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erm knock knock ...

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 14:34
by lucretia
Geez, I haven't posted on here in about ten years. How are you all and what's happening? (Aimed in the general direction of whoever is conscious at the moment).
Can someone please settle an argument?
Will Von do anymore live gigs/release new material at all ... like Ever? (i.e. after the Bite the Silver Bullet Tour thingie) ... he never made it to the darkest depths of Africa (well ... crime-riddled Jo'burg at any rate) ... but i keep getting told that there is always a chance ... ho hum.
Otherwise hope everyone is well that remembers me.
Over and Out

Re: erm knock knock ...

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 14:40
by Badlander
lucretia wrote: Will Von do anymore live gigs/release new material at all ... like Ever?
No idea. Apparently the Two Axemen of the Apocalypse (aka Ben & Chris) have nothing against recording and releasing new material, but that's it.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:04
by James Blast
welcome back, you still owe me an Edgar Broughton Band CD

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:12
by eotunun
:lol: :lol: :lol:
What was the name of these animals with the phenomenal memory?

Welcome back, while you were out the oddest types of became overbombers..
As for the Sisters: -Not very likely -Bloody sure.

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:56
by Badlander
Bloody sure it's not very likely, not the other way around. ;D

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 15:59
by eotunun
Erm.. ah, them details.. You get the picture... ;D


Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 18:35
by boudicca
I remember you! :) You used to have an avatar that was someone's legs sticking out the ground, if I'm not mistaken?

As far as the Sisters go, Von's really enjoying himself in the Ex-Not-Goth's Home for the Bewildered... he might wring some more tours out of that old back catalogue yet I suspect, but he has to be back in time for Countdown :lol:

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 20:59
by lucretia
tried to reply a few moments ago but everything went crashing into oblivion ... James B ... if you'd given me your bloody address god knows when dude, you would have received said cd into thy paws long back. my email addy is still there at Hooya and also geemale .. so you know ... whatever. CD is still available babes. And cheeky choice of avatar i must say.
Thanks to all for contributing to the updates herein ... nice to know i'm not completely lost and forgotten out here on the outskirts of civilisation.
Yes Boudicca, that was my avatar once upon a time :notworthy:
oh wow i'm blushing now (cos you remembered .. fancy that)
press submit
stand back
wait for flak
Now playing: Editors - Smokers Outside The Hospital Doors
via FoxyTunes

Posted: 02 Nov 2007, 21:26
by Ozpat
Welcome back......your reflection was still here though...

Posted: 03 Nov 2007, 00:45
by James Blast
hmmmm... that other place still exists, ye ken

PM me if needs must