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Who's doing the saturday showing at leeds?

Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 17:43
by reverberater
I just wanted to know if any of you lot are meeting up before the gig anywhere for a few bevvies. There's four of us going from manchester early doors to get sufficiently tanked before we hit the moshpit :twisted:

Any pubs or decent places to go after the gig? I've looked on the site and it says there's an alternative music extention after the show.

1st time i've seen the sisters so i'll be ready to kick ass! 8)

Looking forward to meeting some of you guys :wink:


Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 17:58
by Quiff Boy
a few of us were thinking of meeting up for beer beforehand yes...

myself, lars, padstar and whoever else wew thought to mention it to. ;D

either myself or pads were going to get around to making it an open invite at some point.

so here you are :)

current fave pub suggestion is "the angel" - its 5 mins walk from the venue, in middle of town (up an alleyway next to dixons) and is sam smiths pub so cheap ale... :wink:

any one else care to suggest somewhere?

Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 22:30
by Dan
Quiff Boy wrote:a few of us were thinking of meeting up for beer beforehand yes...

myself, lars, padstar and whoever else wew thought to mention it to. ;D
I'm going to both nights at Leeds so count me in :)

Posted: 25 Mar 2003, 23:01
by Black Shuck
Hey, whaddayaknow, me and Whorenumber25 are also probably coming up from Manchester for the saturday gig, We'll probably pop by and say hello, I'm dying to know what you all look like! especially sexygoth

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 00:35
by RicheyJames
Quiff Boy wrote:
current fave pub suggestion is "the angel" - its 5 mins walk from the venue, in middle of town (up an alleyway next to dixons) and is sam smiths pub so cheap ale... :wink:
aaaah - the angel. lovely pub that. discovered it far too near the end of my leeds residency :(

might see ya there - if the bank manager says it's okay :?

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 09:02
by paint it black
On saturday there will be one of me

On sunday there will me three of us :)

the Angel sounds very good to me :)

and after the Saturday gig there was some talk of a "cabbage" from the Leeds posse ?

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 10:11
by Ed Rhombus
Me and Mrs Ed will be there.

The Angel is a good gaff.

The little bar man can really throw a drunk out too, very funny to watch

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 12:55
by Dan
paint it black wrote: and after the Saturday gig there was some talk of a "cabbage" from the Leeds posse ?
Cabbage ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :?: :?: :?: :?:

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 13:12
by Quiff Boy
Dan wrote:
paint it black wrote: and after the Saturday gig there was some talk of a "cabbage" from the Leeds posse ?
Cabbage ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :?: :?: :?: :?:
i wondered about that too... ?!?

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 13:35
by Ed Rhombus
I think Mister Black has been drinking again.

Either that or Leeds hospitality has really gone down hill!

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 13:36
by paint it black
Quiff Boy wrote:
Dan wrote:
paint it black wrote: and after the Saturday gig there was some talk of a "cabbage" from the Leeds posse ?
Cabbage ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? :?: :?: :?: :?:
i wondered about that too... ?!?
so was I :?:

apparently its some techno dance club open 'till 5am. Was hoping one of you Leeds folks knew where it was?

Anyway, i'll just go with the flow, or wherever my beer filled legs will allow me to go


Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 14:09
by Scardwel
paint it black wrote: and after the Saturday gig there was some talk of a "cabbage" from the Leeds posse ?
apparently its some techno dance club open 'till 5am. Was hoping one of you Leeds folks knew where it was?
Anyway, i'll just go with the flow, or wherever my beer filled legs will allow me to go
Well... I'll be staying put at Blank Canvas for the Wendy House alternative DJ thing (open til 3am) after the Saturday gig. I really can't be arsed with some wanker-ish techno night at another venue that will probably cost more than a tenner to get in... :roll:

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 14:16
by Black Shuck
What sort of music will they play? Alternative/80s?

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 14:20
by Quiff Boy
Black Shuk wrote:What sort of music will they play? Alternative/80s?
i assume so, as thats what they usually play at the wendy house :)

Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 17:12
by reverberater
Well it sounds like it's gonna be pretty rockin then! Angel's it is. Wish i could make the Murphy's night coz i always seem to miss them but i've got a big meeting on the other place that night.

Don't think i'll be wearing my winkle pickers and stetson either. :)

What's the music after the gig at the venue like? I'm all up for going to somewhere for a late one providing the music doesn't suck


Posted: 26 Mar 2003, 17:24
by Quiff Boy
the music after the gig at the venue is provided by the djs from "the phono" and "the wendy house", both alternative/80s/goth clubs, so expect the usual mix of industrial/goth/indie/whatever that you normally find at those kind of clubs these days...

and by teh way, its "the angel" beforehand - not angel's! ;) :D

its a pub, not a dodgy club! LOL! a trivial detail, but important if you're ever going to find us! :urff: :D :D

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 18:18
by Jim
The Angel!

Splendid. I may drop by.

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 20:46
by reverberater
Really looking forward to it now :D Please be gentle on two of my friends as they are insistent that "The other guys" are much better

PS In the pit for Alice Quiffy? :twisted:

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 21:24
by Ed Rhombus
reverberater wrote:Don't think i'll be wearing my winkle pickers and stetson either. :)
I shall be wearing one of my hats as always (Not Stetson as that's a brand, but hand made by a man in Fort Worth who's granddad worked for Stetson... I digress)

However my blue pointy boots with probably be banned by Mrs Ed.

Life is unfair!

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 12:02
by Scardwel
Ed Rhombus wrote:However my blue pointy boots with probably be banned by Mrs Ed. Life is unfair!
But at least Mrs Ed lets you wear those yellow DM's! :P

(got the Bristol/Stroud photos developed btw... check your mail!)

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 12:11
by Black Shuck
Scardwel wrote:
But at least Mrs Ed lets you wear those yellow DM's! :P
8) 8) 8)
I didn't know anyone still wore brightly coloured doc Martens! RESPECT!

Posted: 31 Mar 2003, 14:13
by reverberater
Looking highly likely i'll be attending the Academy gig also. Shame it's on a wednesday otherwise we could have all piled in Rockworld which with the reinstated DJ you get loads of Sisters.

Needs a thread the wednesday one too Quiffster :wink:

Posted: 31 Mar 2003, 16:05
by Carrie
I *don't* let him wear those bloody boots, it's just a compromise we've worked out that if he gets to wear the boots, he stops stealing my underwear. Which frankly looks darn silly on him! :twisted:

Angel sounds cool, except a) it'll be packed, b) the out-of-town contingent will NEVER, ever find it...ah well, I'm sure it'll all work out! :)

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 18:56
by Erudite
I'll be down for both shows and the Smurphs on Friday.
And hopefully (see Amsterdam post) I'll keep my head
and avoid any foolishness this time.

Posted: 02 Apr 2003, 11:30
by sam donut
I'll be going on the Saturday night too. Hooray!