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camden stables - any developments?

Posted: 23 Sep 2007, 22:26
by Maisey
Has there been any news on the current status of the Stables market issue?

I havn't been to town for a few weeks because of money, but I have been hearing rumours that its already been closed. The internet isn't yielding a lot of information to me regarding its current situation.

Posted: 24 Sep 2007, 02:18
by E Gypsy
"I am not an ogre. We want to support Camden. We don't want high street chains involved. That's not what this development is about. We are certainly not dropping a new shopping centre in there, not at all. I want Camden to be the fashion centre of the world and we are getting there."

- Richard Caring (yes that's caring) - Independent 23/09

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 10:30
by Dr. Moody
Camdenmarket - epetition reply
3 October 2007

We received a petition asking:

"We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to cancel the proposed idea's to replace camden's unique market area with a shopping centre."

Details of Petition:

"I object to the current planning proposals (ref: 2006/3182/P) and all associated proposals, on the grounds that The Stables Market is a unique architectural site and a pivotal part of London's heritage. The proposed building plans will leave the original architecture of the Arches obscured & unrecognisable. The diverse & quirky appeal of the market has endured for generations, to Londoners & tourists alike, all of whom flock to Camden to soak up the vibrant and inimitable atmosphere, which is now being eroded by modernistic re-developments. Small innovative traders, unable to afford higher rents, are already being forced out of the market, making way for the high street names to snake in. Camden's Markets are an essential part of what London is all about. There are enough homogenised glossy shopping malls across the country - there is only ONE Camden!

Read the petition
Petitions home page
Read the Government's response
The vast majority of decisions on planning applications are made by the local planning authority, in this case the London Borough of Camden. However, the Secretary of State has the power to call in planning applications under section 77 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. She will, in general, only take this step if planning issues of more than local importance are involved and if those issues need to be decided by the Secretary of State rather than at a local level. Each case is, however, considered on its own facts. However, the Secretary of State can only intervene in a case before the Council has issued its decision but, in this case, she was not asked to intervene and Camden Council granted planning permission on 11 October 2006. Therefore, it is no longer open to the Secretary of State to use her call in powers.

In terms of government policy on retail, national planning policy in Planning Policy Statement 6: Planning for Town Centres (PPS6) seeks to support a competitive retail sector and meet the needs of the community - but it is not the role of planning to restrict competition or preserve existing commercial interests. PPS6 (paragraph 2.27) also asks local authorities to seek to retain and enhance existing markets and, where appropriate, re-introduce or create new ones, as street and covered markets can make a valuable contribution to local choice and diversity in shopping as well as the vitality of town centres. Local authorities should ensure that their markets remain attractive and competitive by investing in their improvement.

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 13:41
by DJ Nephilimbabe
I received this email as well yesterday.

Doesn't really answer any questions does it!

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 13:51
by aims
They don't ever seem to.

The UK sword ban petition requesting special dispensation for martial artists got a response begining "Thank you for signing the epetition against any ban on samurai swords.", in spite of the fact that the petition requested a modification of the proposal and didn't mention the (incorrectly attributed) "Samurai" once.

Shows how much effort they must put in to considering these things...:?

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 23:09
by Maisey
I got that too.

I interprated as "Sorry hippy scum. We don't care. So long as the wheels of commerse turn than it doesn't matter if its Cyberdog or Topshop, Resurecction Records or HMV"

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 23:14
by James Blast
do we need two threads?

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 23:18
by undertow
Where's the other one?

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 23:19
by 6FeetOver
Buried somewhere, methinks...

Posted: 04 Oct 2007, 23:22
by undertow
oooh like a great treasure.............I set my sails and venture forth!