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Happy Birthday Black Shuk

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 10:24
by hallucienate
umm, yeah.

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 13:03
by Black Shuck
Hey, thanks, I didn't know anyone cared (sniff)

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 13:12
by sam donut
Have a good 'un!

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 13:21
by Black Shuck
Yeah, me and my Ewok buddies are going into Manc and getting drunk, It's my personal m*****n to find a club where the DJ actually has a Sisters record that isn't Temple of Love (1992)

Does anyone know of such a place?

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 13:30
by Quiff Boy
merry birthday!!

is there any other sisters record?!? :o :urff: ;D

oh yeah, silly me. how could i forget!! there's always marian! :roll:

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 14:49
by pikkrong
happy b-day 8)
you are a lucky one - here in Estonia there are no bar you could hear Sisters.
well, we have a couple of radio stations playing Temple Of Love '92 maybe once in a year and if some barmen (or owner) decides to play music from radio - it's theoretically possible to hear Sisters also in a bar here. very theoretically.
so it's good to have some bottles at home and pretend you are in the best bar of the world.
(to be true we have a bar where Depeche Mode is always playing and running on the video-srceen - and that's nice... but, of course, the soul of a Sisters-fan wants something more on his own b-day :( )

Posted: 07 Mar 2003, 21:50
by redfish666
Happy B-day!


Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 02:24
by Andy TG
A bit belated I know - but Happy Birthday anyways! :-)

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 03:20
by dead stars
But we DO care!
Happy after birthday day! :P

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 07:50
by 6FeetOver
Bappy belated Hirthday, Black Shuk! :D

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 16:42
by Black Shuck
8) Had no luck finding that elusive club, but D place I ended up at played Psycho Killer by Talking Heads and Echo Beach by Martha and the Muffins so it was (nearly) as good.
And they served Aftershock, D nicest drink in the world. :P :P

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 17:12
by whorenumber25
:roll: and this is what shuk looked like at the end of the night!
dont forget the bowie that got played too, or did you have your head on the table at this point? :D

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 17:45
by Black Shuck
:!: Hey, Whore no. 25, I'm glad you're a poster, but it means I can't get away with outrageous lies to all the other Heartlanders, as you'll just tell them the truth! because you know me

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 17:57
by Izzy HaveMercy
Happy belated b-day, shuk!

Posted: 10 Mar 2003, 13:00
by rian