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Mr. Starling?

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 16:31
by sultan2075
I think that Chris's solo material is bloody well fantastic, and it's no secret that I think Von really screwed the pooch in losing such a talented songwriter. Does anyone know what he's up to now, beyond "Gone fishin'"?

I'm listening to his 'Out of the Woods' right now. Very good record.

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 19:01
by Bartek
i read something about Mr. Starling and i think it isn't so simple as your wrote "I think Von really screwed the pooch in losing such a talented songwriter", it's not only Eldritchs fault coz he (Starling) has a difficult personality, a bit more complexed. but fact it's a fact- he is a talented songwriter.
i know only 2 of his songs (The Words, Wendy May) and live bootleg but know i will buy his "sounds like Chris Staling" CD, someday.

Posted: 04 Nov 2007, 19:04
by Petseri
Does this thread help? Maybe not reallly too much.