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'New'version of SSV

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 22:45
by Lars Svensson
Heads-Up from t'other list...

It appears that a new version of SSV could be about to appear according to the official site:

"If you really must have a copy, be advised that some US independent distributor (previous candidates need not apply) might soon be distributing a much better version of the SSV album, with drums. It's still not the Sisters, and it's still a very perverse techno record, but it's a whole lot better than East West's version."

(This info @:

Just FYI of course..Wonder if this will be moved to General Chat as it's not 'officially' *hem hem* Sisters product... :twisted:


Re: 'New'version of SSV

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 22:49
by Dimehart
Maybe "The Shysters of Money" would be more adequate...

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 23:08
by Gary
That information has been their for quite a long time, and is hardly new.
I recall seeing it when the site was first launched.. and im pretty sure i didnt just imagine it.. although that is possible :roll:

Gary :von:

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 23:09
by Quiff Boy
Gary wrote:That information has been their for quite a long time, and is hardly new.
I recall seeing it when the site was first launched.. and im pretty sure i didnt just imagine it.. although that is possible :roll:

Gary :von:
i dont remember seeing the last part before... about the re-release :?:

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 23:14
by Gary
Nah im pretty sure i rmember the bit about a release, but like i said.. i could be wrong. im sure if it had been released they would have told us... more money for eldo's bachelor pad after all...

Posted: 27 Mar 2003, 23:30
by Dimehart
Gary wrote:more money for eldo's bachelor pad after all...
As said, The Shysters of Money that is :lol:

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 07:55
by hallucienate
I'm with Gary here, I think that page has been around a while.

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 15:07
by Petseri
Under Page Info, the page appears to have been last updated on 8 February 2000. Would anyone really want to doctor that? Elsewhere, a little time travel devise also shows the page being there by at least 6 March 2001.


Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 15:11
by hallucienate
Petseri wrote:Under Page Info, the page appears to have been last updated on 8 February 2000. Would anyone really want to doctor that? Elsewhere, a little time travel devise also shows the page being there by at least 6 March 2001.

woohoo, my brain isn't complete mush yet.

Posted: 28 Mar 2003, 17:23
by Jim
Nah, it's always been there - definitely.

Not that anyone was sad enough to save the whole site to cd a couple of years back or anything.
