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Biodynamics - So, what's it all about then?

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 16:40
by reactiv8
Reading an article in my latest copy of Badger News, I chanced upon an article about Biodynamics and Bovine Tuberculosis by a very enlightened farmer and his wife in Dorset ( ... Ok, as it happens, I am actually Vegan for what it is worth (currently munching some Oatcakes too - yummy!), but I was fascinated to read about a type of farming which is another quantum leap, on from just Organic! For those who don't know, Biodynamics is about 'whole' farming - i.e. the air, the water and of course the soil, without polluting it with industrial processes and chemicals ... Makes sense really, and it is a concept which we should support I reckon. Big businesses behind the industrialisation of agriculture don't like it of course, and initially neither do consumers either because the food is more expensive (until they taste the results)! Environmentalists and wildlife however think it is an excellent idea, and wiser politicians embrace it too - the practices are much more labour intensive, but hey this provides employment!

In Blighty and Eire, Badgers are currently being singled out for blame in the rise of Bovine Tuberculosis (with systematic extermination in the Republic), when in fact they are totally innocent (as well as being cute too of course!). BTB is the result of bad farming done on the cheap, to provide second rate and cheap food for ignorant consumers browsing the freezers in their local supermarkets. Wouldn't we all prefer to see 'proper' farms again, with happy animals and people providing tasty food, rather than industrial units in faceless hangars? Wouldn't some of us prefer to work on such farms too rather than screwing widgets together in a factory? (It is alright for those of you lucky enough to earn your living as graphic designers, but not all of us are so fortunate)

So, what has all of this to do with TSOM? Well, not much really, but as we are all (well mostly) intelligent and caring people, we want a future for us and our 'kinder' ... ? Not surprisingly our friends in Germany and Italy lead the way here - Rudolph Steiner invented it after all (another good idea he came up with on his tea break!) ...

So, do any Heartlanders have a Biodynamic farm next door I wonder? Perhaps they work on one? Does the grub taste any good? Is it worth it? Or should we just eat Chicken McNuggets (or whatever they are called), washed down with Diet Coke, whilst watching our countryside turn into a Wasteland???

Rock On Peeps - We are what we eat after all, eh? :innocent:

(Pardon my use of colloquialisms and euphemisms, but see this as an exercise in 'developing' your English if you like? ...)

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:34
by 6FeetOver
I actually toyed with the notion of "WWOOFing" over in the UK/EU after my application for a British passport was rejected last year. I dunno if I'm cut out for that kind of manual labo(u)r on a full-time basis...though I did work on a PGA Championship golf crew many summers ago, which involved everything from heavy-duty landscaping to light construction. Hmmm...

Re: Biodynamics - So, what's it all about then?

Posted: 17 Feb 2008, 19:36
by 6FeetOver
reactiv8 wrote:...people providing tasty food...
Like Soylent Green? :innocent: :lol:

Posted: 18 Feb 2008, 03:25
by reactiv8
SINsister wrote:I actually toyed with the notion of "WWOOFing" over in the UK/EU after my application for a British passport was rejected last year. I dunno if I'm cut out for that kind of manual labo(u)r on a full-time basis...though I did work on a PGA Championship golf crew many summers ago, which involved everything from heavy-duty landscaping to light construction. Hmmm...
Lots of golf courses in Surrey where I used to live if you really want to do that? - I'm sure we could arrange something ... My buddy PP lives right next door to a very exclusive one!

Re: your rejection - see elsewhere ... I just don't get it though, why my government should discourage you of all people?! I won't go on about it here though, as my comments would not be construed as politically correct (or worse) ...

Seems like there are not many takers for Biodynamics here? - Shame really, 'cos I thought Badgers with their nocturnal habits were quite like four-legged Heartlanders?! - They are secretive, but very social animals that groove about in their underground clubs ...