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T' what's-the-song-game-thread

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 04:59
by eotunun
Tonight one crashed into The Yorkshire Translator site. and started trying lyrics of The Sisters in it. And thought a game with it might be fun.
These are the simple rules of the game:
-Pick some lyrics fragment
-Type it into the translator
-Hit the "Translate!"-button.
-Check the replies and who got it right is the next to post a translation.

I wanted to post this as Posh Translation, But it was toohh f*cking frightful. Heavens above! How smashing!

First is this:
It's not eur matta o' tahhm or 'a ah feel i'm twazzin off t' shada o' eur betta bloke naw

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 05:45
by EvilBastard
:notworthy: TOP FIND, sir! :notworthy:

Wor it summa' i've sez or done
tha' made 'im pack 'is bags up 'n r'un?
could it be anotha 'e's fahn'?
it's breytin up t' 'appy 'ooam.

[/kimono] :roll:

PS it's not a matter of time or how I feel, I'm throwing off the shadow of a better man now

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 15:10
by boudicca
Int' 'ea' o' t' neet
int' 'ea' o' t' day
when ah close uz een, when ah skeg thy way
when ah meet t' fear 'a' lies inside
when ah 'ear theur seh...
int' 'ea' o' t' moa
seh say seh...

Eeeee, tha's reet crackin', in t' top field etc etc.... :lol:

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 19:29
by eotunun
Glad you like it! EB, you're on target. An easy one, I admit.
Next!, please.

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 19:39
by EvilBastard
Yin 'n yang, lumba punch, goa taste eur tart then ea' uz lunch, an' force uz slenda thin 'n lean in dis solemn place o' fill wettin' dreams of black matted lace o' pregnant cows as life maps art ontoa uz brow.

Posted: 23 Jan 2008, 20:59
by Dark
Ah drove uz tracor thru thy 'aystack last neet (ooh aah ooh aah)
I threw uz pitchfork a' thy dog ta keep quiet (ooh aah ooh aah)
Na something's tellin uz tha' you'm avoidin uz
Come on naw darlin thars getten summa' ah need

Cuz ah gorreur bran' new combine 'arvesta an' ahl gi' theur t' key
Come on naw let's gerr togetha in perfect 'armony
I getten twenty acres an' theur getten forty-three
Na ah gorreur bran' new combine 'arvesta an' ahl gi' theur t' key.
