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I'm leaving...

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 09:09
by canon docre
As much as I love Heartland as a place for joy, friendship, help, even love, banter and giggle I'm now at a point where I don't feel at home here anymore. I was yesterday evening severely insulted and humiliated by two members. Completely over the top I was accused of things I've never said or even thought.
Unfortunately the powerstructure in this place makes my departure evident.

I want to thank everyone of you for the good times we had together over the years!

And please: keep the Sisters alive. They wouldn't be, if it wasnt for you....


Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 09:16
by smiscandlon

Re: I'm leaving...

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 09:23
by Badlander
canon docre wrote:I was yesterday evening severely insulted and humiliated by two members.
Who ?! What ?! When ?! How ?! Why ?! :eek:
Don't leave Jess, we love you !!!
And there's no way we can have a decent legal argument when you're not around. We're just going to talk nonsense. You don't want that, do you ? :P
You're going to be missed. :kiss:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 09:31
by Obviousman
Not really? :(

We'll miss you Jess, hope to bump into you at a gig or so in the future, or at any other good occasion.

Don't forget the door's never closed!

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 10:25
by Planet Dave
Take care Jess. Never forget though, opinions are like arseholes....

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:23
by Izzy HaveMercy
Don't let the dogs bite you Jess.

I can understand that you were offended by some remarks in other heated threads, but don't let the comments of one or two make you leave a whole community of rather nice people :)

Also, some words are often said through misunderstanding or because people are on edge to start with.

As Scotty said in anotehr thread, breathe, count to ten, think again. Is it worth it to leave for one or two sniding remarks, while all these years you enjoyed this community and all the company?

If the answer is YES, then sadly enough, bye :|

It was nice to know you here, enjoy the music, give Johan Edlund my regards ;)

If the answer is NO, well, carry on and see you around here! ;D


Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:27
by scotty
Not what I wanted to read today :( :evil:

This is too good a place for people to leave over such things, people say things that others misunderstand, we've all done it, people post when they've had a wee bit too much to drink, we've all done that too, can't we all kiss and make up?..............especially the Girlies :innocent: :twisted:

Seriously though.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:31
by psichonaut
Two members aren't The HL.....there are more other mates
sorry for wht happens to you

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:45
by Ozpat
Last night there was a strange athmosphere in our HL. A lot of tension.
It obviously can happen; even here. :roll:

Maybe things can be solved by exchanging a few PM's.
But bad things always seem to be of more weight than good things. If I remember well you received quite a bit of nice birthday wishes as well...

Walking away is never a solution in my opinion though I do not judge and respect decisions. Take care!

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 11:50
by markfiend
I'm sure that the last thing anyone involved in HL management would want is to drive a valued member away. I beg you to reconsider.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:02
by streamline
smiscandlon wrote::cry:
What he said....

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:08
by silentNate
Meh- you can't flounce like this. If your going to flounce you have to go with a two page diatribe mentioning every poster and listing their failings- t'interweb law ;)

Besides a lot of people here like you irl and you can't let a couple of posts drive you from the band you love or a message board you have been on for over two years...

I beg you to reconsider :sad:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:25
by Dr. Moody
what they all said, reconsider :!: :wink:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:29
by Spigel
I love reading your post. Don't go :D

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:38
by Ahráyeph
The decision to leave is indeed up to you, Jess. But in unison with the rest of the people here, I ask you to reconsider. Leaving over two people's remarks seems a bit rash to me when there are so many others who appreciate you and your input which to me has always been honest, valuable and witty whenever it needed to be. Hey, look at it this way : if they continue to p*ss you off, you can make like your signature, right? :twisted: Now stay, wuman! :wink:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 12:44
by Norman Hunter
F*ck 'em.

You go your own way, Lady :(

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 13:10
by paint it black
markfiend wrote:I'm sure that the last thing anyone involved in HL management would want is to drive a valued member away. I beg you to reconsider.
maybe time to finally cull some of the points less 'my life is worse than yours, but hey I’m having a cup of tea and a bun whilst listening to some dodgy music share which has created a temporary upwards curve in my otherwise mundane existence’ threads? At least that’s the undercurrent I’m vibing.

At the least, please please create a separate folder to store it all, then we won’t wander by mistake

just a thought? a sub folder called 'the heartland effect', or similar for all the stuff that comes from 'within'. leave the general chat for 'mass communication and current affairs ~ some of these threads can be outstanding :notworthy: :notworthy:

I'm Leaving.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 14:33
by Nixon
Don't leave just because of a few remarks that posters possibly made without realising the effect that they would have. Heartland is a wonderful community, and although I'm fairly new here, I've been impressed by what is largely intelligent discussion and debate - that is the whole point of a forum. Everyone's opinions clash occasionally, that is what makes us different and unique. I recently had differences of opinion with other members of HL. However it is only by posting your ideas and opinions that other members can reach an understanding, although it will be in some cases "to agree to disagree" (and I'm sure someone will disagree with that!).
But by leaving just because of one or two bad experiences is forgetting all the good that comes out of discussion, and by removing yourself from the discussion leaves us all poorer as a result.

Re: I'm Leaving.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 14:54
by Badlander
Nixon wrote:I recently had differences of opinion with other members of HL.
And I was one of them, which, I confess, makes me find your post all the more remarkable. :notworthy: :notworthy: :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 15:11
by EvilBastard
I think Big Joe Williams said it best, and I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we paraphrased a little...

Baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go, and leave the scene
You know we love you so

I'd miss you :(

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 15:18
by radiojamaica
EvilBastard wrote: Baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go
Baby, please don't go, and leave the scene
You know we love you so
Hey, I just wanted to start singing that! :eek: :wink:

It is true... please don't go Jessica, or else I can't get that song out of my head!

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 15:20
by libby
Let's make a choir ... :lol:
I join in :wink:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 15:24
by boudicca
Now c'mon Jess, you're not going to be driven away on the basis of a couple of people getting a bit sniffy with you, are you? I think you are significantly tougher than that my dear :wink:

These things pass, and as you can see you'd be greatly missed for far longer than this little storm will take to calm down.

Really hope you stick around :notworthy:

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 15:30
by eotunun
I am massively against any of those involved in yesterday's collisions leaving the scene. Some of Heartland's best folks.
Have a decent word with each others when it's time for it.

Posted: 17 Sep 2007, 16:25
by Karst
paint it black wrote:maybe time to finally cull some of the points less 'my life is worse than yours, but hey I’m having a cup of tea and a bun whilst listening to some dodgy music share which has created a temporary upwards curve in my otherwise mundane existence’ threads? At least that’s the undercurrent I’m vibing.
I agree. One for the Miserablists, please. 8)