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Happy B-Day for Ganith and jenzi-benzi

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 17:04
by redfish666



have a nice one!

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 19:38
by pikkrong
Happy B-Day (again) 8)
Happy B-Day 8)

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 21:08
by Dimehart
Hippy Burstday to both!

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 00:51
by Andy TG
Happy Birthdays and Many Happy Returns Of The Day* to the both of yous!

* Does anyone actually know what this phrase means?

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 06:08
by 6FeetOver
Bappy Hirthday, kids! Don't forget to share all of the sordid details of your birthday antics with us!!! Muahahaha!!! ;) :D

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 15:12
by rian
Sorry I'm late :oops: but.....

I hope that the both of you had a great one

Posted: 01 Apr 2003, 15:26
by Master Margarita
AndyTheGoth wrote:Happy Birthdays and Many Happy Returns Of The Day* to the both of yous!

* Does anyone actually know what this phrase means?
May you have many happy days. I.e. may they return again and again. Think cruise missiles over Baghdad. Or trips to toilet after having a tomato soup at the Lake Palace in Udaipur.