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diary of dreams

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 07:55
by EricSweden
anyone into this band? i am now! i'm very impressed with thier music so i had to buy all their albums. the singer and songwriter is the ex bass player of a german goth band called garden of delight.

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 11:10
by Thea
i've only got a few of their songs, but the stuff i have is really good. are garden of delight any good?

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 13:23
by pikkrong
after seeing/hearing Diary Of Dreams alive a couple of years ago i'm not interested in them any more...
i've got only one album by them ("Bird Without Wings") and that's enough for me.

Posted: 08 Mar 2003, 14:43
by EricSweden
garden of delight sound kinda like fields of the nephilim but not quite as good of course.

pikkrong: why you not like diary of dreams anymore?

Posted: 09 Mar 2003, 00:53
by pikkrong
EricSweden wrote:
pikkrong: why you not like diary of dreams anymore?
from one hand it's due to their music - their latest albums are not interesting for me and from the other hand - their live seemed too lifeless for me.

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 18:18
by dee902
I'm not familiar with a lot of their material. But, what I do know (mostly from One of 18 Angels) I like.

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 19:53
by pikkrong
dee902 wrote: One of 18 Angels
that was the album i didn't accept any more.
well, different people, different views.

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 23:26
by EricSweden
their two latest are much better: freak perfume and panik manifesto. i highly recommend them.

Posted: 11 Mar 2003, 23:46
by pikkrong
EricSweden wrote:their two latest are much better: freak perfume and panik manifesto. i highly recommend them.
to be true: havn't heard them.