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How insane are you?

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 07:20
by dead stars
Take your Sanity Test.

Here's my result:

Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is:122
For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.66 Your SaniTest(TM) score suggests that you are quite unhinged. Although some scientists believe this condition is genetic, others theorize that it is induced through exposure to unnatural stress. But these 'scientists,' apparently, do not hear the voices. Others who scored at this level include occultist/drug fiend Aliester Crowley and US senator Jesse Helms.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 07:43
by CellThree
Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is:126
For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.95 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). There are regions on the spectrum of human madness that science has yet to penetrate, and you seem to be in one of those regions. You are what mental health professionals call 'crazed.' You might be susceptible to hallucinations, so make sure that the people you are talking to actually exist. Others who scored at this level include former Russian president Boris Yeltsin and domestic mogul Martha Stewart.

:eek: :?

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 10:25
by MrEddy
INSANITY INDEX 6.58 Your score suggests that you are completely unbalanced. This is not a terribly serious condition, and can even be rather charming if not mixed with a violent temper or serious subtance abuse problem. Others who scored at this level include publisher Larry Flynt and famed explorer Ferdinand Magellan.

so there you go.


Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 10:45
by Zuma
Loved the test DIYour SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is:124
For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.81 Your score suggests that you are what's known as 'bughouse.' That's a colloquial term for madness from a time when people who thought they were crawling with bugs were often correct. In these more hygienic times, it indicates a potentially serious problem. Others who scored at this level include pop star Michael Jackson and Greek philosopher Plato.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 11:29
by Quiff Boy
Your score is:122

For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.66 Your SaniTest(TM) score suggests that you are quite unhinged. Although some scientists believe this condition is genetic, others theorize that it is induced through exposure to unnatural stress. But these 'scientists,' apparently, do not hear the voices. Others who scored at this level include occultist/drug fiend Aliester Crowley and US senator Jesse Helms.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 15:33
by Dreamweapon
INSANITY INDEX 6.13 This score is solidly in the middle of the spectrum of madness, and it indicates that you are a classic lunatic. Lunatics are often highly functional, and even great achievers. But their personal lives are often left in ruins as they attempt to deal with their antic inner demons. Others who scored at this level include comedian/actor Robin Williams and French philosopher Voltaire.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 15:35
by Dreamweapon
On reflection it might be best not to visit the basement dwelling that MrEddy and myself inhabit.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 16:24
by paint it black
INSANITY INDEX 6.88 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). There are levels of madness which don't fit neatly into the rigid classifications of 'science,' and you appear to be on one of those levels. But mental health workers do have a word for people who score at this level: nutbag. Other notable people who scored this high include tenor Luciano Pavarotti and former Japanese emperor Hirohito.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 18:50
by Izzy HaveMercy
INSANITY INDEX 5.76 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). Your score suggests that you are psychasthenic. A very interesting condition, it means you lack the capacity to resolve uncertainties, or resist phobias or compulsions even though you know they're irrational. You may have trouble making decisions, or you may find yourself engaging in self-sabotaging behavior. Others who scored at this level include millionaire Howard Hughes and occultist/heretic Giordano Bruno.

Posted: 28 Feb 2003, 20:44
by nearmethexperience
INSANITY INDEX 5.32 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). Your score indicates that you are, frankly, disturbing. You seem to radiate a psychic intensity that alarms dogs and small children, and which polite adults attempt to ignore. You may find it interferes with your ability to form personal relationships, even though you otherwise have much to offer. Others who scored at this level include former weatherman Willard Scott and emperor Rudolph of Bavaria.

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 00:16
by dead stars
CellThree wrote:Your SaniTest(TM) Results

Your score is:126
For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.95 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). There are regions on the spectrum of human madness that science has yet to penetrate, and you seem to be in one of those regions. You are what mental health professionals call 'crazed.' You might be susceptible to hallucinations, so make sure that the people you are talking to actually exist. Others who scored at this level include former Russian president Boris Yeltsin and domestic mogul Martha Stewart.

:eek: :?

You're the craziest of us all. :P

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 00:18
by Andy TG
INSANITY INDEX 6.36 Your SaniTest(TM) score suggests that you are haywire. Your neural pathways seem to be oddly short-circuited, which can lead to alarming and/or amusing mishaps. You should be on the lookout for the signs of incipient megalomania, especially if you are the leader of a government. Others who scored at this level include former British prime minister Margaret Thatcher and newspaper mogul William Randolph Hearst.


Oddly enough, I would rather like to Rule The World - Indeed!

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 00:21
by dead stars
Now tell me, you people:

Asenath Waithe, Wilbur Whately and Herbert West do NOT exist. Do they? Do they? Do they?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 00:26
by Andy TG
dead inside wrote:Now tell me, you people:

Asenath Waithe, Wilbur Whately and Herbert West do NOT exist. Do they? Do they? Do they?

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:
I will have a wild stab in the dark at this (can some turn off the lighhts ;-)) - I think these "entities" are authors (but, as always I could be wrong! :-))

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 01:58
by CellThree
dead inside wrote:

You're the craziest of us all. :P
Erm..yay? :?

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 17:21
by cyn
Results: 122

Score 6.66

Starting to see a pattern here... :eek:

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 19:07
by Chairman Bux

Knew you'd be pleased.

Chairman Bux
CEO Buxville

Posted: 01 Mar 2003, 22:16
by dead stars
No one above 7?
I'm disappointed... :von:

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 01:40
by Gary
Your score is:120

For easier understanding, the HPLHS SaniTest assessment algorithm converts your raw score to a scale of 1 to 10. This number is your INSANITY INDEX.

INSANITY INDEX 6.51 Thank you for taking the SaniTest(TM). Your score suggests that you are rather unbalanced. People who score at this level frequently have perverse secrets or repressed memories which cause them to behave strangely or say wildly inappropriate things. Others who scored at this level include ex-president Ronald Reagan.

Posted: 02 Mar 2003, 10:14
by dead stars
CellThree wrote:
dead inside wrote:

You're the craziest of us all. :P
Erm..yay? :?
Your avatar says it all...


Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 06:44
by Lynchfanatic
Your score is:119
INSANITY INDEX 6.43 Your SaniTest(TM) score indicates that you are utterly haywire. Your neural circuitry seems to be badly misfiring, with frightening and/or hilarious effects. You may find yourself capable of superhuman strength as a side effect, but don't count on it. Others who scored at this level include entertainer Wayne Newton and skateboarding legend Tony Hawk.

Awwww, I didnt top the list.... :?:


But I must admit I didnt quite understand all the questions.. Havent heard of different things there was questions about.. :oops: