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Justin Sullivan in Estonia

Posted: 19 Mar 2003, 23:02
by pikkrong
I read from a newspaper today that Justin Sullivan will give 2 concerts in Estonia. And it made me sad... because both of them will be exactly this time when I'm in Berlin. The first (in my current home town) is exactly in 6th of April and the second (in my previous home town) the day later :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
Sorry, mates, I have said it more than once but I repeat it once more: New Model Army live in Tallinn 1993 is one of the most impressive gigs I ever experienced. Well, Sisters in M'era Luna last year wasn't worse and I don't regret that I'll go to see them in Berlin but still... Why good things are also in the same time? :(
And the worst thing: I've heard Sullivan has made one gig in Tallinn also a couple of years ago but I didn't knew about it before. It was in some awful club - I hate places like that.
There's only one good thing related with this - recently I read also that this festival (actually with different name but the organizer is the same) where New Model Army, P. I. L., Iggy Pop, Paradise Lost, Stranglers, Leather Nun etc have performed, will start again this summer in Tallinn.