug 2007, 15:47
by Padstar
C'mon Quiffy.... pick up an axe and join in!
