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Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 18:04
by E Gypsy
Following on from my 'Religious Beliefs' thread, has anyone had any experience of Glossolalia - Speaking in tongues. And does anyone have any views on it?

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 19:39
by 6FeetOver
Liz Fraser utilizes glossolalia in much of the Cocteau Twins' work...not of the type you're speaking of, though, I gather.

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 20:01
by lazarus corporation
I've heard that it suddenly became a very popular pastime in the US from the early years of the twentieth century onwards, and is linked to schizophrenia, hysteria and profit.

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 20:20
by itnAklipse
i think it's interesting...whatever it is, i think there are reliable cases of it.
Schizophrenia and hysteria are natural states anyway. And i'm sure it's also been exploited for profit by conartists.

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 20:29
by paint it black
brew up a nice pot of tea and we'll tell you all about it

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 20:30
by lazarus corporation
or better still, turn some water into wine and we'll talk all night.

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 20:33
by mh
I wonder. A theory has been put forward that a lot of Saint's visions were actually due to hallucinogenic effects of fungus in bad bread, so - on the same basis - could "speaking in tongues" be early reports of Tourettes?

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 22:46
by boudicca
I could make some highly predictable aside about any number of HL members whilst under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, having just hit their head off a condom machine or having just been to Planet Dave's house... :innocent:

Posted: 03 Sep 2007, 22:48
by Silver_Owl
boudicca wrote:I could make some highly predictable aside about any number of HL members whilst under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, having just hit their head off a condom machine or having just been to Planet Dave's house... :innocent:
:lol: :lol: :lol:


Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 09:59
by markfiend
Glossolalia in a Christian context comes from the description in Acts of the first Pentecost:
Acts 2:4-8 (KJV) wrote:And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.

And there were dwelling at Jerusalem Jews, devout men, out of every nation under heaven.

Now when this was noised abroad, the multitude came together, and were confounded, because that every man heard them speak in his own language.

And they were all amazed and marvelled, saying one to another, Behold, are not all these which speak Galilaeans?

And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we were born?
How this, which appears to describe the apostles speaking known foreign languages is supposed to relate to people in a religious ecstasy uttering nonsense syllables is a bit of a mystery to me.

And of course this leaves aside the whole question of what value as a historic source Acts has.

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 10:01
by Dark
SINsister wrote:Liz Fraser utilizes glossolalia in much of the Cocteau Twins' work...not of the type you're speaking of, though, I gather.
Damn it, I can't look at this thread without getting the intro to Pearly Dewdrops Drops on loop in my head :urff: ;D

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 10:34
by markfiend
Just to add to my previous post, if there were any linguistic component to glossolalia, I might be impressed. As it is, "Namedipokikikikiwaawaajejegoogoo" or whatever, doesn't really say a lot. It's like looking at pictures in the clouds; no real patterns there but the human brain is great at identifying patterns where none actually exist.

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 11:50
by psichonaut
....i need to ask my friend to know in what i way or what i saw.....last time i took an acid

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 12:12
by Pista
Didn't Harry Potter do that ;D ?

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 12:13
by psichonaut
Pista wrote:Didn't Harry Potter do that ;D ?
.....maybe i flight :innocent:

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 17:55
by 6FeetOver
Dark wrote:Damn it, I can't look at this thread without getting the intro to Pearly Dewdrops Drops on loop in my head :urff: ;D
An excellent state of affairs, if I do say so myself... ;D

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 18:13
by boudicca
Diamanda Galas does it a lot... see Skotoseme or Double Barrel Prayer...

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 18:27
by lazarus corporation
boudicca wrote:Diamanda Galas does it a lot... see Skotoseme or Double Barrel Prayer...
I don't know if banshee wailing and gabbling like a mentalist counts as glossolalia. She does a lot of glissandi, though. ;)

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 18:37
by boudicca
lazarus corporation wrote:gabbling like a mentalist

Posted: 04 Sep 2007, 21:23
by James Blast
so, like, that makes it Ok?

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 07:01
by eotunun
And now for something completely different:
A saint on a hill.

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 09:21
by psichonaut
eotunun wrote:And now for something completely different:
[url= ... ed&search=]A saint on a hill.[/url
is this your's better don't let it drink anymore

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 17:28
by 6FeetOver
eotunun wrote:And now for something completely different:
A saint on a hill.
Heeheehee! My dad's got saints in the back garden! :lol: Oi.

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 19:58
by eotunun
SINsister wrote:
eotunun wrote:And now for something completely different:
A saint on a hill.
Heeheehee! My dad's got saints in the back garden! :lol: Oi.
And every year one of them gets fried for christmas.. :twisted:

Posted: 05 Sep 2007, 20:07
by 6FeetOver
:eek: Um, no. :von: